O-rings are in!
I will start packaging up 0-rings and grease this weekend.
Send me a private message c/w your name and shipping address as well as $55.00 CDN or USD payment to: warren.woodcox@telus.net
Is paypal ok?
Why do you guys even think about repairing the bloddy old unit. The new one shortens braking-distances significantly. It's well worth the (high) amount of $$$:
The Honda braking system is far inferior from today point of view.
Why do you guys even think about repairing the bloddy old unit. The new one shortens braking-distances significantly. It's well worth the (high) amount of $$$:
The Honda braking system is far inferior from today point of view.
Why do you guys even think about repairing the bloddy old unit.
I just wanted to report I've successfully overhauled and re-built the ALB Modulator in my '91 Project car using Warren's Seal & Grease OH kit. Unit tested and working perfectly. Was tricky to bleed the system without the use of the lower bleeder and the special bleeder tool, but managed to get it done with some ingenuity.
You can read about it here starting at post#33:http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=164964&page=2
Thanks for the great writeup and feedback. Your modulator didn't really look that bad! I have seen some that were so contaminated they couldn't be cleaned or rebuilt. You did a great job! You gota love how tight those hex bolt are! I warned you! Glad I could help keep one more NSX on the road!
While you're at it, why not replace those two basic brake fluid hoses on the modulator with something that not only looks good but outperforms the stock hoses it came with. Al T.
P.S. Both hoses are rebuildable if that should ever be needed. All parts to build these came from Earl's except for two fittings.