ABS/ALB modulator rebuild write up

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PM sent, thanks Warren.
O-rings are in!
I will start packaging up 0-rings and grease this weekend.
Send me a private message c/w your name and shipping address as well as $55.00 CDN or USD payment to: warren.woodcox@telus.net

Thats great news... PM Sent Warren.

save me a set :biggrin::biggrin:

i will paypal you this next sunday....currently on vacations away from home.

I am limiting rebuild kits to 1991 and 1992 cars. There may have been a modulator change in 1993 to a second generation modulator change in North America, and I cannot guarantee the o-rings are the same size for cars later than 1992. I have checked the modulator part numbers and there is no change from 91 - 99, but I need more information to 100% sure.

If your modulator looks like the first picture below, you have the modulator my o-ring kit will work with. (identified mostly by the reservoir shape.) Please see my ABS rebuild document, to ensure your modulator is the same.
http://www3.telus.net/public/warshan/Cars/NSX/ABS/ACURA NSX ABS mod rebuld_v06.pdf

If your modulator looks like the second picture, please do not ask me for an o-ring kit at this time.

If your modulator looks like this (reference reservoir shape) order the o-ring kit.

Picture source: NSXCB UserID: Kaz

possible second generation modulator

Picture source: NSXCB UserID: Kaz
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PM sent. Thanks Warren!
For you '93-up owners and people that don't want to DIY, there is another option for modulator rebuilds. I recently had the same problem on a G2 ('91-95) Legend which has a similar ABS system and sent my modulator to SIA Electronics in Tilden, IL (http://www.siaelec.com/index.aspx). They rebuilt it for $250, which included all of the steps that Warren has included in his write-up, one day turnaround and returned in a sealed bag with a desiccant pouch. The only caveat is that after installation, you have to take the unit out on a wet street or gravel parking lot to "exercise" the solenoids or at least one will stick and cause a high-pressure leak out of the top of the ABS reservoir.

Just thought I'd throw that out there for those of you looking for another option. I just know that I'd be leery of tearing apart a modulator 'cause when it comes to electronic or hydraulic parts, I can screw up a wet dream.
Thanks for the heads up Warren, good thing I have a '91 8-)
Why do you guys even think about repairing the bloddy old unit. The new one shortens braking-distances significantly. It's well worth the (high) amount of $$$:

The Honda braking system is far inferior from today point of view.

I totally agree that the SOS upgrade is the number one solution for an ailing ABS system. It has value, shortens stopping distance and is maintenance free.

Rebuilding a 1st generation ABS-ALB system is one alternate lower cost solution to keeping these cars on the road.
Why do you guys even think about repairing the bloddy old unit. The new one shortens braking-distances significantly. It's well worth the (high) amount of $$$:

The Honda braking system is far inferior from today point of view.

I have both a '91 and '00 with the newer system. I do agree with you the newer is way better in terms of performance, size etc. I do plan on doing the DIY route first my project car which is gen1 and was working correctly at the time of removal, but while its out figure it would be a good time to service it.

If you can fix the old by cleaning and new seals & grease for $55 + your labour then I'd go that route first then consider the SOS kit at ~$2.2k + labour cost to do the swap to gen2/3/4. Most people will pull the fuse & disable the ALB and stare at the warning light, instead of shelling out the cash to fix something they didn't or barely used to begin with. I should also add of which most likely started failing because it wasn't being used or exercised to begin with?

Waiting for my rebuild kit seals & grease to show up, want to thank Warren for doing all this leg work and sharing the DIY for all of us to benefit. :biggrin:
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payment sent....

yes, a new style ABS would be nice, but the price is prohibitive at the moment
Why do you guys even think about repairing the bloddy old unit.

One reason to keep the original ABS system is for its history. The NSX was the first production car in the world with an aluminum chassis, titanium connecting rods, and a four-channel ABS system. Since NSXs are becoming classic cars, it’s nice to keep some of the original differentiating features in place even if more modern solutions are technically better.
thanks for all the research you did on this. the pics and information are priceless. looking forward to receiving the kit even though mine is a '94. i'll try reusing the 8 solenoid o-rings and if possible, finding them locally.
either way, it'll be cleaned and rebuilt.

I just wanted to report I've successfully overhauled and re-built the ALB Modulator in my '91 Project car using Warren's Seal & Grease OH kit. Unit tested and working perfectly. Was tricky to bleed the system without the use of the lower bleeder and the special bleeder tool, but managed to get it done with some ingenuity.

You can read about it here starting at post#33:http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=164964&page=2
I just wanted to report I've successfully overhauled and re-built the ALB Modulator in my '91 Project car using Warren's Seal & Grease OH kit. Unit tested and working perfectly. Was tricky to bleed the system without the use of the lower bleeder and the special bleeder tool, but managed to get it done with some ingenuity.

You can read about it here starting at post#33:http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=164964&page=2

Thanks for the great writeup and feedback. Your modulator didn't really look that bad! I have seen some that were so contaminated they couldn't be cleaned or rebuilt. You did a great job! You gota love how tight those hex bolt are! I warned you! Glad I could help keep one more NSX on the road!
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Thanks for the great writeup and feedback. Your modulator didn't really look that bad! I have seen some that were so contaminated they couldn't be cleaned or rebuilt. You did a great job! You gota love how tight those hex bolt are! I warned you! Glad I could help keep one more NSX on the road!

No, No thank you Warren for doing all the grunt work of finding proper seals with Deamar, and red Castrol grease. Yes my ALB unit was working but was sitting for 4yrs with no useage, so figured since i'm re-building the car I'd might as well OH it.

The old seals came out pretty clean, I'm positive they could have been cleaned, re-oiled, and reused if need be. Oh yes those bolts are a pita for sure but managed to get them all out cleanly. I've got another one to re-build that is in worse condition than mine, we'll see how that one turns out after.

I just got more o-rings in to provide more kits for 1991 - 1992 NSX ABS modulators.

There has been great success in rebuilding the '91 - '92 ABS modulators using this kit. I have only heard of one system that could not be rebuilt due to the very bad corrosion in the modulator

I have enough for about 30 kits. Not sure I am going to continue this after these are gone..

Please PM me with your PayPal and mailing address if you need to rebuild your 1991 - 1992 ABS modulator.
$55.00 USD or $55.00CDN
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While you're at it, why not replace those two basic brake fluid hoses on the modulator with something that not only looks good but outperforms the stock hoses it came with. Al T.

P.S. Both hoses are rebuildable if that should ever be needed. All parts to build these came from Earl's except for two fittings.

I hope that the pressure line from the pump to the modulator was tested to 5000 psi. The system runs at 4800psi.
Well Brad since these came off my old modulator/accumulator unit when I upgraded to the newer style, and had been running for 2+ years without any problems, I feel safe they meet the needs of the system. It definitely is as good as the original hose was if not better. Still a great upgrade in looks and performance for such a low price.

It's too bad Honda decided to raise their price so high for the newer style ABS modulator assembly. Before they did, S.O.S.'s upgrade kit was a great way to get rid of a maintenance issue with the older units and also provide much better performance when it was needed. At least you still have a possible way to repair your old units if they haven't been damaged too severely through corrosion and such. I only wish that someone out there would have let me know if they wanted my old unit before I chucked it to the recycle yard. I'm sure it would have made a good spare.

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