A or B ??

Andy, I'm just as warped and think of so many of these weird situational thoughts on occassion. Its not because I have problems, its just something to ponder on with a twisted angle of curiousity. That being said...

I would put on a costume mirroring my favority comic book hero. Maybe Spider Man or BatMan (basically someone that could MIGHT really exist...well..BatMan,..not SpiderMan.) So anyway, I would tip the police off from a payphone as a hot tip that the murderer of my good friend is talking about the murder and playing with the murder weapon.

Then I would create evidence that makes the murderer guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt, visit him/her, break one knee so that the damage could never be fixed, tie them up, take a polaroid of myself standing next to the tied up criminal in my BatMan suit, then take off minutes before the police arrive, leaving the murder weapon, the criminal tied up, and the polaroid.
I would cut their middle leg off and put it in their a$$. Let them lay there for awhile, maybe slice their face up and then call an ambulance. That way they suffer much more than just killing them.
Yeah, about six nice box knife cuts across the face...not too deep though......

aw heck..whynot expand on that thought....... put paper cuts all over their body...start with the ears..make em pinstriped.....put one right down the middle of their forehead...

but I would imagine that after a while...their entire body would become numb from the shock... (shrug)
heh...posed the same question to a friend of mine and he said the following...

"I would sew their azzhole shut (I'd superglue it) and feed them cole slaw and baked beans all day." :D
Not An Option

Please carefully re-read my posts.....option C is not an option, only A and B.
This topic is not about fun. Re-read one of my posts in this thread and "place yourself in my shoes".....I think you'll agree that topics of this nature are serious. Now if you think this is "fun", you are an even more warped individual than I am. And that is twisted. :eek:
Having suffered a half dozen knee operations some back in the slice and dice days I would go with A kneecap them, this is because you stated ONLY two choices heres my third:
Having suffered a half dozen knee operations some back in the slice and dice days I would go with A kneecap them, this is because you stated ONLY two choices heres my third:

Badkarma for that person


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In my profession, the honorable thing is {B} - kill him.

If it was somebody close to me, I would first mess 'em up but since there is no {C} option, I'd shoot him once in the liver with a .45 or .50 to mess up his guts -- slow but certain death.

You must give a man time to repent before meeting his maker.
AndyVecsey said:
This topic is not about fun. Re-read one of my posts in this thread and "place yourself in my shoes".....I think you'll agree that topics of this nature are serious.

If you are truely serious about this, then you are not very smart. Posting you are going to kill someone on an internet message board before you do it? Why don't you just send the police a note...
Smarter Than You

Ok Eric, somebody (and it sure ain't me) needs reading lessons.....go back and CAREFULLY re-read my posts where I CLEARLY state that I would never pull the trigger, I am simply asking what other people THINK. Jeez, why can't people follow instructions? :rolleyes: Yeah right, I'm stupid enough to announce that I would commit M and announce it to the world. :rolleyes:
AndyVecsey said:

The man was found guilty and executed.

Eric, as the guy was already executed by the state I think it would be a difficult task to 'off' him twice, unless you find his reincarnation but you would have to travel to tibet,nepal, or china for that:D :D
Eric5273 said:
You're spoiling all the fun... :p :p :p

Whats fun about that

For someone that is offended by wallpaper w/a F-16 and making a dramitic leap from the NSX to "death & war" in a past thread to something that another member including myself have suffered w/in the past and present. I believe it best that your take more time by reading what Andy had posted instead of what you have responded. For the most part this forum is light hearted, recreational and informative. We do engauge in serious thought and tough questions from time to time, which is what this topic is about b/c some people can offer help and/or guidence with real life situations or maybe they want to express a ?

As a new member you are free to post what you may within some bounds that have been established in this forum, however you must learn the difference between the light hearted and serious and respond accordingly.:)
BadCarma said:
Eric, as the guy was already executed by the state I think it would be a difficult task to 'off' him twice, unless you find his reincarnation but you would have to travel to tibet,nepal, or china for that:D :D

Oops......I must have missed that post...sorry...

In my opinion both A and B have their advantages as well as drawbacks. You could argue that shooting him in the knee would negatively affect him for the rest of his life but in actuality that also gives him the opportunity to continue to enjoy life. Or you could argue that killing him would end his life early without much suffering but his mother, father, sister, brother, wife, etc will all endure the pain of knowing that their son, husband, father was murdered.

I guess if you had this type of choice, going one step further and
figuring out what meant more to this individual and taking that away from the individual might help.
Thank You

In my opinion both A and B have their advantages as well as drawbacks......I guess if you had this type of choice, going one step further and figuring out what meant more to this individual and taking that away from the individual might help.

Bravo!! Probably the best response to my hypothetical question.....with a genuine answer. Just as I was beginning to wonder if this thread may result in some sort of answer, it did. Thanks, Ennesssex
I hope this was really some kind an intellectual hypothetic situational excercise in some major college degree chase in hopes of finding out what the human mind may really do when caught up in such a dramatic mind altering situation that may have hit so close to home, and to see if the brain would function instinctively through anger or logically through thought while over coming the emotional x-factor.

I mean, theres nothing wrong with your post at all Mr.Vecsey, but to post something like that, then to get upset at all the variances in the kinds of answers provided would make many people wonder if YOU yourself were in this situation (which you stated you were not one to just off someone) or if this was some kind of meaningful excercise challenged to you from someone else.

But to follow your strict guildelines, I would have to just shoot the culprit dead and heres why:

I would rather take the life of someone who took a life of someone close to me, away from me. I'd rather get the empty satisfaction of knowing that I somehow avenged such a close death as that seems to be the human instinct. By shooting this person in the knee cap, even knowing they would never commit another crime is not enough. Because while I can no longer talk to my dearest friend, this culprit, nomatter how much he/she may limp around, will still get to walk around, communicate, and breath the very air and live the very life that my deceased friend cannot live. He/she took mine, I am going to take his/hers. And if someone ends up taking me to avenge the life that I took myself in my own act of revenge, then thats the fate and risk that I knowingly took when I decided to take the law in my own hands.

However, the real deciding factor itself if the situation was never computed in. And that is, at least the way I see it, what was the criminal doing when they took the life of the person close to you? Was it in cold blood with no motive possibly meaning this killer had nothing to lose? Or was it in some petty stupid armed robbery? Or was it that the criminal may have just committed a crime, and was on the getaway, when inadvertantly (sp?) your close friend became an unplanned death by the criminal because he/she may have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time possibly catching a stray bullett not even intended for your friend or possibly being a victim of a hit-and-run during a high speed chase in which the criminal escaped? Murder in cold blood, I would return the deed. Someone that has nothing to lose cant be hurt, only stopped. But if it was hit and run, stray bullet, whatever, then despite doing the crime, chances are, your friend was far from an intended death and though still a criminal, I'm sure there are definite remorse issues. With that being said, maybe cap em in the knee, and make sure they are found to be arrested and sent to prison. (X-Factor = the nature of the initial crime in which your friend lost his/her life)
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I mean, theres nothing wrong with your post at all Mr. Vecsey, but to post something like that, then to get upset.....

I never got upset at the various answers. I did get annoyed at one post because the person made an incorrect assumption about my actions, because he did not clearly read one of my previous posts.

.....or if this was some kind of meaningful excercise challenged to you from someone else.

I do believe this thread is meaningful, because it forces people to really think about what would be their reaction if they are thrust into a situation such as this. No, I was not challenged on this topic by another person.....as I mentioned further up in a post by me, I have been thinking about "A or B" for several years, now.

BTW, good post from you as well.
well, its a good situational thing to think about....and nomatter the nature of the initial post, it does in fact (when viewed seriously) make people wonder exactly what one might really do if put in the situation.

AndyVecsey said:
I did get annoyed at one post because the person made an incorrect assumption about my actions, because he did not clearly read one of my previous posts.

I do appologize for missing that post. I guess I don't really believe in revenge. I believe that the purpose of the Criminal Justice system is to make society better by removing harmful people from the streets and trying to rehabilitate them if possible. When rehabilitation is not possible, then they can spend their entire life behind bars. But not because we are punishing them, but because it's best for society that they not be free on the street to commit another crime. I don't think the purpose should be to punish them, as they are obviously not well or else they would not have committed such a crime (I do not think a person who is mentally well kills and rapes a young girl). In my opinion, revenge is a barbaric emotional rage that is on the same level as the crime originally commited itself. In my very limited experience of speaking to people who have been through any such ordeal, rarely does revenge or seeing the criminal suffer make them feel any better for their loss. Initially they think it will make them feel better, but usually afterwards they feel even worse.