A or B ??

Yellow Rose

22 November 2001
Kinda on the "dark side" but happens more often than we know. Hypothetical situation with only two choices. Criminal kills somebody close to you. Let’s say you are a vigilante and take matters into your own hands, do not get caught (ever) and can live with your conscience. Ignore all legal ramifications towards you and any potential lawsuit against you from the criminal or their family. To avenge the wrongful act, would you shoot them in the kneecap or would you shoot them dead? Before you answer, here is a non-negotiable premise. If you let the person live, they will never harm again. Ever. Period. They may still harbor dirty thoughts but will only display clean actions. I would knee cap the person for two simple reasons - (a) with every walking step they take for the rest of their life, they will be painfully reminded of their wrong deed and (b) death to them is taking the easy way out because after the millisecond of pain as the bullet enters their body, the criminal feels nothing...no pain, no remorse, no life, no nothing. It’s a cruel world, ain’t it?
Wow.......you are truly a warped individual. :eek:

How about hanging them up-side-down by their pinky toes and 50 straps with a wet noodle? :p
Tough question. My natural instinct would be to kill them. They don't deserve to live, as life and time on this earth is too precious! But the right thing would probably to shoot them in the knee, or leg, or inbetween the legs! :p
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I'd shoot them in the kees and hope they bleed to death. You don't have call 911 right?
If someone ever killed someone I loved and cared about, they would be in alot more pain than a shot to the kneecap. No, I would NOT kill them. I would make them live with the worse possible scenario.

So, I think you should probably stab them in the groin with an ice pick, or maybe cut off a foot, hand, ear, arm, lips, nose, or something like that...not that you're really going to or anything ;)
NSX FoYoAss said:
Tough question. My natural instinct would be to kill them. They don't deserve to live, as life and time on this earth is too precious! But the right thing would probably to shot them in the knee, or leg, or inbetween the legs! :p
Interesting quotes coming from Texas, the nation's busiest capital punishment state that has executed 232 people since 1982, when the state resumed carrying out death sentences. Over half the executions -- 145 -- have come under Gov. George W. Bush's more than 5 1/2 years in office.
Sometimes I think they need to stop trying to sound politically correct and just change the name of the "Dept. of Correction" to the "Dept. of Punishment" since it appears that most people think that should be its purpose anyway. :confused:

But back to the subject at hand, perhaps you should tie him to the back bumper of your NSX and go for a highway drive. That seems to be a popular way of dealing with such people in TX. :eek:
AKUDOU said:
Interesting quotes coming from Texas, the nation's busiest capital punishment state that has executed 232 people since 1982, when the state resumed carrying out death sentences. Over half the executions -- 145 -- have come under Gov. George W. Bush's more than 5 1/2 years in office.

So? whats your point? Capital punishment has been argued for years and years and we won't prove anything by arguing it here, but some of us believe in an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. You kill someone then you've taken away your right to live. No debating, thats just my views. i'm sure you have and are entitled to your own! :)
Brian2by2 said:
So? whats your point? Capital punishment has been argued for years and years and we won't prove anything by arguing it here, but some of us believe in an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. You kill someone then you've taken away your right to live. No debating, thats just my views. i'm sure you have and are entitled to your own! :)
Just a fact Jack
Brian2by2 said:
So? whats your point? Capital punishment has been argued for years and years and we won't prove anything by arguing it here, but some of us believe in an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. You kill someone then you've taken away your right to live. No debating, thats just my views. i'm sure you have and are entitled to your own! :)

I agree with 2b2. I wouldn't retalliate unless I saw the act with my own eyes either. If enough evidence is found, I would let the law deal with him. If he is attacking me, that would be another matter.
I like the question... I am sure it would be hard to outright kill someone (A) unless it was a heat of the moment thing :mad: , so I would tend to lean toward B, but only if I can use the gun of my choice ... i.e. something along the lines of a Desert Eagle .50 with Black Talons...
April the 5th of 2001 a good friend of mine was leaving work from the local trucking company he had worked at for 20 years. Driving his truck out of the parking lot as he did every day, a few blocks later another car going the other direction threw a 2" trailer hitch ball out their window striking my friend in the head and killing him. Loyde was a good man, a brother in Christ to me and someone I was close with. The person that did this has never been caught, witnesses, artist sketches, TV, reward funds and the work of the police have not brought this person to justice.

In my mind I think of what I would do or say to this person if I had the chance. You bet the thoughts have entered my mind, but the one thing that it comes to is what can I do to this person that could ever be any worse than what happens to this person as they have to live with themself, was it a careless acident on their part thats eating them alive already. If they are the kind of person that just doesn't care, if so they at the end of their life will have the ultimate responsability to answer for those actions and pay the eternal price.

To answer A or B I cannot. I will let the Lord do that in his time, not mine. It is an interesting question you raise !
Tom Larkins said:
You bet the thoughts have entered my mind, but the one thing that it comes to is what can I do to this person that could ever be any worse than what happens to this person as they have to live with themself

Ever read the novel "Crime and Punishment"?
Shoot him in the knee caps, beat the crap out of him, sell the movie rights, build a full race NSX and spend the movie money running all the tracks of the world.................
AndyVecsey said:
Kinda on the "dark side" but happens more often than we know. Hypothetical situation with only two choices. Criminal kills somebody close to you. Let’s say you are a vigilante and take matters into your own hands................... So what you are saying is that you give two choices of taking the law in your own hands, dosent seem to make you any better than the criminal. In almost all of civilized society, counterattack is not legal. If you catch someone burglarizing your home, it's not legal for you to follow them home and shoot them. If you're being blackmailed by someone, turning around and blackmailing him back is just as illegal as the first crime...counterattack is wrong, both legally and morally. Vigilante justice is wrong, both legally and morally. Victims of attack are allowed to defend themselves, but they're not allowed to take the law into their own hands and attack back. That's why we have police.
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So what you are saying is that you give two choices of taking the law in your own hands, doesn't seem to make you any better than the criminal.

Let me re-position myself and make a couple of things clear. I have only owned two firearms in my life. One was a 270 for a deer lease that never panned out. It was later customized by Kleingunther (he invented the recoil arrestor for the US Army's helicopter machine guns) and converted to a bench rifle with his special ammo. My best ever is three bullets in the same hole at 100 yds. Most game hunters don't shoot an entire box of bullets in a season.....the year I was into bench shooting, I shot over twenty boxes of bullets! Like a dumbass I sold the gun. The other firearm is a shotgun that I used to compete in clay tournaments with. It now gathers dust in the closet as a home protection device.

As much of a sarcastic asshole that I often am, I am a 100% wuss when it comes to shooting an animal, let alone a person. I wasn't asking the question from a vigilante-performing-the-act standpoint. I was asking more along the lines if people believe in "eye for an eye" (death to the criminal) or inducing physical pain to remind him of the misdeed. Additionally, you'll note that in my original post I made no reference to letting the justice system or devine power decide the outcome of the criminal's fate. On a personal level I would leave fate to these two entities. I was simply asking if these two entities did not act out their natural course (pretend they don't exist for this thread), how would people prefer the criminal be dealt with?
Andy, I can't understand why you came up with this post!

Because "A vs B" has been on my mind for many years. My wife's sister was raped and murdered at the tender age of 14. This was long before I met my wife. The man was found guilty and executed. We often engage in "debate" on how things could've been hypothetically handled in a society that would accept vigilantes. While she is the sweetest person in the world, she actually endorses "B" and understandable so, while I endorse "A". She understands my point of view and I understand hers. Like I said, I am not a vigilante in the sense that I'm actually gonna pull the trigger, it is the thought of performing A or B that I was asking.

Is it too many crime movies and or video games.

See above and I don't play video games.
it is the thought of performing A or B that I was asking.
Andy Now I understand the reason for the post, by the way I don't play video games either but one is out there (Playstation Games... Vigalante) I haven't been confronted with such a heinous crime such as your wife has so it is hard for me to comprehend the anguish.God bless you both.