A hint that the new NSX will actually happen

1. I agree - I must own a 911 turbo S someday (its on my list)
2. You MUST drive the R8 before saying you wouldn't buy one.

Its.... different than any of the other exotics I have driven, and it really does warrant a test drive. Surely not everyone will feel the way I did, but most will. Yes, audis may be expensive to maintain.

My anger with Acura ends at the service department- No question the maintenance is superior there. The customer experience is amazing. Even in my TLs I felt like the most important person in the world when I came in for service - and the bill was never crazy. When I come with the NSX it seems the white glove treatment.. giving me a TL Type SH Tech navi (not their normal loaner). and they proudly parked it in front of the showroom for everyone to look at. Asked me if it was okay to show people the car.. gotta love that ego-stroking huh? :)

captainjman -- I don't know nature of your medical situation (not asking) but whatever it is hope you get better soon. Yes, I'm sure if I drove the R8 the wheels would start turning, so to speak -- let me see now....unload my /94 NSX that has less than 30K miles for 35K or thereabouts, find a spare 20K or so (not sure where -- LOL), finance 30K or so -- there, I have 85K to play with! Thus, I will keep a respectful distance from the local Audi dealer -- LOL. As for your observations about the Acura service dept I have had a similar experience since buying my first TL in 2000. Its actually a pleasure to get my /06 TL and the NSX serviced which is incomprehensible to my friends with Bimmers and Audis some of whom have told me that they are treated rather poorly (at the BMW dealer in particular) -- weird -- spend all that dough on a Bimmer and shabby treatment? No thanks.
captainjman -- I don't know nature of your medical situation (not asking) but whatever it is hope you get better soon. Yes, I'm sure if I drove the R8 the wheels would start turning, so to speak -- let me see now....unload my /94 NSX that has less than 30K miles for 35K or thereabouts, find a spare 20K or so (not sure where -- LOL), finance 30K or so -- there, I have 85K to play with! Thus, I will keep a respectful distance from the local Audi dealer -- LOL. As for your observations about the Acura service dept I have had a similar experience since buying my first TL in 2000. Its actually a pleasure to get my /06 TL and the NSX serviced which is incomprehensible to my friends with Bimmers and Audis some of whom have told me that they are treated rather poorly (at the BMW dealer in particular) -- weird -- spend all that dough on a Bimmer and shabby treatment? No thanks.

When I had my 530i - I got very good treatment from the dealer. So all dealers aren't created equal. As to the Acura Dealer - mmmmmm- I was impressed with their willingness and niceness but their experience level with the ABS was POOP! When my ABS light came on - I took it to them cause they said bring it in and we'll get it up on a lift and check it out. Oh yeah - they checked it out ok and the service recommended was REPLACEMENT to the tune of 5k - RIGHTTTTTT! Not happnin - then I heard from my good pal Eiffel - our independant - and on par with the knowledge of barn man or Larry B - great guy - FIXED it for $150 bucks....no problems since! So there are different experiences with dealers. Personally I would rather not go to a dealer - not when we have Eiffel's Place here in Atlanta!

But they are nice enough to go regular maintenance like an oil change and give you a loaner. Ok that's my wife and it's convenient to her - no complaints there. But if there was anything serious or requiring more than a routine check it would go to Eiffel. AND no I don't own any stock in Eifflel's Place. :biggrin:
Tim, I didn't mean to make a sweeping generalization regarding BMW dealers -- good and bad everywhere and with every make of car. Here in my area there is very little competition since there are only 2 BMW dealers in a greater metropolitan area that has a population of many millions. And yes, some of the Acura dealers just don't know the NSX all that well. I'm fortunate that I'm good friends with the lead long time tech at the local Acura dealer and he's the only guy there that touches NSXs. Having said that, if I were proximate to Larry B, Eiffel or Barnman I certainly would patronize them as they for sure have NSX expertise far beyond most techs at the dealers.

Tim, I didn't mean to make a sweeping generalization regarding BMW dealers -- good and bad everywhere and with every make of car. Here in my area there is very little competition since there are only 2 BMW dealers in a greater metropolitan area that has a population of many millions. And yes, some of the Acura dealers just don't know the NSX all that well. I'm fortunate that I'm good friends with the lead long time tech at the local Acura dealer and he's the only guy there that touches NSXs. Having said that, if I were proximate to Larry B, Eiffel or Barnman I certainly would patronize them as they for sure have NSX expertise far beyond most techs at the dealers.


Knew that - I was really kind of agreeing with you and adding to what your said. I know what you meant....all good.
