A hint that the new NSX will actually happen

15 March 2010
Chicago Area (northside burb)
I was on the Acura.com site and saw a section called "owner stories". I decided to write one up with specific wording and see if it got approved. The fact my story was approved, with the specific reference to "it is time" regarding the 2nd generation NSX gives me a warm feeling that there is truth behind the story.

Here is a link to my blurb that they published. Is it all our proof? no, but its something:


I was on the Acura.com site and saw a section called "owner stories". I decided to write one up with specific wording and see if it got approved. The fact my story was approved, with the specific reference to "it is time" regarding the 2nd generation NSX gives me a warm feeling that there is truth behind the story.

Here is a link to my blurb that they published. Is it all our proof? no, but its something:



I'm just followin you around today boss - like I said in reply to another one of your posts - I want what he's having...:biggrin:

Seriously, I read the blog - I don't know whether being nice or being hard ass with them - Acura I mean- is what gets their attention but I'm glad you're writing! Maybe it will have an effect! Hope there really is something to all this...
I'm just followin you around today boss - like I said in reply to another one of your posts - I want what he's having...:biggrin:

Seriously, I read the blog - I don't know whether being nice or being hard ass with them - Acura I mean- is what gets their attention but I'm glad you're writing! Maybe it will have an effect! Hope there really is something to all this...

Amen brother! I hope they are trolling prime and other forums and seeing what their customers really want, despite their view of the economy. Seriously, GTR's are ugly as sin and if they can sell for 95K (2012 model) why cant a ground breaking, beautiful looking, technologically superior NSX sell as well.

Plus the NSX has a following of people who have funds available. Yes there are those who can only afford 20-30K and thats fine too, many NSX owners will keep their old ones but some will sell them in order to buy generation 2 NSX. The fact there are people pretty much lined up for quality NSX's means that there should be no problem to offload those assets and put their hard earned money into their products.

I hope they posted that for a reason and not just a glitch, I really do. One thing that makes me think that it wasn't an accident is that it took them several days to approve it... maybe they needed permission from management before letting it post? One can only hope.

I love you too tim:)
I posted a story also.

Thanks for sharing the site!

We all should, maybe if we get enough NSX owners to show their support for the NSX that they will have a little more reason to finish the project and give us a new toy to buy!
I was on the Acura.com site and saw a section called "owner stories". I decided to write one up with specific wording and see if it got approved. The fact my story was approved, with the specific reference to "it is time" regarding the 2nd generation NSX gives me a warm feeling that there is truth behind the story.

Here is a link to my blurb that they published. Is it all our proof? no, but its something:







I'm just followin you around today boss - like I said in reply to another one of your posts - I want what he's having...:biggrin:

Seriously, I read the blog - I don't know whether being nice or being hard ass with them - Acura I mean- is what gets their attention but I'm glad you're writing! Maybe it will have an effect! Hope there really is something to all this...

Maybe they have been reading my and WingZ's posts. We basically told them how to do it step by step LOL. :D
Maybe they have been reading my and WingZ's posts. We basically told them how to do it step by step LOL. :D

Well that surely can't hurt things Paul! They've been needing someone to give em a push.

My hunch is that the 918 and the LFA kind of gave them a kick in the pants!! I just saw another LFA on the road yesterday near my house - damn that engine sounds soooooooo awesomely good - it is unbelievable. I can only imagine what it is like to drive....and most likely that will be the only thing I'll have regarding that car - sound and imagination! Not to mention the R8!

Time to wake up Rumplestilskin Honda......
Well that surely can't hurt things Paul! They've been needing someone to give em a push.

My hunch is that the 918 and the LFA kind of gave them a kick in the pants!! I just saw another LFA on the road yesterday near my house - damn that engine sounds soooooooo awesomely good - it is unbelievable. I can only imagine what it is like to drive....and most likely that will be the only thing I'll have regarding that car - sound and imagination! Not to mention the R8!

Time to wake up Rumplestilskin Honda......

I love the LFA and that sound, oh that sound! Only thing I don't like is the lack of a true manual transmission. There is something not fulfilling about a paddle shift- like it isolates you from the experience. I do happen to think the NSX engine sound is also amazing. I wouldn't mind if Honda gave us a 9000rpm version of it. :D
Maybe they have been reading my and WingZ's posts. We basically told them how to do it step by step LOL. :D

Honestly that really is what they're doing. I doubt we get any credit though:biggrin:
Well that surely can't hurt things Paul! They've been needing someone to give em a push.

My hunch is that the 918 and the LFA kind of gave them a kick in the pants!! I just saw another LFA on the road yesterday near my house - damn that engine sounds soooooooo awesomely good - it is unbelievable. I can only imagine what it is like to drive....and most likely that will be the only thing I'll have regarding that car - sound and imagination! Not to mention the R8!

Time to wake up Rumplestilskin Honda......

I pray to G-d they don't follow the LFA pricing model! :eek:

I haven't seen an LFA anywhere but youtube and dupont registry (not one for sale, but on the cover)

Carbon fiber is too expensive ( i guess ). It seems to be a cost effective way for homebuilt aircraft, so I thought it was cheap.. guess not! 400K WTF????

I think that LCD display is pretty nifty, would like to see that on the new NSX
Well that surely can't hurt things Paul! They've been needing someone to give em a push.

My hunch is that the 918 and the LFA kind of gave them a kick in the pants!! I just saw another LFA on the road yesterday near my house - damn that engine sounds soooooooo awesomely good - it is unbelievable. I can only imagine what it is like to drive....and most likely that will be the only thing I'll have regarding that car - sound and imagination! Not to mention the R8!

Time to wake up Rumplestilskin Honda......

I agree with Tim, the Japanese are all about honor and face. GTR, LFA, R8 was a huge smack in the face of Honda. I would think their culture would require them to save face with a return to the supercar market with an answer so loud and so bold that it puts toyota and nismo to shame.

I just hope they do not abandon the DNA of the NSX.. Midengine rear wheel drive, light, superior suspension, only this time no gentlemans agreement to a HP limit. Lets show them what Honda can do.

I think they knew this, I think history will show they refused to come to market with another great car... but waited until they had the ultimate car and that is why its taking them so long.

I hope!
Why don't you do a poll of Prime members and current NSX owners that are ready, willing and able to pony up $90K to $120K for a second generation NSX? I think you might find the number of enthusiastic members would diminish quite rapidly. Too many threads here about, "how can I finance a
$25K NSX." Do you REALLY think stories from NSX Prime members might influence Honda to introduce a new model? Oh, and remember how Honda lost money on every NSX ever produced?

Good luck.
Why don't you do a poll of Prime members and current NSX owners that are ready, willing and able to pony up $90K to $120K for a second generation NSX? I think you might find the number of enthusiastic members would diminish quite rapidly. Too many threads here about, "how can I finance a
$25K NSX." Do you REALLY think stories from NSX Prime members might influence Honda to introduce a new model? Oh, and remember how Honda lost money on every NSX ever produced?

Good luck.

A lot of the people who want to know how to finance a 25K car are doing so because the car is so old that some lenders would not finance the car.

I am sure there will be plenty of people on prime that would be buying a 2nd generation NSX

Did they really lose money? I say no. Ive owned 7 Acura's since the NSX first came out. It gets people into the dealership! Maybe on the flagship itself, but not overall!

Also, EXTREMELY high end sales do not waiver with fluctuations in the economy. I work for a fractional ownership company and the NSX would fall under the same category. The top 1% still spend money, and the NSX would be a hell of a deal at a fraction of the cost of a ferrari, Lambo, Porsche, etc etc.

In fact, our shares increased during this recession! and our cost of ownership was 500K up front and 10K per month for a limited number of hours of use per year! Trust me, IF YOU BUILD IT, SALES WILL COME! AMEN:)
Honda has got to make a good show. No one expects it to be competition for the LFA. That would not do for Honda. Leus has changed their tune about only leasing the LFA cause people weren't beating their doors down.

I'm telling you - Honda knows that it is race heritage that breeds sales. Like Ferrari - all they have to do is say - we're building a car and it does all this cool stuff, there will be only 600 made, and they all sell before they even get out of production - every damn one of em. Porsches Carrera GT was like that and it was close to 500k - why it's race heritage - it's the marque - how did they get there - RACING! Racing heritage and I don't mean putting their V8s in truck competition - although that does help and in the Lotus and now I hear Lotus is thinking of building their own engine - NO NO NO pleeeeeeasse don't do that - your sales wiil be good untill they start failing like the old ones - stuuuuuupid mistake on their part.

So Honda has got to do something goood and right about the same dollar slot they were in when they left! They know how to do it - I gaurantee they do. They don't care if we are all excited so much but it helps,

How many on Prime will rush right out - Dtrigg is right - not that many. Hell I didn't have 45k for an NA2 let alone 90k for a new whatever. Porsche Carrera or Lotus Evora or whatever. But there will be a following if it has impressive stats and sounds good and is good like it most asuredly will be. It will sell and as soon as we can all get one - we will. If they are smart they won't limit production and they WILL ADVERTISE THE HELL OUT OF IT! Something they did much too subtle a job with last time. Hell I didn't even know they were building the NSX in 05 - I mean how many commercials did anyone see in 05 of the NSX?????/ Damn few if any! Stupid - very unsavy. Porsche advertises like CAAARAAAAZY....that's what it takes! Get with it Honda!
Honda has got to make a good show. No one expects it to be competition for the LFA. That would not do for Honda. Leus has changed their tune about only leasing the LFA cause people weren't beating their doors down.

I'm telling you - Honda knows that it is race heritage that breeds sales. Like Ferrari - all they have to do is say - we're building a car and it does all this cool stuff, there will be only 600 made, and they all sell before they even get out of production - every damn one of em. Porsches Carrera GT was like that and it was close to 500k - why it's race heritage - it's the marque - how did they get there - RACING! Racing heritage and I don't mean putting their V8s in truck competition - although that does help and in the Lotus and now I hear Lotus is thinking of building their own engine - NO NO NO pleeeeeeasse don't do that - your sales wiil be good untill they start failing like the old ones - stuuuuuupid mistake on their part.

So Honda has got to do something goood and right about the same dollar slot they were in when they left! They know how to do it - I gaurantee they do. They don't care if we are all excited so much but it helps,

How many on Prime will rush right out - Dtrigg is right - not that many. Hell I didn't have 45k for an NA2 let alone 90k for a new whatever. Porsche Carrera or Lotus Evora or whatever. But there will be a following if it has impressive stats and sounds good and is good like it most asuredly will be. It will sell and as soon as we can all get one - we will. If they are smart they won't limit production and they WILL ADVERTISE THE HELL OUT OF IT! Something they did much too subtle a job with last time. Hell I didn't even know they were building the NSX in 05 - I mean how many commercials did anyone see in 05 of the NSX?????/ Damn few if any! Stupid - very unsavy. Porsche advertises like CAAARAAAAZY....that's what it takes! Get with it Honda!

To be honest, I cannot afford a 100k car right this second. Nor do I think if I had the money could I get my hand on one the first year of production. But I am sure plenty of PRIMERS will find the funds at some point during a new production run. If they run 15 years like last time who here couldn't put away 5k a year and finance the remaining 25k by year 15! Thats only 416.67 a month guys! I bet I could swing it within 5 years though.

First they need to show us they are serious. Then maybe a year before production cars become available? And those first ones will go for HUGE money over sticker... I think thats retarded, but it happened before and will happen again. So our turn will be about 2-3 years into production.. which is about 5 years from now. At 5k a year, thats 25k cash!

I heard the 05's had leases available for 799 a month for 36 months. I could do that in a heart beat, and its a business write off! :)

Im not saying all of us will be buying one right away, but eventually we all might get one.. albeit from the used car market
Honda has got to make a good show. No one expects it to be competition for the LFA. That would not do for Honda. Leus has changed their tune about only leasing the LFA cause people weren't beating their doors down.

I'm telling you - Honda knows that it is race heritage that breeds sales. Like Ferrari - all they have to do is say - we're building a car and it does all this cool stuff, there will be only 600 made, and they all sell before they even get out of production - every damn one of em. Porsches Carrera GT was like that and it was close to 500k - why it's race heritage - it's the marque - how did they get there - RACING! Racing heritage and I don't mean putting their V8s in truck competition - although that does help and in the Lotus and now I hear Lotus is thinking of building their own engine - NO NO NO pleeeeeeasse don't do that - your sales wiil be good untill they start failing like the old ones - stuuuuuupid mistake on their part.

So Honda has got to do something goood and right about the same dollar slot they were in when they left! They know how to do it - I gaurantee they do. They don't care if we are all excited so much but it helps,

How many on Prime will rush right out - Dtrigg is right - not that many. Hell I didn't have 45k for an NA2 let alone 90k for a new whatever. Porsche Carrera or Lotus Evora or whatever. But there will be a following if it has impressive stats and sounds good and is good like it most asuredly will be. It will sell and as soon as we can all get one - we will. If they are smart they won't limit production and they WILL ADVERTISE THE HELL OUT OF IT! Something they did much too subtle a job with last time. Hell I didn't even know they were building the NSX in 05 - I mean how many commercials did anyone see in 05 of the NSX?????/ Damn few if any! Stupid - very unsavy. Porsche advertises like CAAARAAAAZY....that's what it takes! Get with it Honda!

Tims right, I had no idea they were still making the NSX in 05! I was surprised to find that out when I started looking for NSX's last year. the whole idea of having a flagship is to advertise the hell out of it (especially when you are losing money on them).

Does anyone know how much they lost per unit btw?

For those that keep saying the NSX lost money, how about it being a Halo car and it being the reason that brought some people into Honda/Acura dealerships. Now even though I bought my NSX used, I bought my 1994 Legend GS new, 2000 Integra LS new, 2000 Prelude new, 2001 s2000 new, and 2003 TL typeS new. Honda sold me 5 NEW cars. So Honda made money from other products in the lineup from the trickle effect. I bought those cars because the NSX was so inspirational to me. I could have easily bought the new GTR (even contemplating a 2012) before I purchased my 03. But in the end I had to go with my heart. When I bought my Legend I was making 19k a year. When I bought my NSX my salary is at 116k a year. Throughout the years I've been a loyal fan of Honda, but if Honda is not loyal to enthusiasts like me and many here, the NSX WILL BE MY LAST HONDA. Buyers like me can afford a NEW NSX if priced around 125k. Not every potential buyer is looking to finance a 25k NSX.
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For those that keep saying the NSX lost money, how about it being a Halo car and it being the reason that brought some people into Honda/Acura dealerships. Now even though I bought my NSX used, I bought my 1994 Legend GS new, 2000 Integra LS new, 2000 Prelude new, 2001 s2000 new, and 2003 TL typeS new. Honda sold me 5 NEW cars. So Honda made money from other products in the lineup from the trickle effect. I bought those cars because the NSX was so inspirational to me. I could have easily bought the new GTR (even contemplating a 2012) before I purchased my 03. But in the end I had to go with my heart. When I bought my Legend I was making 19k a year. When I bought my NSX my salary is at 116k a year. Throughout the years I've been a loyal fan of Honda, but if Honda is not loyal to enthusiasts like me and many here, the NSX WILL BE MY LAST HONDA. Buyers like me can afford a NEW NSX if priced around 125k. Not every potential buyer is looking to finance a 25k NSX.

You make $116K and you would buy a $125K car?:confused:
Honda has got to make a good show. No one expects it to be competition for the LFA. That would not do for Honda. Leus has changed their tune about only leasing the LFA cause people weren't beating their doors down.

I'm telling you - Honda knows that it is race heritage that breeds sales. Like Ferrari - all they have to do is say - we're building a car and it does all this cool stuff, there will be only 600 made, and they all sell before they even get out of production - every damn one of em. Porsches Carrera GT was like that and it was close to 500k - why it's race heritage - it's the marque - how did they get there - RACING! Racing heritage and I don't mean putting their V8s in truck competition - although that does help and in the Lotus and now I hear Lotus is thinking of building their own engine - NO NO NO pleeeeeeasse don't do that - your sales wiil be good untill they start failing like the old ones - stuuuuuupid mistake on their part.

So Honda has got to do something goood and right about the same dollar slot they were in when they left! They know how to do it - I gaurantee they do. They don't care if we are all excited so much but it helps,

How many on Prime will rush right out - Dtrigg is right - not that many. Hell I didn't have 45k for an NA2 let alone 90k for a new whatever. Porsche Carrera or Lotus Evora or whatever. But there will be a following if it has impressive stats and sounds good and is good like it most asuredly will be. It will sell and as soon as we can all get one - we will. If they are smart they won't limit production and they WILL ADVERTISE THE HELL OUT OF IT! Something they did much too subtle a job with last time. Hell I didn't even know they were building the NSX in 05 - I mean how many commercials did anyone see in 05 of the NSX?????/ Damn few if any! Stupid - very unsavy. Porsche advertises like CAAARAAAAZY....that's what it takes! Get with it Honda!

Tim, the biggest difference between Porsche and Honda is that Porsche is a real sports car company and Honda just happens to make a good sports car every now and then when they feel like it.

IMHO: The real Honda is the one that is depicted in Red with a Wing in the US and with the Red Logo in Japan that does not leave it's customers hanging. That is the only place where the spirit of Soichiro is still present to this day.
For those that keep saying the NSX lost money, how about it being a Halo car and it being the reason that brought some people into Honda/Acura dealerships. Now even though I bought my NSX used, I bought my 1994 Legend GS new, 2000 Integra LS new, 2000 Prelude new, 2001 s2000 new, and 2003 TL typeS new. Honda sold me 5 NEW cars. So Honda made money from other products in the lineup from the trickle effect. I bought those cars because the NSX was so inspirational to me. I could have easily bought the new GTR (even contemplating a 2012) before I purchased my 03. But in the end I had to go with my heart. When I bought my Legend I was making 19k a year. When I bought my NSX my salary is at 116k a year. Throughout the years I've been a loyal fan of Honda, but if Honda is not loyal to enthusiasts like me and many here, the NSX WILL BE MY LAST HONDA. Buyers like me can afford a NEW NSX if priced around 125k. Not every potential buyer is looking to finance a 25k NSX.

I agree 100%. I purchased 7 acuras.. 6 were new from the dealership. The NSX must be produced.

I went to an audi dealership a couple weeks ago, and I have to admit I was getting the same feeling as I did when I first saw the NSX. They have enjoyed a HUGE increase in the number of cars they sold. I can't remember the exact numbers, but the sales manager showing me the R8 told me that Audi has increased sales 3-400% since the R8 came out. This is why acura wanted to have a flagship. So you can point at the GSR and say the same engine is in there - only smaller. To say the Integra had the same suspension engineered for the NSX.. Now Audi has taken those upscale customers from Acura/Honda.

If they dont pull their heads out of their asses I see a lot of us honda/acura customers heading to audi. They definitely have me considering it. I can't believe I felt this way... and when you see their S4 with the same engine as the v8 R8... WHY BUY A TL?

Come on Acura.... you need to come up with some serious magic here!
Tim, the biggest difference between Porsche and Honda is that Porsche is a real sports car company and Honda just happens to make a good sports car every now and then when they feel like it.

IMHO: The real Honda is the one that is depicted in Red with a Wing in the US and with the Red Logo in Japan that does not leave it's customers hanging. That is the only place where the spirit of Soichiro is still present to this day.

You're right of course! But they have produced a sports car and if they are serious about performance cars then they need to get with it and not let us loyal fans down! They can't just do it a little bit and think that carries them to the top.