6,000 posts....an NSX owner gone loopy.

1 May 2001
Point of No Return
It occurred to me as I posted this, my 6,000th post, that I have been on here for a LONG time. There really has been a lot of change in my world, the garage ;), my life, and the NSX, since that very first post. I often wonder what my first post even was. LOL!! It had to be something stupid...oh well. :wink:

During the past several years I have come to know quite a few people from this list in real life, not the virtual personality everyone has on the computer, and can safely say that most are pretty cool people. You have your occasional nut bar out there, and lots of the garage queen guys are wound up a little tightly, but overall it has been a great experience to see the people behind the cars. Hopefully, by the grace of the man above, I will be alive long enough for another 6,000 posts. Who knows....if something happens to me in the meantime, I guess I will just see you on the other side. Until then....go out there and drive that NSX....quit posting so much on the Internet. :cool:
It occurred to me as I posted this, my 6,000th post, that I have been on here for a LONG time. There really has been a lot of change in my world, the garage ;), my life, and the NSX, since that very first post. I often wonder what my first post even was. LOL!! It had to be something stupid...oh well. :wink:

During the past several years I have come to know quite a few people from this list in real life, not the virtual personality everyone has on the computer, and can safely say that most are pretty cool people. You have your occasional nut bar out there, and lots of the garage queen guys are wound up a little tightly, but overall it has been a great experience to see the people behind the cars. Hopefully, by the grace of the man above, I will be alive long enough for another 6,000 posts. Who knows....if something happens to me in the meantime, I guess I will just see you on the other side. Until then....go out there and drive that NSX....quit posting so much on the Internet. :cool:
Cool Mitch, i hope to meet a lot of you guys, even the "nut bars" :biggrin:. Mine is a garage queen but i don't think i am wound up tight :tongue: . Lately my car has been in the shop so posting is all i have :frown: .

See ya at NSXPO Mitch.
I'm with you on this. I'm a few over 7k myself and wonder where the time has gone.
I don't post anymore with the frequency with which I used to due to various reasons. I still read constantly but don't put in my .02 much.
Older and wiser now??? Maybe....
I too post much less but still visit often,at this point I am turning into an old farty "use the search" dude.My life changes with home and a growing family have put the car and track events on the very back burner.On a brighter note our NE nsxca chapter is going gangbuster with gatherings.
Congrats Mitch and many more happy postings to you. :smile:

Good to see you still here.

I have been here for while too and I am happy that I am still here. I have not posted a lot the last half a year. Things was super busy at work. So much in fact that I found a new job which I was really looking forward to start at.

Then for some unknown reason I fall and smash my head which warps my perpecitve on everything.

Had the NSX out today and a close friend of mine drove it as my eyesight is not good enough to drive yet. It was a lot of fun and I really know why I bought this "car" and keeps on with this obsession.

Hope to see your 12.000 post soon. Your stories has been a lot of fun. You are a lucky guy as you have two NSX'es. I have only one but she is a beauty with some tastefull mods. Will add the best kind of stereo for it which will set me back a lot of money, but she deserves it.

See you here on Prime for many years.

I gotta say, this is really a great group of people! Ive meet a bunch of awesome people from NSXPO's, regional functions, and just through posting here. I call them, they call me, we email each other, PM...whatever. Its really like a big extended family:biggrin: Im looking forward to my 6,000 post and my 12,000th and being here forever! :biggrin:
I sense an "OG" NSX club starting to form. ;) 6,000 posts seems like a crazy amount to amass - I have a long way to go.

Here's to the OG's: a bottle of Mobil 1 is poured in your honor. :D
It occurred to me as I posted this, my 6,000th post, that I have been on here for a LONG time.

So, how long is that? I've been a memeber since 2000, and I I've been seeing a LOT of the same people for many of those years. It's a nice little family.
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Congrats on 6k!

And THANKS to you and everyone else for contributing to a F A N T A S T I C resource....
So, how long is that? I've been a memeber since 2000, and I I've been seeing a LOT of the same people for many of those years. It's a nice little family.

;) Especially nice to know that our brothers still look out for us..... regardless of Hurricanes and cooky others ;) Thansx *
Congratulations, Mitch! Keep 'em comin'!

You mean, this one? :wink:

LOL!! Well done...I had a sneaky feeling you would be able to find that. I wonder what took me so long to post here...from the date on that post I had already had my first NSX for a few years. :confused:
I sense an "OG" NSX club starting to form. ;) 6,000 posts seems like a crazy amount to amass - I have a long way to go.

Here's to the OG's: a bottle of Mobil 1 is poured in your honor. :D

Classic:biggrin: Thanks for the chuckle:wink:
You don't know what post whore means BOY! 6000... pshhh..... I will pass that in 1/3 the time it took you. Loopy is a relative term. :biggrin:
Damn...I'm really falling behind...I'm no longer in the top 25...not even in the top 30!
I miss the "Living in Carguy's garage" chronicles. :biggrin: Those were great! I think you need to loosen up those fingers and imagine up something else for us all to enjoy again.:smile: