348 or NSX thread on Ferarri chat

wow, so many seemingly intelligent people and so many seemingly ignorant people in one thread! nice read if not for the occasional irrational responce with 'its a ferrari' being listed as the only better quality between the two haha.
The NSX might be fast, powerful and all that, but to me it looks like a used civic. no offense

NSX = completely reliable semi performance car with Italian aspirations but Japanese car owner experience. The ultimate poseur mobile (not necessarily a bad thing if this is what u want in a sports car).

Umm.. idiot.
People have the right to have their own opinions. But I think they need to do some good research before making comments. Both are great cars. But I wouldnt buy a 348 over an NSX. 360 and up but nothing below those models for me to choose over an NSX.
look at what this guy said

"Although I think the NSX is a good capable car,but as I and many others have said it's is not a Ferrari.
To me all the NSX owners are wannabe Ferrari owners but are frightened by the running costs so they have taken what they see as an easy option and bought a Ferrari substitute,the NSX.

i'm sorry but a 348 isn't anything special by today's standards.

its actually quit ugly to me, and those lines that runs along the side makes the car extremely extremely outdated looking.

the nsx's design is more simple thats why its more timeless than that overly styled car. the tailights are also horrible.
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Yep, 360 and I'd go for that over the NSX. 348? Not a fan, and it's purely an asthestics thing, particularly those tail lights and also sides..... Too much going on body wise in that style. I prefer the sleeker and simpler cures of the 360/430. I think all the 348's got going for it is the sound

If I had the cash to buy the latest 348, I'd still go nsx, but 02+. If I had the cash for the latest 355, I'd probably go later 911TT or earlier 360.
The NSX might be fast, powerful and all that, but to me it looks like a used civic.
That also was one of the remarks that got me going. A used civic? funny thing is, I don't know about any of you but my car has never been referred to as a civic, I've been getting Lamborghini mostly and alot of Ferrari.
If I could afford to maintain and service a 355, I would definitly have one! I think it is a gorgeous car frrom every angle.
I always find it so funny that the Fcar guys always resort to NSX owners as "wannabe Ferrari owners".

I think that 90% of the Ferrari owners are only because they "wanna be Ferrari owners".

I think that the NSX owner owns an NSX because they want to own the better car.

Take the Fcar brand away, and put a Honda badge on a Ferrari, and I bet that many of those same owners dont buy that car. And I bet that the Honda owners who do get pretty pissed at the pile they've bought. J/K.
ediddynsx said:
Both are great cars. But I wouldnt buy a 348 over an NSX. 360 and up but nothing below those models for me to choose over an NSX.
I've to agree with you on this, I would only buy a 360 and up on the ferarri line!!!
haven driven a 348 theres no way i would take it over an NSX. The 355 is a good comparison in that the handling is quite similar to the NSX with great feedback. Since i can say i have been lucky to own, a 993TT, F355 , and an NSX i still would take the NSX due to its reliability, style and performance regardless of the slight decrease in power (compared to the 993TT). You cant drive a Ferrari everyday as you can an NSX, NO MATTER WHAT EVERYONE SAYS. The 993TT isnt as reliable as the NSX either in any way shape or form. The powersteeringless 348s are horrible even in moderate to high speeds whereas the powersteeringless NSX seems to dominate even in todays technological standards at any given speed . Valuewise the F cars take massive hits everytime newer models come out whereas the NSX despite its age, but given the condition is great maintain their value. In that case you can compare the 993TT since they too maintin their value. NSX's are more forgiving on turns than a 993TT on the street in my opinion..

I was suprised that so many F car owners own/owned an NSX and give it the respect it damn well deserves. Now for the other idiots, a prancing horse doesnt always mean its superior to other cars.
This was my favorite quote

People buy Ferrari's because they're fun, beautiful cars, and it is an exclusive club, it's nice but that's not why I bought mine. My preferance for Ferrari, is because it's really a drivers car. If you were to drive an everyday car like you would a Ferrari, it would blow up.

How clueless is he????? That's the problem with Ferraris they blow up..LoL

How many Ferraris do you see at track events? Why would a car that's such a blast to drive not be a great track car? surely for those who don't mind paying the maintenance or doing it themselves could track the car...hmmm why don't they?

Then the guys who say they've had both ,but the 348 is faster????? If I buy a Ferrari does that mean my brain disappears??? Man I just met some great guys on a recent local Ferrari cruise ,but the conversation turned to maintenance costs and isuues. I couldn't relate ,but I did feel for the guys:frown:
If you ignore the usual whining of the Ferrarista, it's actually not a bad thread. I was surprised how complimentary many of the posts were to the NSX.

It does seem that once someone starts talking about "passion", "heritage", and "soul", they just check their brain at the door and ramble on incoherently.
I added my 2 cents.

There are some people on there that understand the NSX, but there are too many brand snobs.
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Worthless comparo's totally worthless. Put a ferrari badge on a civc. Make those people happy. I Cant wait till someday Honda puts out a fire breathing new NSX for 125k or so.... that should shut them all up.

Besides It takes a lot of balls to buy a $80k honda that comes with no status symbol. NOW .. thats a real statement.

But actually after reading just a few of the posts I didnt really think that they were being that offensive I mean 1 or 2 dummys but not everyone was anti NSX.

I might buy a ferrari some day to keep my NSX company but its gotta be a 360 and up. I really dought anything will ever actually replace the NSX.
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Same crap different day, how do I justify spending $xxk more on an inferior car.

I would love a Ferrari, but I cannot justify it to myself.

Depending on what the next generation NSX comes as (if ever) then I will look at a Ferrari or Lamborghini again (probably the latter, F fars are just so common)
ediddynsx said:
People have the right to have their own opinions. But I think they need to do some good research before making comments. Both are great cars. But I wouldnt buy a 348 over an NSX. 360 and up but nothing below those models for me to choose over an NSX.

They did provide some useful information and good over all analysis of both cars.

My personal taste is the 348/355 looks more ferrarisque and aesthetically appealing while 360(better car) looks common for some reason and mainstream.

The F-car guys got owned on there own forum, how the hell does that happen:biggrin:

I see the damand for the nsx increasing in the near future.

I love my honda!:cool:
The folks on the Pinto forum are bias towards their cars too.
Its normal. I just crack up when I hear how many folks think
"If someone could afford a "F" they would have one"
I am not saying I can, or can't. But would rather just avoid the hassle
all together. I cant drive my NSX to its full potential as it is, and am happy finding my limits, as well as the cars. My cars prior owner tracked "F" cars as well as NSX's. His cars are very well sorted out. A 355 then a 360 shared a spot next to my NSX in his garage. He sold both for an 05 Lambo. I recall him saying he has owned about a dozen "F" cars during his lifetime.

If everyone were to be honest, few can drive at their cars potential.
(Ever see Senna driving an NSX?) How many NSX or "F" owners can say
they are at that level?
The fun is in trying! How can you do that if your worried about being stranded? breaking down? or afraid of having to service your car?

My thinking is, if you plan to really drive a Ferrari, buy a new one.
Otherwise there is a very good chance it could turn into a real nightmare.
"F" owners say its part of the fun. But to me it would not be fun at all worrying about breaking down, or constantly trying to find a mech. who could actually fix the car and not rip me off.

To me (some) Ferrari's are like expensive works of art, but am not really into "Art" I like to drive. One of my favorite cars of all time is the F-40. But would probably just stare at it as to not rack up the miles. The NSX is just going through the normal cycle. 10 years from now It will probably get more respect than it does today. Just a guess.... Its being viewed as just a used car. At some point the "P" speedster, Midyear Vette, AC Cobra, etc are considered something special. Time will tell, but I have to think an 8k RPM mid engine- all alum -hand built- Senna tuned car has more than just a chance of being recognized as something special. Regardless who built it!
Whatever you own, enjoy it! All these cars were designed to be driven!
Enough bench racing, Have fun & go for a ride! :biggrin:


(Yes, all the yellow is now gone..... LOL LOL)
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ferrari owners are very defensive about their cars. when all else fails, they have the racing heritage to fall on. the loudest noises come from the 308/328/348/355 owners or the ones who have neither..
Not hating on Ferrari. I would love to have one myself.
i got a ferarri.. that's what people tells me when i drive my NSX around.. :biggrin:
Ric said:
ferrari owners are very defensive about their cars. when all else fails, they have the racing heritage to fall on. the loudest noises come from the 308/328/348/355 owners or the ones who have neither..
Not hating on Ferrari. I would love to have one myself.

Because, as a previous poster stated, many, many of the owners of 308/328/348/355 are "wannabe" Ferrari owners. They are barely able to afford and probably can't afford a 360/550/575 and they get very defensive when questioned about the status of their cars. They just have the little horsey, a great exhaust note and some ancient heritage to cling to...BTW, where was Ferrari racing between Lauda and Schumacher? In the crapper. :rolleyes:

The biggest joke IMO is that Ferrari simply doesn't care what happens to their cars after 2-3 years. If you can't afford to buy new then Ferrari isn't interested in you. Hello--this is a company that blackballs you if you go anywhere other than a dealer. Is is adding up yet?

Anyone who questions Ferrari or weighs the difference between an NSX and Ferrari shouldn't be buying a Ferrari--and Ferrari doesn't want you. The NSX is superior to the 348 in every possible way except for the exhaust note :rolleyes: which can be remedied with a Tubi. Ferrari profits from wealthy, loyal snobs who buy cars based on what emblem is on them. I did notice some F owners telling it like it is and basically saying the NSX is a better car but you own a Ferrari b/c you love Ferrari. At least they're honest.

I'm not saying I would not own a Ferrari. I wish I could own one. But the only F I'd own is the 599GTB or the F430 because thinking I could "afford" anything else would be delusional. Used Fs are not "deals". They're cheaper because they're older & crappier.

The only other alternative would be if I absolutely LOVED a particular model(s) and wanted to essentially "collect" it and put $ into it and keep it for a long time. I could see that with a F355 or a 512TR or something older.

But for anyone to think they can drive it all the time and save money by buying used and just get into the "club" is nonsense. Ferrari the company isn't standing behind you so why do it?
The whole "you're comparing a Honda to a Ferrari" statement is the most, car-enthusiast-poseur statement I've every heard.

A performance car is a performance car and if it perfrorms, it should get notability no matter what the badge on the hood is. If you compare the performance numbers between the 348 and the NSX, I think it's pretty damn close therefore maybe these statements are out of insecurity.

There are many racecar drivers, athletes, etc.. than can afford anything and plenty of them have owned or own an NSX. So branding aside, that shows the NSX has some notaility among auto enthusiasts.
Even if I had the money, I wouldn't buy a Ferrari. And I were offered one, I would just sell it for something else like skyline + evo or something nice. A NSX is a NSX. A 348 is a Ferrari in the middle of the others.