2nd Gen Iphone

Unlike Side show BOB - I LOVE MY iphone!!!:biggrin:

Can't wait for the data on G3 iphone. I wonder if they will let us trade our old ones in? Doesn't matter I LOVE my phone.:smile:

Did i mention BOB - I LOVE IT!!!:biggrin:
Did i mention BOB - I LOVE IT!!!:biggrin:

Let me know when you're done fellating Steve Jobs :biggrin: .

My biggest problem with the iPhone -- no keyboard. Maybe I'm just an old man, but I need keys that I can touch. Until it has one of those, it's just not practical for any of my uses, no matter what widgets Apple deigns to install on it.
There are details on engadget.com

3G & Wifi
$199 for 8Gb, $299 for 16Gb
Available 7/11 in the US

Edit: and I am still planning on upgrading my Treo 700 to a 750.
Quick question, will this or will this not support Microsoft Exchange server... and when will Verizon support it?

My Samsung i760 just broke :(
Hmm... can't wait to see how fast ppl will crack this one to work on other networks.
There are details on engadget.com

It's been a long, leak-filled wait, but Apple finally took the wraps off its 3G iPhone. Thinner edges, full plastic back, flush headphone jack, and the iPhone 2.0 firmware -- Apple's taking a lot of the criticisms to heart from the first time around. Obviously 3G is at the forefront, but they're also making sure it's available all over internationally, works with enterprises, runs 3rd party apps... and does it all for cheaper. Apple claims its 3G speeds trounce the competition, with pageloads 36% faster than the N95 and Treo 750 -- and of course it completely trounces the old EDGE data. Battery life isn't getting put out to pasture though, with 300 hours of standby, 8-10 hours of 2G talk, 5 hours of 3G talk, 7 hours of video and 24 hours of audio. GPS is also a go. Apple is using A-GPS, which supplements regular satellite GPS data with info from cellular towers. WiFi data is also worked into the mix, which should give users a pretty solid lock on where the heck they are on this planet. Unfortunately, there's no front-facing cam, which syncs with what we were hearing, but is still a little disappointing. Apple hopes to launch in 70 countries this year. 8GB is available for $199, 16GB for $299 -- and the 16GB comes in white. Apple will be hitting the 22 biggest markets, including the US, on July 11th. Pre-orders are available now at the Apple Store
The iPhone 2.0 looks pretty slick. If it only had...


... a keyboard, I'd probably buy one.
<quote>"iPhone 3G
It's real, it's thinner (at the edges, at least), and, truth be told … it looks an awful lot like the original iPhone, from the front at least. A couple of key changes, however: The headphone jack is now flush with the case—so no more need for a headset adapter—and the back panel is now glossy black plastic, which looks good, but may well be more susceptible to scratches than the original brushed metal version.

So that's how the new iPhone looks. What's inside? As expected, 3G and GPS, good for turn-by-turn directions. Nice, but we'd also heard rumors of video conferencing—which, judging from the lack of a front-facing camera on the iPhone 3G, isn't in the cards.

Also, no word on iChat instant messaging for the iPhone; then again, AOL has already announced it's making its own AIM app, and I'm sure plenty of other IM apps will arrive once the App Store launched (more on that in a moment).

And while we're at it—no discussion of music or video downloads over AT&T's HSDPA network, reportedly a sticking point between the carrier and Apple.

That said, it turns out the rumors of lower prices were true. A 16GB iPhone 3G will sell for $299, while the 8GB will go for $199. That sounds a lot better than $599 for the original 8GB iPhone. Also: The iPhone in white!

And finally, the release date: July 11. Looks like we've got a little wait on our hands."</quote>
tjobeid: yeah, as long as it actually happens tomorrow, I'll be getting rid of a 4gb and an 8gb. I'll shoot ya a pm when I have new ones in hand.

Btw: with exception of the initial post, ive been posting from my iPhone all day. I love these damn things.

Iguess its not being released today . Wait till july 11th.
If its 199 for an 8g for the new one , ill get the new one, but if its more then 199 like lets say 599 or something . Ill take yours .
Iguess its not being released today . Wait till july 11th.
If its 199 for an 8g for the new one , ill get the new one, but if its more then 199 like lets say 599 or something . Ill take yours .

It's official. July 11th is the release date. 8gb black models will be $199 and 16gb models in white or black will be $299. And ATT is going to be subsidizing it on new plans. I'll be outside my ATT store the day before marking my place in line. Nothing to do now but sit back wait for the 11th and watch AAPL hit 225 before the end of july.
It's official. July 11th is the release date. 8gb black models will be $199 and 16gb models in white or black will be $299. And ATT is going to be subsidizing it on new plans. I'll be outside my ATT store the day before marking my place in line. Nothing to do now but sit back wait for the 11th and watch AAPL hit 225 before the end of july.

I am so torn if I should uncover my shares or not. I sold 180's for october. If I sit in the position I will make a really hefty profit, about 48 dollars a share as I bought at 157.

Can I trade off an iphone?
Personally, I would hold AAPL for a little and keep your eyes on RIM. They're gonna get hit hard. Apple essentially just put their phone out unsubsidized with more features and cheaper than RIM's best offerings even with subsidization. The next month and a half will be interesting. T is going to make a bit of $$ out of this also and all the major players in the Apps market.

As far as trading off an iphone. I would imagine the major trading services have become iPhone compatible. My instinct would be, yes you can trade off the iPhone.

OK, just spoke to my step-brother and he uses ameritrade without a problem.
Personally, I would hold AAPL for a little and keep your eyes on RIM. They're gonna get hit hard. Apple essentially just put their phone out unsubsidized with more features and cheaper than RIM's best offerings even with subsidization. The next month and a half will be interesting. T is going to make a bit of $$ out of this also and all the major players in the Apps market.

As far as trading off an iphone. I would imagine the major trading services have become iPhone compatible. My instinct would be, yes you can trade off the iPhone.

OK, just spoke to my step-brother and he uses ameritrade without a problem.

My brother works for RIM. Thus far the iphone has had no impact on their business at all. I don't think they are too worried.
Thus far the iPhone has been significantly more expensive and significantly less compatible with business use. Until quite recently the iPhone was not even an option on a corporate plan with AT&T

And then god opened the heavens and shone light upon the iPhone 3G coupled with the 2.0 software update.

I'm not saying that RIM and Apple can't happily share the market (combined they all but dominate the market for smartphones), but RIM needs to be scared and step up their game a little or they're going to suffer in the coming months.
Thus far the iPhone has been significantly more expensive and significantly less compatible with business use. Until quite recently the iPhone was not even an option on a corporate plan with AT&T

And then god opened the heavens and shone light upon the iPhone 3G coupled with the 2.0 software update.

I'm not saying that RIM and Apple can't happily share the market, but RIM needs to be scared and step up their game a little or they're going to suffer in the coming months.

You don't think they already have something well in the works?

Until the iPhone KB works better, it will not be a serious threat to business people.
I'd like to hear about current iPhone users experience with the keyboard? I type a lot on my Sprint Mogul and I like the slide out keyboard. I also really liked my Treos for typing on... I'm not sure I could get used to typiing on a virtual keyboard.
Until the iPhone KB works better, it will not be a serious threat to business people.

That's what I keep saying, but the fanbois won't listen. Apple could totally own this market, if only they included something like this:


Until then, it's just a toy.
I will admit that a real keyboard would be very useful, but I've adapted to the virtual one quite well over the last year and actually gotten to the point I can text and send basic emails without even looking at the phone.
iPhone is now cheaper, has GPS, 3G, works with Microsoft Exchange, and several other features. Oh yeah, it's gonna sell even better, and take marketshare away from blackberry and windows mobile.

As for the virtual keyboard, skeptics said that plus lack of 3G, was gonna make the iPhone flop. Boy were they wrong. You quickly get used to the keyboard. I can't believe there are still naysayers. Where are all the cool and better phones Nokia and others promised they would make. 1 year later at CES, there was nothing innovating that even came close to the iPhone.
Yeah, that's my standpoint, I'm just done trying to sell others. Fuck it, they don't want one let em play with antiquated tech.
Edit: and I am still planning on upgrading my Treo 700 to a 750.
Am curious as to how they solve the battery drain issues with AT&T 3G (esp on HSDPA)...

When I upgraded my Treo750 from WM5 to WM6, you get HSDPA (instead of "3G lite" UMTS), but battery life is in the tank :mad:

Am probably going to go with the HTC 8925 Tilt ... WiFi + 3G + GPS + BBC + full keyboard + 3MP cam) - currently $99.95 on Amazon.com