2nd Gen Iphone

AppStore will have free applications as well. It's up to the developer if the want to charge for their app.
One of my employees went from an HTC Hermes to the 1st gen and said he actually finds the "virtual keyboard" on the iPhone better than the real keyboard on the Hermes (AT&T 8525). He's picking up the 2nd gen on day 1, so I'll give his a shot and if I can get past the keyboard thing, I'll likely throw in the towel now that Apple has apparently listened to all the complaints about the 1st gen and has addressed most of them.

This would actually be the very 1st Apple product I've ever owned and certainly the 1st one I've ever even considered.
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It's not often you see a manufacturer address this high of a percentage of primary concerns with a device, inlcuding price, this quickly. I'm a huge Apple fan and have been from the first day on my 1st gen Macbook
sort of lame that my data plan would go from $20/month unlimited to $30/month plus if i need to use exchange/activesync (i do), it would be another $15 over and above that. from $20/mo to $45/mo.
From what I could find on the apple website the iPhone 3G still doesn't support MMS out of the box. Which is lame. It's not like this is some sort of new technology or feature. It already supports SMS, so how difficult would it be to include MMS?

I've had an iPhone since the day it came out and I'm eventually going to move to the 3G but I'm really disappointed in the lack of that update.

I bought one for my dad and wife and didn't want to fork over another one for myself as I lose my phones all the time. So on the 11th of July I can get the new version at any at&t store? They are not going to sell out or anything like that right? I'm not the type to stand in a line day before to get it, but I like to buy it on the day it comes out. seeing how cheao they are i can break 3 and still be better off than breaking the older version that costs $600. Just wondering how the availabilty will be when they are released.
I bought one for my dad and wife and didn't want to fork over another one for myself as I lose my phones all the time. So on the 11th of July I can get the new version at any at&t store? They are not going to sell out or anything like that right? I'm not the type to stand in a line day before to get it, but I like to buy it on the day it comes out. seeing how cheao they are i can break 3 and still be better off than breaking the older version that costs $600. Just wondering how the availabilty will be when they are released.

It's my understanding they are cheap because they are subsidized like any other cell phone, so if you break one, the next one will cost you full price unless you're eligible for an upgrade.

Will they sell out? Beats me....... the first time around they did in some locations, but didn't in others. I have no idea if it will be as nuts the 2nd time around or how many phones Apple is making available.
There are reports of customs clearing 18.5 million units in the last few months. I think Jobs intent this time around is that nowhere runs out. My local ATT store confided that they were told no store is getting less than 200.
I'm leaning towards getting it. I can probably sell my jailbroken/unlocked 1st Gen for $200, if not more, enough to cover for a new one. I plan on staying with AT&T and extending my contract. Also iPhone 3G won't work on T-mobile's 3G Network, so there goes that idea.
A jailbroken Iphone is my favorite electronic toy I own. Recording videos, video backgrounds, summerboard themes, tweeter, mxtube, snes4iphone, camera pro...There is NOTHING on the market that can compare to a jailbroken Iphone and for the record this is actually my first apple product, i've been a total pc guy, 8125, 8525. I know most who own a jailbroken Iphone would agree.
The ONLY reasons I plan to switch to AT&T is

c) I am hoping 3G AT&T can improve on Verizon EVDO speeds

Forget that one, I'm on AT&T in an HSDPA area with a Tilt. I've also previously had an EVDO card on Verizon. There's no comparison... in fact the HSDPA Tilt isn't really much quicker than EDGE. The EVDO card in my laptop was FAR FAR FAR quicker than anything I've ever seen on AT&T (including Tilt tethered to my laptop).
I'm on the mac forums and have been following this case up close. I have phones on both the Verizon and AT&T network.

My Verizon phone is just a waterproof basic Casio phone so nothing to scream about but I've had the Blackberry Curve for about 5 months of usage, traded it with a guy EVEN for a iPhone (new in box).

Since then I've used the iPhone for about a month and have to say here are my findings in terms of BB vs. iPhone

Blackberry +
1) Battery life is superb even with heavy usage
2) Audio speakers sound GREAT
3) Emails and txt messages are all consolidated in "message" section
4) Great camera resolution
5) Blackberry Messenger (allows direct chat with other BB users)

iPhone +
1) iTune music access great but external speakers are bad so must use headphones
2) Internet surfing is fast
3) Touch interface allows fast picture access
4) Great if you use youtube a lot
5) More entertainment than business use
6) Virtual keyboard is pretty fast once u get used to it but need to look at phone to use
7) BATTERY LIFE SUCKS compared to BB

Guess there is no perfect phone out there but for me, I think my g/f said it best....she noticed when I had the Blackberry I used it a lot for emails and calling but when I had my iPhone, it just sat around most of the time.

btw, I sold my 1 month old iPhone on craigslist for $320 and now just waiting patiently for the 3G iPhone. I will be in line to get one on July 11th and most likely give it to my g/f so I can use her Blackberry Curve again....haha

Guess there is no perfect phone out there but for me, I think my g/f said it best....she noticed when I had the Blackberry I used it a lot for emails and calling but when I had my iPhone, it just sat around most of the time.


Interesting that you say this... but what's your point? What is your commentary from this observation?

What I'm getting at is I don't understand the connection between not calling/e-mailing as much and the iPhone. The iPhone can send/receive e-mails and obviously can place/receive calls so it just seems like your usage pattern changed when you had the iPhone, not that the iPhone somehow caused it. Care to elaborate?:biggrin:

Interesting that you say this... but what's your point? What is your commentary from this observation?

What I'm getting at is I don't understand the connection between not calling/e-mailing as much and the iPhone. The iPhone can send/receive e-mails and obviously can place/receive calls so it just seems like your usage pattern changed when you had the iPhone, not that the iPhone somehow caused it. Care to elaborate?:biggrin:


My main point here is that the iPhone is more gadget "cool" and the Blackberry is much more user friendly in day-to-day use.

The blackberry goes into standby automatically but hit any button and you have direct access to ALL email/txt messages in one section and I can use it with one hand while driving.

The iPhone you have to first slide it to unlock, then go into each individual email box to check messages + load messages depending on your settings. Then you go back to the main menu to view txt messages. There is no "central" INBOX for everything not to mention you really need both hands to do most chores. Another thing for me is I'm really anal about fingerprints and always cleaning the iPhone so I guess in a way I use it less just sub-consciously which is what my g/f was trying to convey to me :biggrin:

I predict a flood of customizing apps when the iPhone app store opens next month. Current owners should see their phones return to New Toy status for a nice while.
Interesting that you say this... but what's your point? What is your commentary from this observation?
My takeaway from his observation is that the iPhone is a nice toy, but when he really has to get business done, he uses his Blackberry.

Pretty much all of my clients are in silent agreement, as well.
Am I the only one that has had reception issues with the Iphone? I was dropping calls with ATT in downtown Chicago! Got rid of it in less than a week. Any word on addressing the bad antenna?
The only usability complaint I've ever had was with the virtual keyboard. Though I can enter text pretty easily while looking, the lack of tactile feedback makes it difficult to impossible to enter text without looking. But I have a complaint about the center console of the NSX having bad glare when driving in bright daylight, too. Doesn't make me want to throw out the whole lot because of a minor flaw. It's still the coolest car I've ever owned.

My main point here is that the iPhone is more gadget "cool" and the Blackberry is much more user friendly in day-to-day use.

The blackberry goes into standby automatically but hit any button and you have direct access to ALL email/txt messages in one section and I can use it with one hand while driving.

The iPhone you have to first slide it to unlock, then go into each individual email box to check messages + load messages depending on your settings. Then you go back to the main menu to view txt messages. There is no "central" INBOX for everything not to mention you really need both hands to do most chores. Another thing for me is I'm really anal about fingerprints and always cleaning the iPhone so I guess in a way I use it less just sub-consciously which is what my g/f was trying to convey to me :biggrin:


I agree with you, then. The iPhone is the coolest phone on the market today, IM(not so:biggrin:)HO. It's target market is not the person who needs to stay connected to the office when not in the office. I'm different. When I leave the office I'm completely "out of office" so I've never missed anything that the iPhone lacked in that regard.

There's so much potential in the iPhone and I think apple has limited it to its detriment. If the 3rd party apps are not expensive I can see the phone becoming more and more popular and, dare I say it?... "cool".

I can see good and bad in having every incoming message in one inbox. It appears you like the one inbox style, which is cool. But as to the statement that you used it less often to even make/receive calls? I still don't see how any phone can cause that.

My takeaway from his observation is that the iPhone is a nice toy, but when he really has to get business done, he uses his Blackberry.

Pretty much all of my clients are in silent agreement, as well.

That's cool... when I "really have to get business done" I'm in my office with a landline and PC. Just differing needs, I s'pose. My cell phone is my cell phone, not a leash that's connected to work at the other end. None of my co-workers (who aren't also friends) have my cell# and none of my friends (who I don't work with) have my office number(s).

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The SW app store is going to transform the iPhone. It is a way for Apple to thwart the jailbreak crowd who build their own applications. This is a "legal" way to do it. With the SDK available, location-based services (LBS) leveraging GPS is going to be a killer app. If you haven't already, check out loopt. They demo'd their app on the Iphone at WWDC. It is social networking taken to the next level. The same will happen w/ gaming. You can quote me on it :biggrin:
The main reason I said I find myself using that phone less to make / receive calls is because I actually carry 2 phones these days, quite sad really :(

I used to laugh at those who carry more than one pager/phone but I'm doing it now mainly cuz I'm stuck with my Verizon phone which is my biz number and most people still call that for my 2nd biz. (not my office work)

I got the 2nd BB/iPhone as my personal phone and only a handful of people have that number so I can always pick up without having to look at caller ID.

My brick Verizon phone is just easier to make calls than the iPhone so I tend to use it more when I have to place a call - that's what I meant.

Well update:

In the interim without a BB or iPhone, I picked up a Samsung Blackjack II. Pretty neat little device that is quite similiar to the BB. The email is not instant push but everyelse is pretty cool for now.

Only 11 days till 3G BABY!

July 11 is very close. I probably won't get one right away though. Maybe late July/ early August.
I'll be in line when they open the doors at 8am the morning of the 11th :rolleyes:
I seriously doubt that, even so, I will still be there to buy one and if the 16 comes out later I'll buy it and keep the 8 as a backup.
Hey guys - I'm seriously considering getting the 2nd gen iphone although I currently have a line of service with Verizon which works well. Here are my reasons and I'd appreciate if someone that is familiar with iphone can confirm or shoot them down.

I am coming from a Samsung I760 & a standard Nokia phone. The Exchange/email support through my corporate work is very important for me, though the shortcomings of features is a detriment. Having a qwrty thumb keyboard I like a lot b/c I do a lot of email. I'm hoping the lack of it I can get used to and still do email..

Reasons for Consideration:
-Good video/music support. I don't have this with my phone, too cumbersome.
-Exchange support, or at least OWA. Not officially supported by IT in my company, but can be setup. I suspect I'll have to use OWA only eventually once tighter security measures are in place. I can live with some inconvenience, though not a huge inconvenience and I have to have some type of Exchange/OWA support.
-Cool factor :)

-Accessories expensive. WTF?
-You can't use any old bluetooth headset, right? Or can you?
-Reception quality. My reception with VZW is great, I'm concerned that with ATT not so much.. I had ATT about 6 months ago for a month, and honestly, it sucked. I hope that's not the case with them now..

That's it. Am I misssing something? What is wrong in my analysis?