2nd annual NSXPrime Canyon Drive!!!>>>Late May/Early June

I had an in-car camera as well and the Lexus was caught on tape. You can clearly see him go into the turn too fast and slide sideways into the oncoming lane. My passenger and I were thinking "what the hell is this guy doing???"
It also has me passing him three corners down before hitting the next turn. It was a fun day. Too bad it was ruined for some of us half way through the drive. It was my final one too.
Originally posted by ilya:
It was a fun day. Too bad it was ruined for some of us half way through the drive. It was my final one too.

You still have your car, and IF you sell it, there is always room in the passenger seat in my NSX if you want a ride! I'm sure that you can work something out with yours or another one down the road. Hang out with us even if you are NSXless.
I did not see the bra...

Hey, that's exactly what I was hoping for.

I'm one of those guys who absolutely hates the look of nose masks...so I sprung for a color matched one.

Wait! Ilya is selling his NSX? Say it's not so!

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 12 June 2002).]
It's not sold yet and I'll still be at the next monthly meeting with you guys.

Hey John... isn't that passenger seat reserved for your wife?

BTW- I highly recommend a small camera mount for these drives if recording. It makes all the difference in the world. Ten minutes to put it on and then just take it off after the drive.

[This message has been edited by ilya (edited 12 June 2002).]
BTW- I highly recommend a small camera mount for these drives if recording.

I forgot to check yours out during the event. If yours only attaches temporarily, I assume it's the type that will only support a small camera.

As you know, I've got a fairly large and heavy video camera...
You would need a larger and sturdier mount. Mine was basically home made. A long, flat piece of metal, bent into an L shape with a small hole to screw into the firewall.
You would need a longer piece of metal so the camera could be mounted further forward and not hit the ceiling. It would also have to be very sturdy, otherwise it will shake up and down as you drive. I bought a $25 camera mount with a clamp and basically clamped it to the metal piece.
The best way of course, is to have a rollbar installed and mount to that. Easiest and best results. This was just an el-cheapo method for those without a bar that was easy to swap in and out. Your camera probably is a bit too big to do it well without a bar and mount.

That being said.... WANNA TRADE!
I got my 35mm prints back from the lab and I'm now starting to scan them. Chances are I'll have a section about this event up on my NSX site before the end of the week (but still no videos). Click on the thumbnails for full pics.

<a href="http://home.attbi.com/~nsx-t/photos/june02-nsxprime-canyonrun2/bocallis-nsxers.jpg"><img src="http://home.attbi.com/~nsx-t/photos/june02-nsxprime-canyonrun2/bocallis-nsxers.gif" border=0></a>
Here's the group shot...and I do have this in a much higher resolution for those of you who are interested.

<a href="http://home.attbi.com/~nsx-t/photos/june02-nsxprime-canyonrun2/bocallis-nsx-panorama.jpg"><img src="http://home.attbi.com/~nsx-t/photos/june02-nsxprime-canyonrun2/bocallis-nsx-panorama.gif" border=0></a>
And here are the cars.


The Speed Lingerie bra definitely blends well with the color of the car.

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 06 July 2002).]
I finished posting all of the pics I plan to post on my site on July 4th...text and video still to come. And as to the delay on the latter, I finally have my new DV ready computer en route (hopefully 120GB will be enough hard drive space to handle the project).
Hey NSXrebel... if you read this, could you email me at [email protected] ??? i love your avatar mini-pix of the blue 2002 NSX... and was wondering if you could send me a copy? wanna use it as a wallpaper, that's all.
hope to hear from u. (ur email add. doesnt work)