2013 Apple discussion

13 June 2005
West Coast Florida
I thought I'd start a thread on Apple about what they may have in store 1 year out.

Things I witnessed 2011 that I never saw in 2010..
1) Business meetings people had Ipads.
2) People glued to their phones at places like restaurants and airports.
3) My mom bought an Iphone 4 and USES it. (71 years old)
4) My 5 year old was proficient on the ipad.

2012. What we can expect.

Apple TV
Iphone 5
Expansion of Apple Cloud service
Massive New Ipad sales.
Qualcom will have a chip that will allow the 650 million current cell phone users through China Mobile to use the Iphone 5.

Here is what I predict for 2013:

Iphones will begin to be used for payment processing at point of sale.
(gas groceries etc) This could hurt visa and MC's large margin business but this would be a monumental task.

Apple will somehow tie in with Baidu in China to hurt google.

Ipad will be larger 15" and smaller 7" sizes and be able to run word and excel.

Iphone 5 will have a screen 20% larger than the current 4s.
I hate to derail this, but in 2013 I will stomp on my iPhone and iPads and then throw them in the trash.

There are so many daily irritations with my iOS devices that I feel like screaming every day about how shitty they are.

The annoying notification bar that always comes down as I'm doing something and invariably takes up space over a button I need to press at the perfect time, about half a dozen times a day. Can't you get the notification right Apple?

The lack of ability to block spam texts and calls is another. Email and calendars that mysteriously stop synching to my exchange randomly, now I have to double check with OWA client instead. The shitty calendar that is far worse than the Blackberry calendar.

Aarrrgggghhh... breathe breathe, serenity now...
The annoying notification bar that always comes down as I'm doing something and invariably takes up space over a button I need to press at the perfect time, about half a dozen times a day. Can't you get the notification right Apple?

You can change that FYI.

I do get a little confused sometimes between what Calendar object is where between my MBP, iPad and iPhone and if it's on iCloud or Exchange and what is where... I haven't missed anything yet but with taking all of the thinking out of the product I am left a little confused on the "5 W's" sometimes.

Back on track, What you're going to see is a vast emergence of enterprises embracing virtual desktop solutions and replacing your work computer with a thin client and people bringing in their iPads, Android Tablets and Personal Laptops to work at no CapEx or Security risk to corporate data. The company I am employed by is taking amazing strides in changing the way people "compute".

I would LOVE to see point of sale brought right to the device in all restaurants. I've seen it at a few and I love it, no more handing off your card and having it disappear for 15 minutes. I know people that have been scammed by this in the past.

As far as the minor changes to devices, I'm not so much worried about those. The integrated TV would be sort of neato though.
Here is my prediction, You will see a LOT more win8 tablets and less iPads in the work place.

iPhone 5 will be exactly the same except it will have LTE. People will call it revolutionary and amazing.

Oh, and everyone will still blindly worship everything apple does.

I've had an iphone for 3 years. Never one spam text. Maybe you can try this:

Thanks for sharing that feature, I didn't know it existed!

Text messages sent via email can also be blocked directly from your handset. When you receive an email that you wish to block, simply reply to the email with the word "block" in the body of your message. The sender's email address will be added to your Block List. Note: this does not apply for mobile-to-mobile text messages.
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Here is my prediction, You will see a LOT more win8 tablets and less iPads in the work place.

iPhone 5 will be exactly the same except it will have LTE. People will call it revolutionary and amazing.

Oh, and everyone will still blindly worship everything apple does.

Did you hit your Apple hating quota for this thread?
Here is what I predict for 2013:

Iphones will begin to be used for payment processing at point of sale.
(gas groceries etc) This could hurt visa and MC's large margin business but this would be a monumental task.
You'll see NFC payments in this year's iPhone. Yes, Android has it already but Google Wallet blows (check G+, people are talking about it being down again today) and many of the NFC advocates have said that it needs Apple & the iPhone to really solidify this as a next gen method of payment.


Apple will somehow tie in with Baidu in China to hurt google.

Ipad will be larger 15" and smaller 7" sizes and be able to run word and excel.

Iphone 5 will have a screen 20% larger than the current 4s.
2013 Predictions:
  • Retina Display MBP & MBA
  • Haptic touch feedback for the iPhone & iPad in 2013
  • Foldable screens for iPhone & iPad

Those are my bold predictions, there will always be the improvements to CPU, GPU, battery, & camera that are to be expected.
Apple HDTV

MacBook Air in 15" & 17" flavors

4" iPhone if we don't get it this year.
I was at the NAMM show this year and last and i can tell you this. iPad apps for musicians is in, and there were almost no apps presented with other tablet devices.

I'm not sure about others but from what I understand, Apple only keep 10% of the selling price of the app and anyone can write them.

It's a lucrative biz and Apple really has it cornered.

Seems like most of the apps/games will come out on iOS first before anyone else gets them.

I think iOS devices will continue to dominate for years to come.
I was at the NAMM show this year and last and i can tell you this. iPad apps for musicians is in, and there were almost no apps presented with other tablet devices.

I'm not sure about others but from what I understand, Apple only keep 10% of the selling price of the app and anyone can write them.

It's a lucrative biz and Apple really has it cornered.

Seems like most of the apps/games will come out on iOS first before anyone else gets them.

I think iOS devices will continue to dominate for years to come.

I think apple keeps 30%. Not 10%

As developers start making cross platform html5 apps, the market will change. It won't be this year, but maybe in the next 3.

From what I read, cheaper tablets will take a big market share away from apple in the next few years. Though if they come out with a $299 7inch tablet, that could change.
Yeah Apple keeps 30%, which is actually reasonable given what they provide.

There is no doubt that Android and Win8 mobile will eventually garner the lions share of the smartphone market. It's inevitable because there are dozens of players, versus one making iOS.

However, marketshare alone does not dictate developer mindshare. The bottom line is developers will go wherever they can make the most money. Today that is iOS, but Android is starting to become more compelling.

I don't think HTML5 will really solve the cross-platform apps issue, but there is certainly an opportunity for some other middleware to solve this problem. There are some solutions out there today, but they don't do it in a robust manner. If there is small incremental effort to port to another platform, it becomes a no brainer, even if the revenue potential is small.
It an easy call to say that Android and Win 8 will triumph over iOS. After all, the historical record says that MSFT eventually became the standard over the Macintosh, blah, blah...

But that was then and this is now. And I'm not convinced that history will repeat. By now Android tablets were supposed to take over the iPad. Didn't happen.


And just like the Zune was supposed to kill the iPod - there's been really no early rush to Windows Phones. These Win Phones are just not selling.

And now we're supposed to believe that Win 8 tablets, with their "Jack of all trades, master of none" design philosophy is supposed to be the latest iPad killer. We'll see about that. iPads are being sold to Windows users in very high numbers. There's not much hesitation out there. Yeah, there's a few die-hard MSFT cheerleaders out there hoping for a Microsoft alternative to the iPad but for the most part, people aren't waiting, they are buying iPads. Win 8 will be different from iOS, to be sure, but it will it better enough to sway buyers from the de-facto popular choice of the iPad? My Doctor's office - has been PC based for years... Now there's maybe 2 PCs and the rest is all iPad.

And then there's a lot of rumblings coming from the PC user base that indicates they're just not comfortable with the new changes in Win 8.

So, we will see soon enough, but Microsoft has lately had many more failures and embarrassments lately than they've had successes. And it's going to take a lot more than a close-also-ran-near-iPad to compete today. Any MSFT tablet that aims to dethrone the iPad will have to be radically better to gain traction and to stop the iPad juggernaut. And frankly, I just don't see that happening. At best a Win 8 pad will be "almost as good as an iPad".

Oh, and smartphones... Apple has 75% of the profit in that market with less than 10% of the market. And while some would say that's a market share failure, I call it winning big time. Let the rest of the losers offer 2-1 sales.

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I predict no major changes. Still the same breeds: Granny Smith, Fiji, Red Delicious, etc. Perhaps an early frost might make headlines but nothing that's going to affect overall crop.
It an easy call to say that Android and Win 8 will triumph over iOS. After all, the historical record says that MSFT eventually became the standard over the Macintosh, blah, blah...

But that was then and this is now. And I'm not convinced that history will repeat. By now Android tablets were supposed to take over the iPad. Didn't happen.


And just like the Zune was supposed to kill the iPod - there's been really no early rush to Windows Phones. These Win Phones are just not selling.

And now we're supposed to believe that Win 8 tablets, with their "Jack of all trades, master of none" design philosophy is supposed to be the latest iPad killer. We'll see about that. iPads are being sold to Windows users in very high numbers. There's not much hesitation out there. Yeah, there's a few die-hard MSFT cheerleaders out there hoping for a Microsoft alternative to the iPad but for the most part, people aren't waiting, they are buying iPads. Win 8 will be different from iOS, to be sure, but it will it better enough to sway buyers from the de-facto popular choice of the iPad? My Doctor's office - has been PC based for years... Now there's maybe 2 PCs and the rest is all iPad.

And then there's a lot of rumblings coming from the PC user base that indicates they're just not comfortable with the new changes in Win 8.

So, we will see soon enough, but Microsoft has lately had many more failures and embarrassments lately than they've had successes. And it's going to take a lot more than a close-also-ran-near-iPad to compete today. Any MSFT tablet that aims to dethrone the iPad will have to be radically better to gain traction and to stop the iPad juggernaut. And frankly, I just don't see that happening. At best a Win 8 pad will be "almost as good as an iPad".

Oh, and smartphones... Apple has 75% of the profit in that market with less than 10% of the market. And while some would say that's a market share failure, I call it winning big time. Let the rest of the losers offer 2-1 sales.


I was about to post that article today as well.
By now Android tablets were supposed to take over the iPad. Didn't happen.

I don't know that they were supposed to take over, but they were expected to take a big chunk of iPad sales. The problem is Android tablets are just not very good. Watching the review of the Asus Prime, it doesn't sound like ICS is going to save them either.

Win8 tablets on the other hand allow me to run things like dreamweaver, photoshop etc. that I can't do on any tablet. It will ne much more of a work tool than an iPad, which IMO is a toy for most people.

Having installed Win8 on my laptop, I can tell you that it is very much geared towards a touch screen. For my laptop, I have found it very hard to use. Not intuitive at all. Honestly, it sux. I have no interest in moving my desktop to Win8 at this time. Hopefully they improve this before the next release.
My prediction is by 2013 Apple will finally approve my book to be included in the iBookstore.

Hopefully. :(

what's the book about, is it available elsewhere such as amazon and / or cafe press, what's the reason behind apple's not accepting it up to this point?
chuckle chuckle Asus Prime looks like Anus Prime. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Forbes today highlighted several reasons why Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) will hit $1,650 per share by 2015.

1: The underrated Mac unit. According to Forbes, Apple still has only 9 percent of the undying PC market share. Mac revs grew 26 percent last quarter, with sales actually accelerating. At shipments of 17 million units, Mac sales could top 55 million in 2015 if its staggering pace continues.

2. Apple has sold 55 million iPads since inception two years ago, with Forbes expecting sales of 58 million units in 2012. Many speculate that 500 million tablets will be sold in 2015 and, with Apple's market share thinning to just 60 percent, that amounts to 300 million iPad units.

3. Untapped market share for the iPhone. Asymco analyst Horace Dediu sees Apple's iPhone having only a 6 percent market share when including smartphones and feature phones. About 72 million iPhones were sold in 2011. Forbes estimates that 1.5 billion smartphones will sell globally in 2015 and Apple should be able to retain a 32 percent market share in that segment, so 480 million units.

4. Revenue for Apple's iTunes was $2 billion in the latest quarter. This compares with $1.1 billion for Facebook and $10 billion at Google (Nasdaq: GOOG). With further adoption of iPhones and iPads, Forbes sees iTunes with sales of $32 billion in 2015.

5. For Apple's iTV, Forbes throws out a few tidbits: 210 million TVs sold globally in 2011, moving to 400 million by 2015 based on an annual growth rate of 17 percent. Should Apple be able to capture a notable portion of that market, sales for Apple's iTV might reach $100 billion per year with sales of 100 million units at about $1,000 per unit.

6. Introduced not that long ago, Apple's iAd has been put on the back-burner for the most part. With many estimates coming in at the mobile ad market producing $25 billion in revs, Forbes thinks that number will double with the accelerated adoption of mobile devices. Including iTV, Forbes thinks Apple might be able to grab $20 billion of the estimated $50 billion market.

7. Mobile payments. Apple may be able to squeeze about $3 billion more in revs after trimming credit card providers' fees with the integration of mobile payments. Forbes notes how PayPal expects the mobile payment market to move from $4 billion to $40 billion by 2015, with Apple possibly being able to grab $20 billion of that segment.

8. Miscellaneous: Further corporate and educational adoption of Apple products as RIM (Nasdaq: RIMM) BlackBerries and PCs fade into the background. Additionally, Forbes believes the dividend and buyback programs will support the stock over the next three years.

Overall, Forbes estimates Apple getting sales of $610 billion in 2015 based on the above criteria. Benefiting the prediction is price-to-sales, which the Street currently has at 4x, trending to 2.5x by 2015.

This will lead to Apple becoming a $1.53 trillion company by 2015, or $1,650 per share.

Shares of Apple are uncharacteristically lower pre-market Wednesday.