2012 Austin Texas NSXcraze

1. KO-Nsx
3. TrainingRevolution
4. MrTwo
5. Moses
6. PoKnow
7. Alas-NSX
8. Osiris_x11 (available after Nov 7th)
9. dirtiehippie
10. Gil
11. David F
1. KO-Nsx
3. TrainingRevolution
4. MrTwo
5. Moses
6. PoKnow
7. Alas-NSX
8. Osiris_x11 (available after Nov 7th)
9. dirtiehippie
10. synergy004 - Gil
11. David F
12. clean_green
Want to go but need a set date established so i can work it in my schedule.
NSteXpo details...

Update the list w/ your name if you're interesting in attending the event. Also, please contact other local/regional NSX'ers that you're acquainted w/ to let them know about the event & for them to sign-up.


1. KO-Nsx
3. TrainingRevolution
4. MrTwo
5. Moses
6. PoKnow
7. Alas-NSX
8. Osiris_x11 (available after Nov 7th)
9. dirtiehippie
10. synergy004 - Gil
11. David F
12. clean_green

Tentative details...

What: NSteXpo - South-Central Region NSX Meet (TX, LA, OK, etc)
Who: past/present/potential NSX'ers
Where: Greater Austin / CenTex area
Why: NSX. Keepin' it R-E-A-L!
When: November 9, 10, 11


  • 07:30pm - 10:30pm: group-arrival dinner Arboretum/Domain area restaurant for meet-&-greet + eats-&-drinks
  • 10:30pm - 0X:00am: lounge/watering-hole/etc for some "conversation"
  • 0X:00am: head back to hotel(s) and/or area accommodations

  • 08:30am - 10:00am: open-house at John Eagle European -or- Elite Motorsports (gives time for NSX'ers to gas-up & caffeine-up)
  • 10:00am - 06:00pm: scenic & spirited group-drive into the Hill Country, countryside lunch & photo-ops
  • 08:30pm - 10:30pm: group-dinner (location TBD) in/around 'towne
  • 10:30pm - 0X:00am: explore the 'towne & what it has to offer (Warehouse/Market District, 6th St, East Austin, Triangle)

  • 09:00am - 11:00am: breakfast/brunch somewhere north/central
  • 11:00am - 01:00pm: karting at: K1 Speed -or- Driveway Motorsports -or- On Track Xperience
  • 01:00pm - 02:30pm: scenic & relaxing drive thru west Austin hills & lakes
  • 02:30pm - 04:00pm: late-lunch/early supper in'around Town Lake & then SoCo experience

Notes (!)

*Attempting to see IF a Circuit of the Americas tour can be coordinated, it will replace one of the aforementioned activities. This NSX gathering being ONE week before the actual inaugural F1 USGP, an organized tour (and/or any access) may not be possible. Looking into it, but- of'course!

* Regarding other areas and/or activities of interest, please mention them

* Any ideas or suggestions on sponsorship (whether club-level, vendors, businesses/services, etc), please offer input

* If you're a local & able to accommodate out-of-town NSX'ers, please offer such in this thread. It's likely that almost all can be offered a place to stay.

* Please acknowledge whether you plan to participate in the karting event or not (group-reservation may be necessary)
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1. KO-Nsx
3. TrainingRevolution
4. MrTwo
5. Moses
6. PoKnow
7. Alas-NSX
8. Osiris_x11 (available after Nov 7th)
9. dirtiehippie
10. synergy004 - Gil
11. David F
12. clean_green
13. BeldarC
count me in!

1. KO-Nsx
3. TrainingRevolution
4. MrTwo
5. Moses
6. PoKnow
7. Alas-NSX
8. Osiris_x11 (available after Nov 7th)
9. dirtiehippie
10. synergy004 - Gil
11. David F
12. clean_green
13. BeldarC
14. adrenaline_nsx -Omar
Too bad it's a week before f1. I don't think I can make it to austin back to back weekends. But we'll see
Can't we do it the f1 weekend?? Go watch the events together for those with tix and then hang out and drive afterwards? I don't think I can get there back to back weekends either and already have f1 tix...
Dates Look Good for me so far, got to get somebody to look after my little one!

1. KO-Nsx
3. TrainingRevolution
4. MrTwo
5. Moses
6. PoKnow
7. Alas-NSX
8. Osiris_x11 (available after Nov 7th)
9. dirtiehippie
10. synergy004 - Gil
11. David F
12. clean_green
13. BeldarC
14. adrenaline_nsx -Omar
15. Single Samurai
Just food-for-thought...

Realizing that there may be at least half-a-dozen NSX'ers (or more) that may be unable to do November 9-11 due to the F1 USGP race (also in Austin the following week Nov 16-18).

What are the thoughts to moving the 2012 NSteXpo - NSX'Craze to that week: Nov 16-18? Also, other regional/national NSX'ers may be around for meet-&-greet.

I noted that Ko-nsx will be away after Tuesday Nov 13, is it possible to delay your departure a few days?

Also, it's worth noting that hotels may be limited locally/regionally during the Nov 16-18 F1 USGP race weekend. This may be a moot point if area NSX'ers are able to offer accommodations and/or those already planning for the F1 race have their stay-details worked out.

My only limitation is that I'll be N/A before Nov 7, but by no means does that mean Oct 19-21, Oct 26-28, or Nov 2-4 should be off-the-table for consideration.
wish i can make it but already committed for a wedding that weekend. hope you guys take lots of picks.
Just food-for-thought...

Realizing that there may be at least half-a-dozen NSX'ers (or more) that may be unable to do November 9-11 due to the F1 USGP race (also in Austin the following week Nov 16-18).

What are the thoughts to moving the 2012 NSteXpo - NSX'Craze to that week: Nov 16-18? Also, other regional/national NSX'ers may be around for meet-&-greet.

I noted that Ko-nsx will be away after Tuesday Nov 13, is it possible to delay your departure a few days?

Also, it's worth noting that hotels may be limited locally/regionally during the Nov 16-18 F1 USGP race weekend. This may be a moot point if area NSX'ers are able to offer accommodations and/or those already planning for the F1 race have their stay-details worked out.

My only limitation is that I'll be N/A before Nov 7, but by no means does that mean Oct 19-21, Oct 26-28, or Nov 2-4 should be off-the-table for consideration.

My departure has actually been moved up to the Sun, Nov. 11th. I leave that sun evening around 6pm, but im rolling till the last minute!!! Unfortunately the craze will not be convienent for everyone everytime. I have missed all the fiesta's and xpo's but thankful for all the pics i get to look at!!!:biggrin: If the dates need to be moved then that's fine, having it the F1 weekend would be cool but i'll be gone. My anniversary, thanksgiving and F1 debut i will miss with my current schedule, the perks of working offshore! Whatever the majority and the planners can work out is fine with me.
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Ok, here's what I think. Since the event is going to take place in Austin, they are the one
that needs to pick the dates. Also, they are the planners and going to host and house some of us going to this event, we need to make sure have as many of the Austin residents as possible. So far only Ko-nsx and osiris have step up to making this happen. I know no matter which weekend we pick some of the members are not going to
make it, but the goal is to have as many as possible. I think KO-NSX and Osiris need to be
in this, since they are putting the times and energies into this. So lets united, show up and make this happen and have some great time guys.
i'm a maybe. i'm about to list the car up for sale... so it depends on whether the car is sold or i still have it :p
So far the the dates work for me. But as with anything that could change. I will be there if it doesn't change.

1. KO-Nsx
3. TrainingRevolution
4. MrTwo
5. Moses
6. PoKnow
7. Alas-NSX
8. Osiris_x11 (available after Nov 7th)
9. dirtiehippie
10. synergy004 - Gil
11. David F
12. clean_green
13. BeldarC
14. adrenaline_nsx -Omar
15. Single Samurai
16. Lostbuckeye
How about the first weekend in nov? Kelley will be in town for that period and it won't be back to back with f1 weekend
Just food-for-thought...

Realizing that there may be at least half-a-dozen NSX'ers (or more) that may be unable to do November 9-11 due to the F1 USGP race (also in Austin the following week Nov 16-18).

What are the thoughts to moving the 2012 NSteXpo - NSX'Craze to that week: Nov 16-18? Also, other regional/national NSX'ers may be around for meet-&-greet.

I noted that Ko-nsx will be away after Tuesday Nov 13, is it possible to delay your departure a few days?

Also, it's worth noting that hotels may be limited locally/regionally during the Nov 16-18 F1 USGP race weekend. This may be a moot point if area NSX'ers are able to offer accommodations and/or those already planning for the F1 race have their stay-details worked out.

My only limitation is that I'll be N/A before Nov 7

See, but Osiris can't make it that weekend and he is a big part of the planning, organizing and hosting group.