2005 Nsxpo Photos

Sedona run after Lake Watson :

On the way from Prescott to Sedona

Mingus Mountain


Tx & Az crew on the way ..

Chapell of the holy rocks :

Near Sedona :
bsudiro said:
And ... the famous car on the first day of the event :

Who knows maybe this car will be valued at a all time high price.... With the nifty CB radio, 3 antennas, sporty "woody" trim this car is bound to sell at a premium price.... Would the owner let me know his price to sell??? :tongue:
whiteNSXs said:
On my way home to San Francisco in the morning of 10/11/05, a woman driving a Ford Escort crashed into my passenger's rear quarter panel during bumper to bumper gridlock. :mad:

My all original #000001 will never be the same again.

I'm so sorry to hear about that. Your beautiful NSX is really special.

Weren't you also the one that had a couple of run ins with the CHP on our way down? If memory serves me, you must surely have eaten up all of your bad luck by now.

Hang in there. And nice meeting you.
Thanks a lot for the compliments, Randy .. Still a loooong way away to being as good as the likes of Bob Ondrovic though ... :wink:

Steve .. sorry to hear the misfortune .. Hope you'll get your baby back to how she looked before the accident!!

Cheers .. Gus
Great event and Pics . . . . .

I hope Nico (NSXBOX) and Mike (NeoNSX) will attend this event again next year then I might join too
Day 1 Teaser - Go-karting

In the Embassy Suites parking lot, NSXers serviced and cleaned their cars before the day's events began

Frank "NsXMas" arrives in the parking lot of the go-kart event

This Comptech racer upstages my nearly stock NSX-T

During the go-kart event, I hang out with my new Aussie friends Mike "NeoNSX" (left) and Nico "NSXBOX" (right)

Heat 18: NsXMas closes in on NeoNSX
Day 1 Teaser - Group photo, dinner at Macayos, and Mill Ave

NSXs fill a parking lot near Camelback Mountain for the group photo

NSXers still need to clear the area before the first official shots are taken

We dined at Macayos and I found myself surrounded by familiar faces. Can anyone guess who this notorious Prime member is? :p

John "ANYTIME" shows Tina my Sony PSP (I loaded it with NSX-related videos and photos before the event...but I think John was playing Burnout: Legends)

After dinner, Frank and Kelvin "PHOEN$X" show us the nightlife on Mill Ave, then take us for a walk across the bridge where we stop for pictures (left-to-right: Mike, Valerie, Lud, Frank, and Kelvin)
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Great photo work! :eek:

Also, I have always wondered if anyone lifts these cars from the front or rear. 1st time I have ever seen it done............... :confused:

(and yes, it was an absolute pleasure meeting the mystery man)

Again, great photos!
Day 2 Teaser - Vendor / Tech Day, Pavilions Car Show, Banquet

I chatted with Raymond as he washed his car and decided it wasn't worth washing mine

Seth's and Chris' Science of Speed NSXs were on display in the vendor area

NSXs from coast-to-coast were parked in the Embassy Suites parking lot

Conrad "POWERED by HONDA", Randy "FuryNSX" and Bret "MrBret" (Conrad and Randy were as inseparable as always)

NSXs weren't the only cars on display at the Pavilions Car Show

Mike "NeoNSX" shoots video as he approaches Randy's toy display

May "Ms. Purple!!" really loves purple (she had a different purple outfit for each day of NSXPO)

I was talking with John "Waldorf" when we noticed that the local authorities had taken an interest in his NSX

Mike shows more emotion than Keanu Reeves in his thank you speech at the banquet dinner

I had no idea that this NSX would become a highlight of this year's NSXPO
Great pictures!!
I hope one day to be part of the NSXPO... but for the time being ITR Expo will have to do :P

Looks like you guys had a bunch of fun :thumbup:
Day 3 Teaser - Drive to Prescott, Watson Lake, and Sedona

Frank "NsXMas" puts his NSX in position to lead our drive from the Embassy Suites to Prescott

My NSX and Claus' Kaiser Silver NSX will join the line shortly (trivia: Claus joined my very first NSX caravan back in June, 2000)

Chris (CDub) wonders why we haven't left the hotel parking lot

Our caravan to Prescott bunches up at the 74 to 60 interchange (yellow NSXer from Kansas, I'd like to see the photo your passenger snapped as I might want a full-res copy for my gallery) :D

Valerie and I enjoy the view at Watson Lake...

...as does Kim and John "Waldorf"...

...and Randy "FuryNSX"...

...and Lud and Kelvin "PHOEN$X"

After lunch and as soon as our individual photos were taken, a small group of us drove to Sedona (this really should have been part of the Prescott drive...and I wish we stopped for pictures in Jerome)

In Sedona, Valerie and I split from the mini-caravan to check-in at the Amara Creek Resort

Since we spent the next two nights in Sedona, Valerie and I didn't get to say our goodbyes to a lot of you. We had a blast! That said, my NSXPO wasn't completely over...
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Day 4 Teaser - Grand Canyon (didn't take the NSX)

My advice is do not take a bus tour to the Grand Canyon. While I didn't have to worry about driving to and from Sedona, I wasn't in complete control of how much time I could spend at each stop along the South Rim (not to mention that I have NO pictures of my NSX at the canyon)

This suspension bridge over the Little Colorado River is in Cameron, AZ

Our tour guide took this picture of Valerie and me near the Desert View Tower (the eastern-most and highest spot along Grand Canyon's South Rim...with temps in the mid-40's!)

Valerie headed back down the steps after enjoying the view from the top of the tower

Inside the tower

Outside the tower

A huge hole in the ground...I have a LOT of panoramic shots to stitch together! :eek:

Valerie snaps a shot of me during our mile-and-a-half walk along the rim, the only time we parted from our tour group

We met up with our group at the El Tovar. I snapped this pic in the lobby while waiting for our bus

Too bad we weren't driving back to Sedona in this Testarossa

We returned to Sedona just in time to catch a beautiful sunset (I snapped this shot from the Amara Creek Resort)
3000 miles, 7 days, countless memories

Here are some of my pictures, as well as some by NsXMas and PHOEN$X (hover your cursor over a picture to see who took it). Click to make them big. There are also a few short video clips. If you really want to see more pictures, I have 'em <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170">here</a>.

<big><b>Wednesday October 5</b></big>

T minus 3 hours. As soon as I'm done with my meeting, I'm out of here!
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39762906/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39762906-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
I ended up leaving around 5 PM CST. After a few hours of driving, I took a little break somewhere in the Texas countryside.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39763093/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39763093-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39763204/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39763204-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
On I-20, between Abilene and Roscoe, a mean looking front is looming on the horizon.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39763405/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39763405-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39765369/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39765369-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
As I crossed the front, the winds picked-up considerably. Driving through the crosswinds kept me wide awake for the following hundred or so miles. I passed several accidents, including one semi truck that must have jackknifed before it came to a rest in the highway median. By the time I arrived in Lubbock, it was really cold and really wet.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39765460/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39765460-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>

<big><b>Thursday October 6</b></big>

I made it to New Mexico by the end of the day and spent the night in a little town called Clovis. Accomodations at the Howard Johnson Express Inn were decent. The following morning, I was well-rested and was looking forward to joining the Albuquerque caravan to NSXPO.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39765801/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39765801-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
I'm in the middle of the Llano Estacado - a region that covers much of west Texas and east New Mexico. It spans nearly 40,000 square mile, so the slope from the 2000 feet elevation change from one corner to the opposite is completely imperceptible. One can spot the occasional plateau from miles awake; however, there's really not much to see - not even a tree. I take a little break about 30 minutes from Albuquerque.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39766048/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39766048-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39766144/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39766144-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
The Sandia Mountains, just east of Albuquerque, are quite imposing. I had never met any of the NSX owners I would soon be joining.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39766426/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39766426-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
We had a fantastic lunch at with 6 other NSX owners from Albuquerque (Viper Driver, NSXT, Don Lakotish) and Colorado (Doc C, LRDVader, Ojas). After lunch, 53HeloFE meets up with us as we depart for the Kirtland Air Force Base for a photo shoot. I follow Doc C's beautiful Silverstone 2004. I actually saw this NSX a little over a year ago - when it was sitting in the showroom of an Acura dealer in Austin.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39766498/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39766498-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
One more enthusiastic NSX owner, gotTurbo, joins us at the base, where we take photos with one of the styling inspirations of the NSX - the F16.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39766537/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:178px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39766537-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39766608/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39766608-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39766914/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39766914-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39767443/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39767443-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Five of us (Viper Driver, Don, Doc C, LrdVader, and myself) depart for Phoenix, planning to enjoy driving through the mountains and canyons in western New Mexico and eastern Arizona.Before we leave town, gotTurbo performs a quick demonstration of his FX400.
<div style="width:162px;height:140px;background-color:#aaaaaa"><a href="http://ojaspatel.com/media/2005-NSXPO/137_3709.AVI"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:160px;height:120px" src="http://ojaspatel.com/media/2005-NSXPO/137_3709.THM.JPG" /><br />Video! (2.4 MB)</a></div>
West on US Highway 60, we start going through some mountains. It seems like one could take a short hike up a hill and end up in the clouds.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39768172/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39768172-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39768373/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39768373-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
A little while later, we arrived at one of our scheduled stops - the <a href="http://www.vla.nrao.edu/">VLA</a>. I thought this was pretty cool and a quite a coincidence, since the night before (at the HoJo) I watched one of my favorite movies, Contact, which had numerous scenes taking place at the VLA.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39768545/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39768545-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39768742/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39768742-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
We encounter more beautiful scenery as we continue west. The road is just slightly wet, but we are having no problems. Yet.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39769179/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39769179-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39769296/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39769296-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Five minutes after I took the picture above, four NSXs are off the road.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39769444/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39769444-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39769935/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39769935-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
It all happened so fast. I remember seeing Viper Driver's NSX fishtail side-to-side and thinking "hydroplane". (Even during that split second, I thought this was odd because the road surface did not offer any sort of visual clue - there was no transistion and the area did not look any different than the rest of the road. I also did not see any roostertail from Viper Driver's NSX.)

So I slowed down, but had no chance. As the car skidded sideways into a ditch, I thought for sure I was going to flip. I could not see a thing and just braced for the roll, which luckily did not happen. Debris covered the windshield - it was not until the car stopped that I was able to see anything.

Viper Driver already posted a <a href="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58530">thorough account of the incident</a>, so I won't duplicate it here.

However, I do think it's worth mentioning how well everyone (who were essentially strangers) dealt with the sitation. More so, it's one thing for a bunch of car nuts to be stuck in the middle of nowhere. It's quite another to be there with a significant other who is understanding enough accompany the "nut" on the trip and who, not only handled, but helped so much in the situation.
It's been just several days, but thinking back to how well everyone stuck together and helped each other out really makes me value the type of individuals who make up this community.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39769541/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39769541-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39769831/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39769831-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
After we patch up our cars, we continue. Unfortunately, our maximum speed is limited to 50 MPH due to severe vibrations at higher speeds.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39770058/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39770058-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39770642/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39770642-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39770771/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39770771-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
We clean ourselves up. We then hit some crazy hail!
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Sometime after midnight, we roll into the hotel. After such a long day and more excitement than I cared for, I slept very well that night. Now the real fun begins! :)

<big><b>Friday October 7</b></big>

The following morning, we go to Speed Street for some karting. Although I have been an NSX owner since 1999, this is my first NSXPO. I see the most NSXs I have ever seen at one place.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39830193/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39830193-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39771867/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:600px;height:251px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39771867-M.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39771932/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39771932-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39772724/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39772724-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39830135/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39830135-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39830147/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39830147-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a>
There is some serious karting action going on. Although still in the process of installing scoreboards and other items, the Speed Street facility is excellent. The course is definitely the largest one I've been on.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39771481/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39771481-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39771524/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39771524-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39771976/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39771976-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39772034/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39772034-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39772132/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39772132-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39772212/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39772212-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39772327/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39772327-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39772419/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39772419-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
While waiting for my heat to run, I finally met PHOEN$X. Without me even asking, he not only took me to Discount Tire to have my wheels and tires taken care of, but also showed me around part of the town and also dropped me off when my car was done. Thanks to him, I was able to get some karting in without missing the group photo or dinner at Macayo's Depot Cantina in Tempe... <img src="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif" />
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39773041/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:600px;height:258px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39773041-M.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39772971/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:225px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39772971-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>

<big><b>Saturday October 8</b></big>

The view out of the room is not bad.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39774864/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:600px;height:120px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39774864-L.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Saturday morning's activities include technical seminars and vendor displays. The new supercharger system from Science of Speed I read about the night before is on display. The individual throttle bodies look amazing. I can only imagine how intoxicating it must sound. The Science of Speed Zanardi is running AEM engine management - big news for owners of OBD2 NSXs.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39773305/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39773305-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39773372/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39773372-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39773406/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39773406-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Comptech brought an incredibly well-modded NSX that has all the mods you need and none you don't. It is owned by Kip Olson and was in the Ultimate Street Car Challenge in the November 2005 issue of Sport Compact Car Magazine.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39773935/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39773935-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39774002/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39774002-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39774144/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39774144-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Comptech had their updated supercharger on display. The new design looks good. More importantly, it produces more power. I think NSX community is very fortunate to have a long-time aftermarket supplier like Comptech. It seems rare to have a company that produces such high-quality products and is committed to such a limited production car. I suppose it's a natural fit - Comptech, as a company, seems to embody the same enthusiasm and appreciation for quality as the NSX owners.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39774633/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39774633-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39774748/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39774748-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
That afternoon, we go to the Pavilions Car Show and "Zymol Concours pour L'Amusement".
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39775350/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39775350-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39775426/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39775426-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39775528/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39775528-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39775566/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39775566-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39775751/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39775751-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39775818/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39775818-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39775917/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39775917-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39776092/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39776092-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39776342/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39776342-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39776607/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39776607-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39776801/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39776801-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39776883/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39776883-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39776956/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39776956-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39777042/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39777042-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
After a few hours, we go back to the hotel. I think Ms. Purple!!, SamBel, bsudiro engage in a drag race, but I'm the guy who's getting a ticket (in the mail).
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39777697/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39777697-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39777127/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39777127-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Later that evening, we are back at the hotel for the banquet dinner and awards ceremony. After that we go to the bar to catch the Japanese Grand Prix at Suzuka.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39778678/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39778678-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39778973/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39778973-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39779019/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39779019-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39779095/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39779095-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>

<big><b>Sunday October 9</b></big>

The following morning, we go for a group drive to Watson Lake in Prescott. The roads there were amazing with lots of curves. The roads were also much smoother than anything we have here in Texas. nsxtasy gave me company on the trip. It was fantastic to finally meet him. Although dozens of NSXs were quite a sight, they could not compare to the natural beauty of the Lake and the rock formations around it.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39779434/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:600px;height:197px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39779434-M.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39779934/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:600px;height:153px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39779934-M.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39779202/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39779202-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39779251/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39779251-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39780092/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39780092-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39780682/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39780682-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39780360/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39780360-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39780746/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39780746-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39762282/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39762282-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39762766/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39762766-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39783796/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39783796-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39783686/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39783686-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39783873/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39783873-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39830770/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39830770-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39830849/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39830849-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39830957/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39830957-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39830963/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39830963-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39830980/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39830980-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39831013/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39831013-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a>
Then, I run into these foolz. :D
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39783505/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39783505-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39783624/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39783624-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Nice form?
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39783975/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39783975-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Fastrunner, bsudiro, NsXMas, PHOEN$X, and I head towards Sedona. I'll quit writing for now - I don't need to type a word, as the breathtaking scenery speaks for itself.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39831027/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39831027-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39784001/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39784001-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39827332/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39827332-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39827355/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39827355-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39827706/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39827706-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39827749/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39827749-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39784066/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39784066-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39784158/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39784158-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39784682/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39784682-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39831063/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39831063-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a>
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39827884/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39827884-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39828160/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39828160-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39828619/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39828619-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39828638/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39828638-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39831131/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39831131-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a>
The Church of the Holy Cross was designed by a student of Frank Lloyd Wright. The clean, modern structure juts out boldly from, yet blends gracefully with, the surrounding formations (like many of Wright's works).
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39786644/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39786644-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39785685/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39785685-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39786027/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:225px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39786027-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39786272/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39786272-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39786451/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:660px;height:155px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39786451-M.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39828917/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39828917-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39786567/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39786567-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39786879/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39786879-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39831267/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39831267-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39831322/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39831322-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39831556/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39831556-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a>
We drive directly to the Pinnacle Peak Patio for the great dinner to conclude a perfect day with awesome people.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39787072/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39787072-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39787128/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39787128-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39787514/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39787514-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39788429/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39788429-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39829461/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39829461-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39829523/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39829523-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39829547/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39829547-S.jpg" alt="Picture by NsXMas"/></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39825486/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39825486-S.jpg" alt="Picture by PHOEN$X"/></a>

<big><b>Monday October 10</b></big>

This is the first of two track days. The RL's SH-AWD seems to do its job well.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39788549/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39788549-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
My buddy, Lito is on the track.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39788948/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39788948-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39791069/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39791069-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
bsudiro takes time to chat with this fans. The phat fives look hawt!
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39791460/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39791460-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39792014/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39792014-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39792282/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39792282-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Dinner with these guys was absolutely a highlight of the whole event!
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39793428/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:225px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39793428-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39793637/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39793637-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39793713/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39793713-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39794291/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39794291-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39794335/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39794335-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a><div style="width:162px;height:140px;background-color:#aaaaaa"><a href="http://ojaspatel.com/media/2005-NSXPO/140_4040.AVI"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:160px;height:120px" src="http://ojaspatel.com/media/2005-NSXPO/140_4040.THM.JPG" /><br />Video! (2.2 MB)</a></div>

<big><b>Tuesday October 11</b></big>

We are back at the track!
Fastrunner is looking good.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39794542/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39794542-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39794821/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39794821-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39796178/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39796178-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39796697/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39796697-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39797823/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39797823-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39798393/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39798393-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
bsudiro is right behind.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39795540/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39795540-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39797530/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39797530-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39799189/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39799189-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Some cool brake dust pattern forms on my wheels.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39791302/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39791302-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Oops - How embarassing! :redface:
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39799491/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39799491-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39799723/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39799723-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
After a thrilling day and a half at the track (and 5 days in Phoenix), it's time to pack-up, say good-bye, and go home. :(
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39799905/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39799905-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Pit stop 1: Some cool-looking rocks
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/40239779/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:600px;height:95px;" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/40239779-M.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39802652/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39802652-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39803749/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39803749-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39803570/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:225px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39803570-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Pit stop 2: New Mexico
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39804220/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39804220-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39804673/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39804673-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39804797/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39804797-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39804918/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:225px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39804918-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39805663/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39805663-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Hmm... It started off bumpy, but what a blast the last 5 days have been!
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39781234/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39781234-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Pit stop 3: Texas! Good news: I'm in my home state. Bad news: I am not even half-way home.
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39781547/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39781547-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39782273/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39782273-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39782491/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39782491-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
Side note: It's kind of funny, I think I stopped and took pictures at the same places bsudiro did when he picked-up his NSX (<a href="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=3437&sort=1&cat=500&page=4">1</a>, <a href="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=3438&sort=1&cat=500&page=4">2</a>, and <a href="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=3439&sort=1&cat=500&page=4">3</a>). Then again, I suppose it's not too surprising - there is really nothing else between here and Arizona.

I'm making good time and am less than 2 hours from my parents place (where I will spend the night), when I encounter some fog. It is actually, not just "some fog". It is the thickest fog I have ever seen in Texas! Remember that old Atari 2600 game "Night Driver"? :)<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39783374/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39783374-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a> <a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/39783430/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/39783430-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>

<big><b>Wednesday October 12</b></big>

The following morning, after a final fill-up I am back on the road fast and home in no time... All thanks to prepay! :D
<a href="http://ojas.smugmug.com/gallery/866170/1/40783275/Large"><img style="border:1px solid #666666;width:400px;height:300px" src="http://ojas.smugmug.com/photos/40783275-S.jpg" alt="Picture by Ojas" /></a>
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NsXMas said:
Did you get the "incident" handled yet? I'll be down near you guys soon, hopefully. Can't wait to go eletric karting!!
No, not yet. I just probably need to provide the proper paperwork. :) Be sure to give one of us a call when you get down here. It won't take much arm twisting to go karting. :D


Those pics are absolutely killer!!! It helps me remember all the great times I had last week. Great stuff. Narrative is even better. And what a finish to your pics!! :D Hahahaha.


P.S. You better watch your back. :D
Great pics Ojas!

Frank, I wish I had known that more groups were going to break for Sedona after Watson Lake...we could have had a bigger caravan! I'm still bummed I didn't take more pictures of my NSX while there too.

BTW, for you Canon RAW shooters, how long does it typically take you to get through your shots? I'm averaging 10 per hour.
Day 5 Teaser - Sedona, Firebird International Raceway

On the last day, I awaken early enough to see stars over the Amara Creek Resort

Steve "CA AGNSX" recommended the view from the Sedona Airport, so I drive up there well ahead of sunrise (and it was cold!)

I think this is the first ever pre-dawn shot of my NSX (Randy should use this for one of his NSX calendars)

I spotted a cute little bunny hopping across the parking lot...and was bummed that I had foolishly decided to leave my external flash and long lens back at the hotel

When the sun rises, I spot hot air balloons rising into the light. Fortunately, another Canon-wielding photographer let me borrow her 55-200mm lens for a few shots, but it was nowhere near the speed or quality of the 70-200/2.8L I had left in my hotel room

This morning, before leaving Sedona, we went to see the Cathedral Rocks

No wonder this is one of the more photographed locations in Sedona (if only I could wait for sunset)

Since we didn't stop for photos on our way back to Phoenix, we had time to stop by Firebird International Raceway before heading home. When we arrived, we didn't see any NSXs...but we did find this Ford GT (and a bunch of Corvettes)

After realizing I went in the wrong entrance, I found the staging area, but many of the NSXs had already left (I missed the San Diego NSXers by 10-20 minuutes). Valerie and I were happy to get another chance to say proper goodbyes to Mike "NeoNSX", Nico "NSXBOX"...

...and Frank "NsXMas". He videotaped us as we left the parking lot...our NSXPO was officially over!

I think I have something like 500 RAWs to go. I'm going to stitch my panoramas next...roughly a dozen of those.
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Day 1 - Panoramic shots

Embassy Suites parking lot

Speed Street parking lot

Another panorama of the Speed Street parking lot

The lot from a slightly higher vantage point

Staging the group photo (centered on a familiar NSX)