2005 Nsxpo Photos

Some photoshop experiments that I did this sunday ...

A stitched photo of Lake Watson, accidentally checked the Colorize check box in Hue/Saturation dialog box and came out as this reddish monochrome photo. Looks quite surreal and ... quite neat I think, .. even if unreal .. :wink:
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td class="alt1" align="left" valign="top">
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This photo was initially underexposed, but while experimenting in Adobe Camera Raw, the areas around the clouds became quite more interesting ..
Taken in Sedona from the Chapell of the Holy Cross.

A bigger version can be found here and here ..
Cheers .. Gus
Day 3 - Panoramas

One last sunrise from our room at The Ritz-Carlton, Phoenix

Arrival at Watson Lake

From the rear

From the side

From the front (that's not my red NSX with Speed Lingerie nose mask in the front row)

Watson Lake

Sedona from Highway 89 Alt

Trivia: 1GB of 5GB I snapped during NSXPO 2005 were panoramas
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Nice touches. If you really want to get funky with your pictures, get an infrared filter (if you cameral allows lense attachments). Crazy stuff...
WOW, all of your pictures are amazing! Keep them coming!

Ojas, it was great to meet you and hang out with you. Those are some sweet pictures! I'm glad your return trip went a lot smoother than your trip to AZ! Any more embarassing pictures of Randy? :D

Steve! That sucks! I can't believe that happened! I'm so sorry!

Eric, thanks for posting your (always) sweet pictures. Thanks for sizing them at a perfect 1920x1280. :D
Eric, thanks for posting your (always) sweet pictures. Thanks for sizing them at a perfect 1920x1280. :D

Yeah, I thought someone would appreciate the 1920x resolution (plus, my desktop is 1920x1200 at work). I would have posted my panoramas x1280, but Prime appears to resize them to be no wider than 3072.

Of course, the full resolution images will be on ImageStation once I'm done with all of them.
Day 4 - Panoramas


Little Colorado River as seen from Navahopi Road (Highway 64)

Second attempt to process the most difficult 12-shot panorama I've ever stitched taken from the southeastern corner of the Grand Canyon

After the previous nightmare stitch, I just let this one bulge

Another panorama of the canyon

I'm seriously getting tired of stitching these things

Just one more after this

This one maintains the perspective of the center shot
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Day 5 - Panoramas

Sunrise over Sedona (view from near the airport)

Same sunrise, a slightly different angle on Sedona

Final panorama from Sedona

Okay...now I'm going back to all my "regular" photos...
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Ahh brings back those sweet track feelings,btw nice action shots coming out of the carousel turn.:biggrin: Thanks again,any new xpo photos are worth reviving any thread.