2005 Nsxpo Photos

Sorry, I'm here, the parking lot is to die for, and you can't appreciate how good it is.
Here are a couple of very poor camera phone pix to tide you over until better pix are posted.

First Pic - NSXmas getting a nice detail in prep for NSXPO today. :biggrin:

Second Pic - Hotel parking lot around 5pm today.

I forgot my camera at home, as I had to give a lift to a local NSXer so he could pick up his NSX at the shop.


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yes....yes.... more pics please
I am slaving away here at work and those guys are out there driving NSXs in AZ with the tops and windows down. YOU TELL ME TO BE PATIENT. I am monitoring this thread every 5 min. at work. Please upload pics soon. I think some of your have satellite internet,don't you??
Re: 2005 Nsxpo Photos NeoNSX spotting

we must have a nice picture of NeoNSX to fotoslop!!!!!

he gotta free tickie, i gotta work :frown:

have fun in america, neo!!!!! :eek:
Still no pics and I am almost done with work. :frown: Maybe noone has a digital camara at NSXPO. :frown: Must be waiting for film developing at local drug store! :frown: :frown: Make sure pay the extra for one hour photo.
I'm here and I have pics, but I've got to resize them all to post up online. Does NSXPrime have the ability to host photos? I've got some very good ones of the group drive down and the day's events today.

Yesterday, I joined the Albuquerque-NSXPO caravan at lunch. Thanks to Viper Driver, we took some pictures of our NSXs with one of its styling inspirations - The F-16:

<img style="width:800px;height:600px" src="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/data/687/3739IMG_3705_Medium_.JPG" />

We took a little a break in front of the VLA:

<img style="width:800px;height:600px" src="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/data/687/3739IMG_3723_Medium_.JPG" />

We had a couple of snags on the way to Phoenix, but all of us arrived safe. This morning - Karting!

<img style="width:800px;height:600px" src="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/data/687/3739IMG_3787_Medium_.JPG" />

<img style="width:800px;height:600px" src="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/data/687/3739IMG_3788_Medium_.JPG" />

<img style="width:800px;height:600px" src="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/data/687/3739IMG_3789_Medium_.JPG" />

Out in the parking lot - A sea of NSXs:

<img style="width:800px;height:600px" src="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/data/687/3739IMG_3770_Medium_.JPG" />

<img style="width:800px;height:600px" src="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/data/687/3739IMG_3765_Medium_.JPG" />

<img style="width:800px;height:600px" src="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/data/687/3739IMG_3795_Medium_.JPG" />

Even more NSXs:

<img style="width:800px;height:600px" src="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/data/687/3739IMG_3801_Medium_.JPG" />

What are you trying to do, get me in trouble with people for not posting fast enough? :) Sorry, but I'm having too much fun out here. :D However, I have been able to get my day zero pictures up. That was Thursday, when the San Diego group made its way across the I-8 and arrived in Phoenix.

You can find pics here .

Here are a few examples.


San Diego meeting point


Seth's sick CF NSX.


CDub, whiteNSXs and SilverOne


POWERED by HONDA let's us know that there's excellent sushi at Sapporo's!!


I think Neo would agree!!

NSXPO 2005 advocates a "Drink Responsibly" policy. (It helps sticking to that when you don't ship you sweet widebodied NSX from Australia.) :D


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Looks like Randy is letting me off easy...I figured the napkin pic would be posted for sure. :biggrin: Too bad you guys are all sleeping...we're still partying in the room. The ladies brought some alcohol over after the club closed if anyone is still awake! I wonder how many events I can miss at one NSXPO! At least I made it to dinner :tongue: