2005 NSX vs. Ferrari 348 thread...

LOL. You know I have no idea what vette guys consider high mileage. I bought mine with 0. I guess with a 5 year 100K warranty, I would consider it 101K. :)

Really once they are past a few years old it's not the miles but the condition, originality and rareness of the car. Most Vette owners I know drive their cars unlike most of the Ferrari owners that I've met.
These NSX vs ? threads........Well let me say that if a 348 owner had a mint car and offered me $50K + his car for my '05 I'd still walk...no I wouldn't walk I'd run away.
These NSX vs ? threads........Well let me say that if a 348 owner had a mint car and offered me $50K + his car for my '05 I'd still walk...no I wouldn't walk I'd run away.

No 348 looks as good as your NSX:biggrin:
No 348 looks as good as your NSX:biggrin:

And you would run away too....Our NSX's are in a different atmosphere as far as quality and reliability. I wouldn't even take a 360 for my NSX! A 430 would be a different story though :-)
I thought the saying was the 348 was Ferrari's mistake. I was really interested in a 355 but the early models had valve guide problems and there exhaust manifolds fail. Ferrari never corrected that so you will have to go aftermarket. The dash can shrink, you can get cracks in the C pillars, engine out service to change the timing belt/drive belt/tensioners. The 360 changed the engine out service. I would still like one day to own a Ferrari but the 360's are still over 100k.
I don't know why everyone is dissing Ferrari, they are beautiful cars.... especially painted in Fire Engine Red! :biggrin:

Well let me say that if a 348 owner had a mint car and offered me $50K + his car for my '05 I'd still walk...no I wouldn't walk I'd run away.

I can't imagine anyone here would trade for a 348. What's the point of having a car that you can't drive because you're afraid it will break again?

I really can't imagine many Ferrari owners drive their 348s either. No more than a few miles a year anyway. Yeah, let's buy a 14 year old Ferrari to LOOK at. Personally I would rather have a 911 or NSX and drive it 20,000 miles a year.
I agree with a lot of what is posted above....I am subscribed on F-Chat but have mainly gone there in the past to look at the pics available. I am not going to bother looking at the NSX-348 thread because with haters and posers you cannot sway the mentality and there is no use trying. Also I do believe its true that at least 80% of these types of postings comes from NON-Owners and most likely teen agers! Anyone here that has a newer low mileage NSX could have easily afforded a 348....but I am sure that "they" did their homework and were not lulled by the marque alone:cool:
Holy crap!! I went to the Ferrari Chat site...and I guess I should have seen what was coming...lol...absolute crap!! A majority of the Ferrai owner's remarks about the NSX were total crap - absolutely unfounded and quite insulting to boot!! What a stinking waste of time:mad:

Dam - :cool: I should have seen it coming...lol...I should have seen it coming...I should have seen it coming....

I really enjoyed the

"Would you trade your slightly worn Vacheron Constantin for a BRAND NEW CASIO!! remark. Ferrari guys are TRUELY more about brand than the actual vehicle. 348's SUCK. I mean, they're just shitty cars. I like Ferrari's. Well, I like 360's and 430's. NSX's are quicker than 355's, and they're telling him to upgrade to that. Listening to F guys is like listening to 6th graders bitch about whose gym shoes cost more. :rolleyes:
Is it really that much of a suprise? The replies are from owners who already have 348, they've left reason behind and already made the wrong decision.

Those guys are living their boyhood dream, to own a Ferrari. For some, having a Ferrari - be it boxy, ill handling and slow - is more than enough for them. Trading in for a 'mere' Honda is not going to happen.

What is irritating is that clearly most haven't even tried an NSX. If you look past the badge and the fact the car doesn't break down, how do they define character? Driving an NSX is always an emotive experience for me.

A lot of them say "how would you feel drawing up alongside to a 348 in an NSX." LOL. What happens when they pull up against a 355, 360 or 430? They look like paupers. Their cocks must shrink back inside of them quicker than Paris Hilton drops her panties.

Sorry, but it doesn't matter how many Ferrari baseball caps, t-shirts and slippers you have, the 348 isn't the Ferrari dream.
Is it really that much of a suprise? The replies are from owners who already have 348, they've left reason behind and already made the wrong decision.

Those guys are living their boyhood dream, to own a Ferrari. For some, having a Ferrari - be it boxy, ill handling and slow - is more than enough for them. Trading in for a 'mere' Honda is not going to happen.

What is irritating is that clearly most haven't even tried an NSX. If you look past the badge and the fact the car doesn't break down, how do they define character? Driving an NSX is always an emotive experience for me.

A lot of them say "how would you feel drawing up alongside to a 348 in an NSX." LOL. What happens when they pull up against a 355, 360 or 430? They look like paupers. Their cocks must shrink back inside of them quicker than Paris Hilton drops her panties.

Sorry, but it doesn't matter how many Ferrari baseball caps, t-shirts and slippers you have, the 348 isn't the Ferrari dream.

Well, It's usually the more expensive (and prestigious) cars that like to talk shit about lower price cars that perform as well, if not better.

Just look at the love that some of the NSX guys dole out the the FD community. No different than the F Chat.
What amuses me it's the level of arrogance that some of those individuals (that many don't even own a fcar) have in one of the cheapest looking in and out Ferrari cars even made from an era were they were HORRIBLY built with notorious problems in many senses (also cheap to buy and not that "fast" as they made it sound like) ... if Honda built that 348 it could be called no less than a cheap garbage try from Honda to make an exotic, and the funny thing is that they know that ,,, the 355 is as good as the nsx NA2 and NO ONE from the nsx family is delusional to say that 360's and F430's are crap (although they self-ignite occasionally) is just too funny for me how you can buy a 40K Ferrari that you will barely drive just to say that you car has "SOUL" ... 4 me is just ridiculous ,,,, NSX's have nothing to worry .. neither Honda in it's racing division (although it's time to win again Honda F1!!) ... all i have to say it's LOL @ the 328/348 defenders ....
I think my avatar says it all. NSX in front of a 348!:biggrin:
I always like to ask "if you had to cross the ocean in a jet, would you rather it be made by HONDA or Ferrari?" :biggrin:
Well, it hit bottom. They threw out the "Soul" card and closed the thread.

The NSX owner was said to have changed his mind. I call BS on the offer of the trade ever being legit. Its just crazy to throw $20k + out the window.
More likely the 348 owner was thinking about up-grading to an NSX and wanted his "friends" opinion. His friends on that forum really helped him out.
Misery loves company I guess.........
Now thay can all brag to each other on how much they spend keeping their cars running, and "who's who" in the towing world.
What fun.......................