2003 Wreck JH4NA21623T000018

where the heck have you been? you havent posted in like a year.

we thought you died LOL

glad we were wrong White92

Thanks for the advice. Actually, I sent your photos to my inspector in SLC and had him compare the pictures to the car. All checked out. I still have a bit of a concern over the engine but speaking with Alan helped remedy that.

White92: I agree with your concern. I had it out with the salesperson and caught her completely off guard with the research I had completed on this car. I really think Prestman tailors its sales to those that don't do research. The good news is I had the price dropped because they failed to comply with Lemon law disclosers on significant auto parts replacement. Given that the VIN tag on the engine does not match the car VIN, that should have been fully disclosed; it was not. So they were caught lying. I'm only waiting to get the correct deposit amount such that my bank will finance the car.

It would be great to get this car. I've tried for 20 years and this is the last real opportunity I think I'll have. Otherwise, its onto another vehicle. So, I'm really trying hard. If it happens, wonderful; if not, it was not meant to be. I guess I'm hopeful.

I am taking everyone's opinions to heart and am watching carefully.
haha I've been here and there. I browse from time to time. I just don't have too much time to spend on here these days.

GreekNSX... Does it concern you that you've caught them in lies before and they are being difficult to work with? What else are they not being upfront about?
haha I've been here and there. I browse from time to time. I just don't have too much time to spend on here these days.

GreekNSX... Does it concern you that you've caught them in lies before and they are being difficult to work with? What else are they not being upfront about?

One may never know. Or, it may be found out too late :frown:
Actually, given that I've (1) done the research properly, and (2) had the car inspected, I'm good. The wool has not been pulled over and I don't plan on allowing it.
Actually, given that I've (1) done the research properly, and (2) had the car inspected, I'm good. The wool has not been pulled over and I don't plan on allowing it.

Did you have someone local look at the car? Was it a local dealership or Prime member?

Actually, the person that looked at the car is an Automotive Engineer that lives in SLC and is a former co-worker of mine. I trust his judgement and guidance.

Actually, the person that looked at the car is an Automotive Engineer that lives in SLC and is a former co-worker of mine. I trust his judgement and guidance.

I'm with you on this one. If the frame isn't damaged to where its a safety risk, and the rest of the car checks out, I say go for it. It's a beautiful car after all the repairs and if I were ready to buy RIGHT NOW (pending someone more qualified looking over it) then I would've made the move on it as well. Good luck and keep us posted.
I will continue to help NSX owners/future owners till I die.

or i just dont care anymore which will be when im like 98 years old. LOL
I will continue to help NSX owners/future owners till I die.

or i just dont care anymore which will be when im like 98 years old. LOL

Good cause I plan to come knockin late this summer. This is finally my year... been after this since I was 15... I just turned 36 and the dream has never died.
Well everyone a final update. It appears one of our fellow NSX folks purchased the car today. Just talked to the dealership. The buyer was from Canada. Looks like I saved $39k! :frown:

On to the next one.
Ok everyone. I've had a bottle of wine with dinner to comtemplate this reply. While my girlfriend thinks I should be upset, I am not. I am more upset with Prestman Auto. I hand tendered and offer on this car and was guaranteed that I would receive a phone call should another offer arrive. Oh well. I will no longer consider Prestman a viable environment and nor should you. So this is warning to everyone. If Prestman offers another Acura NSX. Stay away.

I am still looking for a vehicle but can now wait until I find the right one at the right price. Thanks for everyone's support and guidance. Onto the next one.
Ok everyone. I've had a bottle of wine with dinner to comtemplate this reply. While my girlfriend thinks I should be upset, I am not. I am more upset with Prestman Auto. I hand tendered and offer on this car and was guaranteed that I would receive a phone call should another offer arrive. Oh well. I will no longer consider Prestman a viable environment and nor should you. So this is warning to everyone. If Prestman offers another Acura NSX. Stay away.

I am still looking for a vehicle but can now wait until I find the right one at the right price. Thanks for everyone's support and guidance. Onto the next one.

They probably sold it under your nose because they were happy to get rid of it. It's been there a long time and there are many casual shoppers that don't really investigate like us Primers do... especially with the new NSX commercial opening the general publics eyes back open ("Whoaa... NSX? thats sweet.. say what? There are some older ones around? Where? ").

Prestman Auto may have indirectly did you a favor. As great as the car looked, and we all know its history, there still may have been some shady stuff (shrug).
Consider yourself lucky. Keep your money. This dealership isn't worth the time you've already wasted with them. There are too many other cars that can be had for the same amount of money.
So more drama.

Here's the email to the owner of Prestman:

Mr. Prestman

I am deeply upset with your sales staff regarding the resent (today) sale of the 2003 Acura NSX in you facility. I was guaranteed by Maurissa Maughan and Tracy Ball that I would receive a call should another offer be tendered on this vehicle. I am on record with your facility with an offer on this vehicle. I guess your sales staff does not honor their written or otherwise statements; therefore I will no longer consider doing business with your organization. You cannot be trusted.


Here's his reply - Do you think he got the message? Everyone: Stay away from this dealer.

Stephen, we are in the business of selling cars and do not hold them for anyone unless they give us a "non refundable" deposit. If we turn down a cash offer and you come in and decline the car then what? I am sorry you missed it but if you wanted it you should have put a deposit down. We cannot tell a buyer who fly's in and wants a vehicle that we have to call some one else who may be interested in the same vehicle therefore wasting his efforts, time and money. If you made an offer was it full price or a discounted price? If you made an offer and it was rejected you should have made another offer that we could accept then put down a deposit on the vehicle. We don't play games with our customers by disclosing other offers in order to get more money. If you are upset I would assume that you knew the car was worth more than you were initially willing to pay which means you were trying to buy at an unfair price to us.


Cory Olsen

Although the dealer does seem shady in selling a car that we all know was rebuilt, if you didn't leave a deposit I don't blame them.

Anytime I'm serious about purchasing something, I either pay cash for it on the spot or I leave a deposit if I need financing. I've even sold a car to someone else because the original person interested didn't give me a deposit and kept wasting my time holding the car until they got a bank loan.

I agree to some point. But this series points how shady this org. is. I am glad that I didn't spend the time to travel to SLC. I did exhause lots of research time.

So to conclude, here is the final email from the owner of the dealership. He just does not get the point.

Stephen, you are a disgruntled non buyer. Common courtesy does not require me to pass up a buyer who shows up with money in hand in order to call you for a maybe! Our disclosures are 100% or are you suggesting we hid the fact that it has a rebuilt title? We even show the before pics.You are angry because you couldn't pull the trigger on a great buy on a great car. I would never do business with you so we are both better off no? Our buyer will have zero issues with this car. I have sold dozens of them and this one was by far the best and lightest damage I have ever seen. Be sure and delete my # from your phone. Your sense of fairness is odd to say the least. BTW, I expect better from our customers as well. You know the old saying "money talks........

So with this, I say farewell for a while. I will look to later this year to purchase. Thanks for everyone's support and guidance.
The dealer is in the business of trying to make money and will do so by whatever means he/she has available. You are getting way too involved with the owner and he's got a point...if you really wanted it at a fair price you would have proceeded with a deposit etc. etc.

I'm not saying what he did was ideal but he is in the business of trying to make a living and perhaps he thought your offer wasn't reasonable, thus rejected it and hence why he sold it to someone else. Hope the Canadian buyer has horseshoes up his rear as I'm unsure how Canadian Customs will allow a vehicle with a chassis vin not matching the engine vin to enter...meh not our concern!

I'd move on and buy an earlier car that hasn't been wrecked unless its from Shawn or Macninja otherwise walk...no run fast! But consider that either of these two would or have sold their repaired cars for the same or similar shows that Prestman's pricing wasn't far off (assuming it was repaired properly).
Money talks, bullshit walks. Sorry, but the dealer is right and you have no right to be upset. If you wanted the car, then you should have shown them the money.
Money talks, bullshit walks. Sorry, but the dealer is right and you have no right to be upset. If you wanted the car, then you should have shown them the money.

This ^^. Sucks but true. I've sold many things throughout the years and have had so many "potential buyers" flake, I don't blame the dealership.
whats real sad is the poor guy that purchased it didnt know about its history cuz you know damn well they didnt tell him.

made the sale took the money.

now when he starts talking to his buddies they are gonna mention
hey ever heard of NSX prime?

he joins, random types his VIN number in and BANG what a shocker he is gonna get LOL

feel real bad for that guy.

While I agree with many of the opinions, I also think that when a salesperson makes a written commitment/obligation, they should stick to it. It's called honesty. I've been in sales for many decades and live by that rule. I guess I expected the same from Prestman. Caviat Emptor!

No more on this topic. Let's move on.

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