2 years in the making, and I'm finally joining the club! (PICS)

I'm gonna do the same thing to my nsx, and create an overlay for the headlamp turns as well :).


i sold TURBO2GO his smoked lenses.... those are your stuff andy... i sold it since the widebody has no side markers in them now.... they look good on silver...
If you dont mind me asking, what was it about the NSX that you chose it over what was obvioulsy a very nice SRT coupe? Was it the rear engine layout? did you think it was more exotic? different perfomance characteristics? or was the NSX just a car that you had always wanted to own? or any other attribute that you might want to share...

I ask because around a year ago i had my NSX stolen (:mad: ) and i have been considering what kind of car i wanted to replace it with ever since. Getting another NSX was obvious, but i was also thinking about 996 porsche turbo's and Viper SRT Coupes...so i'm just looking for some of your personal opinions that lead to your decision.
2 years ago I decided to sell my 350z and get one of the cars I've wanted to own for the longest time. Both the Viper and NSX fitted into that category. Now, obviously two entirely different cars altogether, but both rare from a production standpoint. I was torn for a long time between the two. I even posted the topic NSX or Viper on a few different forums. After reading through all the responses, I found it about dead even between the two. To this day, if you asked me if I were to do it al over again, would I choose the NSX opr Viper, I'd be on the fence. So I decided to get a 2000 Viper GTS about a year and a half ago, 8 months later I went to an 06 Viper Coupe. Although it didnt have the styling charactoristics the 1st and 2nd gen cars had, but it was a better car all around, especially from a daily driver standpoint. I kept that one for 6 moonths until I saw the 08's that were coming out. hp increase to 600 sounded appealing, but I didnt want to focus my attention on getting one just yet. I'm sure there will be a mark up on thses when they come out late summer. At the same time, I thought, if I'm ever going to upgrade to an 08, I'll need to sell my 06 soon as prices had started falling on 06's with everyone wanting an 08. So I decided with that plan in mind, I'd better sell my 06 now, which I did. In the meantime, I found it a great oppourtunity for me to obtain one of my most desired cars, an NSX. This was the perfect situation for me, so I got one, with anticipation that I would get an 08 or 09 down the line.

Just the opther day, I ran into one of my Viper buddies on tyhe road. He pulled up next to me inhis yellow GTS. He loved my car, and said he'd keep it if he were me. He's planning on selling his in exchange for a Caddy. He's tired of people wanting to race him all the time.

Now, your considering maybe a Viper. Get ready for a huge change if you go that route. Tons of power and most of all lots of torque! You really need to get used to driving the beast before you start testing out the waters in the handling department. I've seen too many people underestimate the handling of the Viper, and end up crashing their cars. The NSX and Viper are night and day when you compare them, but again, both have their strong points.

I dont know where this will take me. I'm really enjoying my new NSX right now, and I'm having fun fixing it up. We'll see where I'm at 8 months from now ;). Best of luck in your decision. If you wanna talk more, feel free to pm your contact number to me. I'd be more than happy to share my thoughts and opInions on both cars ;).

Thanks for the great reply! Its always interesting what draws different people to different cars and manufacturers.

I interestingly enough had much the same thought process as you, just i didnt buy any vipers while i was thinking about it, (i tied the money i got outa my insurance company up in investments) so i too have decided to get another NSX that i probably will never sell and proceed to add others to the stable later.

Have a great time with your new NSX, as i'm sure many have told you, they love to be driven...miles have almost no effect on them, so enjoy her.
Bat what are you thinking for headlight overlays? Can you give me a clue? I am glad you have an 02+ now if you come up with a taillight solution let me know please.
Your new NSX is STUNNING! I love the blue. Further, I have never liked the Viper, but your old Viper is HOT! That color combo...and those wheels! If you are ever in the market for another blue car...I have an idea :)
His new viper does look nice.... he should've taken the NSX to factory X or lovefab!!!:biggrin:
Ya guys, I gave up my NSX after only a couple months. As much as I loved it, I guess I just wasnt ready to give up the Viper. I now drive a Limited Edition model. #48 out of 100. Perhaps one day soon, I'll be sporting an NSX once again, it seems to be the patter around here ;). btw-here are some pics of the new ride. I have KW Variant 2 Coilovers, car is dropped about 1.5". I also added a Corsa Track Exhaust.






LOL!! I wish I had the extra cash to burn that you seem to. If you have extra just laying around, feel free to mail it to me. I will PM you my address. :tongue: :cool:

The new car looks great. I hope you enjoy it and keep it for a little while...you know...at least a few days. :biggrin: :wink:
Nice Viper! The white with blue stripes is such a great combo. Really looks fantastic. What was it about the NSX that made you give it up? Also, what year is the new Viper? Lastly, what is different about the Limited Edition model?
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When I saw your Viper a couple of months ago, I could see why you made the switch...its definately an awesome ride. Hope your enjoying it.
LOL!! I wish I had the extra cash to burn that you seem to. If you have extra just laying around, feel free to mail it to me. I will PM you my address. :tongue: :cool:

The new car looks great. I hope you enjoy it and keep it for a little while...you know...at least a few days. :biggrin: :wink:

lol, actually switching cars 4 times in 2 years finally took its toll on my pocketbook. I actually had to finance a portion for this one.

Nice Viper! The white with blue stripes is such a great combo. Really looks fantastic. What was it about the NSX that made you give it up? Also, what year is the new Viper? Lastly, what is different about the Limited Edition model?

I agree, when I saw my buddies VOI9(Viper Owners Invitational 9) Limited Edition, I just fell in Love with it! It's a 2006. Dodge did not build any Vipers for 2007. Limited Edition in that only 100 of these were made in this color combo and badging. Black leather Interior with Blue accents, Stone White exterior with Viper Blue stripes.

I tell you, it was a very tough decision not keeping the NSX. Sometimes I wished I had kept it alittle longer and maybe I would have changed my mind about keeping it. There was nothing I didnt like about the NSX, but I guess I just missed all the power and torque the Viper provides. I've been driving a Viper for 2 years now, so I got used to the raw power. So I guess I wasnt ready to part with that aspect of the car.

Dont be surprised if you see me with an NSX down the line again. It saeems to be the pattern around here ;).

hahaa.... i didn't even KNOW... geez... whirl wind speed andy!
niiiiice....but i guess you're gonna have to change your name to"Blue striped Batmobile":redface:

btw, care to join us on the Palomar Run on the 10th??? you can still hang out, just don't know if you can hang with us on the twisties:tongue: :biggrin: :wink:

check out the southwest forum for details if you want to cruz with us on 6-10
All these cars are BLUEtiful !!

How are the resale value of the new ones holding up?

Last I checked the 1st gen ones where holding pretty good.
Looks Great! I love the Side Exhuasts.

Out of 100 is a great collector spec.
