Search results

  1. Jfowler

    Track Day Aug. 3 Park Place Motors

    Runnin with the p-cars, f-cars and lambos. Lots of bimmers too. Any other NSXs representen? It is this Monday at Pacific Raceways with Park Place motors. If anyone of you want to come by and bring me a sandwich that would be nice:biggrin:
  2. Jfowler

    Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

    I will be there this sat. there was 3 other nsx last sat. and a whole lot of lambos. Even charles made it:biggrin:
  3. Jfowler

    Concorso 09 Aug. 14th

    Headin out tues the 11th. They have Jay Lenos collection, Elvis's Detamaso with bullet holes will be there. Also, the Norcal Nsx club got our corral next to the featured tent on the Golf course. It will be a great time. Check out the web site.
  4. Jfowler

    Who's in for Cars & Coffee on Saturday?

    Thread has already been posted brother. see you sat. :wink:
  5. Jfowler

    Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

    Roy Cats exotics will be displaying the Lambo LP 670 SV 4 along with two other lambos this Sat. at cars and coffee. It is the only one delivered to the us. And he got it last sat. :eek:
  6. Jfowler

    Pulled over by WSP

    Dude, you made a post about getting a ticket for being a dumbass. really:biggrin:
  7. Jfowler

    Just picked up 03 Yellow/Yellow #99 - Pics

    Love the Yellow on Yellow:biggrin:
  8. Jfowler

    Summer BBQ/B-Day Party 2009, July 19th Sunday

    I will be at the Kirkland Car Show all day. Come and visit:biggrin:
  9. Jfowler

    July 21st track day Grand Prix, No exp. required.

    that would be correct cuddle cups:wink: apparently arnon has failed in communication updates.:eek:
  10. Jfowler

    post a pic of your garage!

    The Manhut still under construction
  11. Jfowler

    July 21st track day Grand Prix, No exp. required.

    We are doing it again. I was at Cars and Coffee today, and with the help Jodi. Porche Boxter girl. we recruited 2 Ferrari F430s, one Lambo and a R8. 16 cars registered. I need more Nsx's. Its only me and Arnon. Lets represent, and show the europeans how its done.:biggrin:
  12. Jfowler

    Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

    Im going again this weekend 7/11. Who else?:wink:
  13. Jfowler

    Concorso 09 Aug. 14th

    THe wife and myself, along with Arnon and JoJo are heading down to Monterey again for this event. We will be leaving on the 12th. check it out and lets roadtrip. Jay Leno will be there along with other celebs.:biggrin: So far there will be 14...
  14. Jfowler

    Summer BBQ/B-Day Party 2009, July 19th Sunday

    The dragon lady will not allow visitors. :smile: With a comment like that, no wonder she had your car towed.:eek:
  15. Jfowler

    July 19th Legends Kirkland Car Show

    10-4. I can leave anytime. But I may be winning the best 60's stock category.:biggrin: What time is your BBQ? Is it at ARNON's?
  16. Jfowler

    July 19th Legends Kirkland Car Show

    I will be there displaying the 67 vette. Come one come all. and bring me a sandwich and drink.:biggrin:
  17. Jfowler

    July 7th all day tracking at grand prix, no experience required.

    Ohh, is puddle cups afraid to get his car wet. Remember, less time at Sugars means more days on the track.:wink:
  18. Jfowler

    July 7th all day tracking at grand prix, no experience required.

    Arnon has reserved Grand Prix track at Pacific Raceways for us on July 7th. No tracking experience is required. The first 25 cars only. If we get 25 cars max. it will be $100 per car. Less than 25 cars then it goes up. This is an all day event, 8-5pm. 4-5 cars at a time on the track. 15min...
  19. Jfowler

    Track time June 17, evening lapping

    spend less time at SUGARS and having your car towed, then you can come join us ladies.:wink:
  20. Jfowler

    Track Day Aug. 3 Park Place Motors

    No such thing. They have run several events on a monday. I think you are using that as an excuse. again.:biggrin:
  21. Jfowler

    ORP Review- Oregon Raceway Park

    We are thinking about hosting Fowler BBQ July 25th. More details to follow.:wink:
  22. Jfowler

    Track Day Aug. 3 Park Place Motors

    I just signed up for track day at PR with Park Place Motors. Call Ryan at 425 531-2691. They supply lunch and its a monday.:biggrin:
  23. Jfowler

    All day autocrossing :-)

    Sign me up cuddle cups:biggrin:
  24. Jfowler

    Concorso 09

    I would like to sign up. We have done ALMS and Festival Of Speed. I look forward to another road trip. What do I do?
  25. Jfowler

    Bronze or Spark Silver TE37's?

    If you really want to roll with the "Big Dogs" sell it and go Yellow on Yellow:eek: