Summer BBQ/B-Day Party 2009, July 19th Sunday

7 October 2007
Scottsdale, AZ
Hey everyone,

Sorry for the lack of posting recently, been down (actually still down) in SoCal visiting family.

I realized that maybe I should try to put something together for my B-Day again this year since we had an awesome turn-out last year. I believe we had around 15 cars show up!

What's even better this year is that my cousin is flying in from Idaho to see me for my B-day, and he loves exotics. So I figured I'd put the word out if anyone was willing to open up there home for a BBQ. I would use my house except my location and space wouldn't accommodate.

I was hoping that I could talk Arnon into using his home, since Dr. Volk is expecting his 2nd baby (congratulations by the way). Anyhow, suggestions are welcome and if everyone enjoyed last years idea of Point Defiance cruise (we'll wait till it opens this time LOL) and a small lunch at the Water Front, then BBQ, we might do that again.

Chris from Tacoma
In for your b-day as long as it's before the new baby.

....and yeah, my house is out, which is too bad since I just built a floating dock.

The dragon lady will not allow visitors.
How old are you now boy? Hey if you come join us July 7th...I will consider hosting your party. I don't want nsx guys out number by lotus dudes.

We can also combine Charles BBQ at the park w/your party. He mentioned about doing it near his house by the water(park). We can blocked off part the park for parking ? Ask Charles for location...
Charles is having a park BBQ? I'll need to get some info. I will be 29, and if my work schedule permits me, I'll show up.

Tell the dragon lady I said congrats in advance, hehe.
The dragon lady will not allow visitors.

With a comment like that, no wonder she had your car towed.:eek:
Ok everyone, I'm sorry for the delay on making an official plan, but the plan is somewhat loose.

Considering how great a turn out we had last year with the mini cruise, I figured I'd stick with what worked. So, I figure that doing the Point Defiance Cruise would be a great way to start the day.

I know that last year the 5mi drive didn't open till later, so the focuse this year will be to meet in Tacoma around 10:00-10:30 in the same location as last year (the K-Mart parking lot off of 6th ave and Pearl st. Just off the Hwy-16 6th ave exit), and head to the water front for brunch at C.I. Shenanigan's. They have an all you can eat buffet right on the water and the food is really good. If you guys liked Dukes Chowder House, we could go there instead. (it's right next door) :-)

After brunch, I wanted to try and get more guys up north to come on down, so I figured for anyone who wanted to tag along from brunch, we would make our way up to Golden Gardens for a BBQ. Now I don't know how busy or available the parking or grill will be, so it's a little on the "unreserved" side of an idea. Also if everyone would rather stay in Tacoma, I'm open to that as well.

DIRECTIONS FROM TACOMA - To Golden Gardens,-122.34722&sspn=0.193886,0.4216&ie=UTF8&z=9

DIRECTIONS FROM LYNWOOD - To Golden Gardens,0.2108&ie=UTF8&z=11

By all means if anyone has someone they'd like to invite, feel free to do so. My Cousin is flying in from Idaho for my B-day and he loves exotics, although it's my B-Day I think it would great for him get some enjoyment out of it all seeing our beautifull rides.

If you guys have questions give me a call 253-209-2203.
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Sounds really fun, hope you get lots of turn out...Please put me down for the drive for now :-) :biggrin: my calendar said next week Lavender Fest and Bite of Seattle same weekend you know :wink:
I'm not tight w/guys on 6 yet, but i will ask someone to post your event on 6 forum for you.
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I have spoken to a few of you that will be attending. I would like to start a head count so I know how much food to bring for the the BBQ later in the day. Please indicate if you'll be attending the morning and/or afternoon activity.

1. Velveeta +1 My cousin (Hey that's me :-) ) - Morning and afternoon
2. NSX#75 - Morning and afternoon???
3. Rusted_Nailz - Morning and afternoon.
4. KANE - Morning??? And afternoon???
5. JFowler - Afternoon (I believe)???
6. NSXLife - Morning and afternoon???
7. DrVolk - Morning and afternoon??? So long as Volk junior stays put, hehe
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I will be at the Kirkland Car Show all day. Come and visit:biggrin:
I have spoken to a few of you that will be attending. I would like to start a head count so I know how much food to bring for the the BBQ later in the day. Please indicate if you'll be attending the morning and/or afternoon activity.

1. Velveeta +1 My cousin (Hey that's me :-) ) - Morning and afternoon
2. NSX#75 - Morning and afternoon???
3. Rusted_Nailz - Morning and afternoon.
4. KANE - Morning??? And afternoon???
5. JFowler - N/A (Kirkland Car Show)
6. NSXLife - Morning and afternoon???
7. DrVolk - Morning and afternoon??? So long as Volk junior stays put, hehe

Hey guys, it's coming down to the wire here. Even if I've spoken to you, please confirm here if you are able to make the morning and/or afternoon event.

Chris, can you provide me direction to the kmart parking lot? I don't know the area. Thanks.

Yeah, just take I-5 N until you get to the hwy-16 exit (Tacoma area). Then take the 6th ave/ Pearl st. Exit. Make a right turn at the light. K-Mart will be on the right. See you there between 10-10:30
Just wanted to say thanks for everyone that showed. Although not as big as last year, still greatfull for all that showed. Talk to you all soon.

Chris from Tacoma

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