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  1. redshift

    10 Reasons You Aren't Rich

    I don't think it matters so much which word you use (rich, wealthy), just how you define it and I think NSXLuvr did a good job of that. :wink: :biggrin: I do think it is true that most people lack the inclination to become financially wealthy. I agree with John in that there is opportunity...
  2. redshift

    Az NSX'ers Spring Ride

    I'm in for a later date since I turn 28 on April 6th. :biggrin: Geez Frank, looks like you're spending a lot of time on those taxes! You need to get yourself an expense tracker... I've been using Quickbooks since the dawn of my tax burden. It also makes it a ton easier when your tracking...
  3. redshift

    10 Reasons You Aren't Rich

    I agree Mr. Mercury, the article's advice is very common-sensical and general... and so is "good nutrition," but I don't think that the majority of Americans adhere to that generality either. Interestingly enough, I sent that same article to my Sister, who is not a millionaire (and not on her...
  4. redshift

    Moving to Scottsdale!

    Hey Joe, Did you move up here to Scottsdale yet? I was looking for you at the "search for the next go-daddy girl" event... my wife was a contender. :biggrin:
  5. redshift

    Enzo crash for charity at Irwindale, CA

    I agree completely with ShiftyBob's comments... I am hearing a lot of ignorance with too much conviction behind it. It sounds like many of the posters imply that the Enzo carries more value than the person behind the wheel... sad.
  6. redshift

    What kind of compliments do you receive when driving the NSX?

    I got an out the window thumbs up from a Carrera GT and countless honks and engine revs from F-cars and Lambos. Otherwise I think Scottsdale AZ might just be the F-car and Lambo-G capital of the U.S. (save SoCal of course) so I don't really get a lot of attention by the average joe...
  7. redshift

    Why take a NSX over a SupraTT?

    I just don't like how Supras look.
  8. redshift

    Do any of you plan on keeping the NSX forever?

    Don't worry Frank, everybody on prime will know when I get another sports car :biggrin:! Yeah, I know about the investment properties, I did a little of that myself pretty close to the peak with, admittedly, a slight deficit of knowledge :)... hehe, still waiting for it to pay off :biggrin: -...
  9. redshift

    Do any of you plan on keeping the NSX forever?

    I wouldn't kick myself too hard, that's just a market like 9.5% return per annum on that $1,600... not really a big deal unless you really wish you still had that particular car... I know I wouldn't mind having one. :) As for me keeping the NSX, yeah definitely. I really don't want to sound...
  10. redshift

    Yesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

    I'm on it Frank!
  11. redshift

    Any NSX to MBZ SL55 Converts Here?

    You might shoot a PM to steveny.
  12. redshift

    Suggest a career change...

    Easy choice... investor (you choose the vehicle). I'm an investor first, engineer second. I enjoy both "careers" but the former pays much better. :smile:
  13. redshift

    Vetron pic

    I love you guys!
  14. redshift

    RE prices

    So you lied to me... those aren't the BEST homes out there. :wink: :biggrin: To add to the California vs. other states debate. I can certainly see the draw to living in California... the weather is wonderful. The only reason that I don't live there is because I like the Phoenix area just as...
  15. redshift

    RE prices

    That is a very interesting point, I didn't think about that. The ceiling is pretty low out there. I saw a listing in the our local paper about a month ago for a $50,000,000 (fifty million) home which was deeply discounted because it was in great need of a remodel. Now that is quite extreme as...
  16. redshift

    How 'bout that stock market?

    Oh baby, I LOVE the action! Silly crowds can be so delusional. :biggrin:
  17. redshift

    RE prices

    :eek: Those homes are practically free! Holy crap those are some rock bottom prices. Taxes are a little scary though. You'll get about 1900-2200 sq. ft. on less than 1/4 acre for $550-650K out where I live. LOL on those listings categories <$70K, $70K - $99K, and $100K+
  18. redshift

    CRAZY oragami artist!!!

    :eek: Does anybody know if they sell/auction those creations? I'd love to get my hands on that 1st place dragon!
  19. redshift

    Anyone ever consider stepping up to a 360?

    Holy crap, where are you buying a nice house for $200K!! That'll get you a 1/4 acre of dirt around here. :eek: As for the poster's 360 question. I am strongly considering one along with a 4-wheeled member of Meryl Lynch's kin... in the nearish future. At this point in my life, though I...
  20. redshift

    Attn: Savvy Investors- RE Buying & Investing Question

    I really depends on what type, or how savvy, of an investor you are. This is a difficult question to answer without a big lesson on investing, but I don't think it ever makes sense to obliterate your entire cash position. You need liquidity to take advantage of opportunities. If you're set on...
  21. redshift

    Those Porsches sure do have a lot of profit!

    C'mon guys, all this speculation and nobody bothered to read the balance sheet... I know you're all better than that. :wink: :biggrin:
  22. redshift

    what is your favorite quote?

    I love this thread! Here is my favorite - extremely powerful words to live by... "Whether You Think You Can or Can't, You're Right" -Henry Ford
  23. redshift

    WTF?? why do people hate?

    Wow, way off there. Assuming that 80% LTV, deductible interest, and a 7% cost of capital, she made about $550K on paper from a $100K investment. That's about a 75% ROI per annum if she sells her primary residence and has no closing costs... not quite 1000% and I didn't even include taxes...
  24. redshift

    youngest nsx owner here?

    Dude, I totally hear you... risk has to be managed very well... proper risk management does divide the rich from the poor though. :) Also notice my second paragraph... I say that liabilities should be purchased with cash. :biggrin: :biggrin: Read it all my friend... read it all. :biggrin...
  25. redshift

    youngest nsx owner here?

    Right on dude! So very true... though 10% - 12% return is for wimps. :wink: Don't forget that dollars leverage more dollars as well, so the more capital you have to "invest" with, the more OPM you can put to use for you. Though I would have to disagree about the cash flow statement; you're...