CRAZY oragami artist!!!

7 September 2003
Newport, CA

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Re: CRAZY oragami artist~!!!

that's just amazing stuff. i did a lot of origami a few years back, but everything I made was from instructional books. I simply cant grasp how someone can freehand anything, nevermind something as complex and as detailed as these.
Re: CRAZY oragami artist~!!!

that's just amazing stuff. i did a lot of origami a few years back, but everything I made was from instructional books. I simply cant grasp how someone can freehand anything, nevermind something as complex and as detailed as these.

details in the head of the dragon are amazing.... the legs of the insect, the wings.... and the scales on that last dragon... :eek:
Re: CRAZY oragami artist~!!!

Wow, each one made out of a single sheet of paper, no cutting into pieces! Six hours of work for that first dragon. The others must have been longer. And the guy who made the final, first place dragon said he didn't want to do it again.
And I thought I was the $*1t with my paper crane... :biggrin:

thats sweet! :cool: just started getting back into origami (folding while at work, haha) and found some pic of his models. Freakin amazing work!
DV8... i still can't get over your crane.... i love how that tail is all lop-sided.... true talent my friend~!!!:biggrin: