Do any of you plan on keeping the NSX forever?

If I could I would, but once I get the 02 in the future, I'm keeping her for sure and never letting her go.:smile:
I would like to keep mine forever.

I think about getting a 2nd one sometimes.
A little over 16 years ago I stood with my dad in the Acura dealership looking (at a distance from behind red ropes) at the first one that came in. My father owned mine for 8 years before me. I've had it a little over a year myself now. I can't see getting rid of it. Dad's called first dibs on it if I decide sell. I imagine I'll pass it onto one of my kids some day, which means I'll have it for at least another quarter century (my first kid was born 11 days ago).

The only car I'd REALLY like to have besides the NSX is a McLaren F1...but I don't see that in the cards. If it were (won the lottery despite not playing it) I'd probably keep the NSX and count myself among Gordon Murray as one REALLY lucky guy (I'm already quite lucky with the NSX and no F1). I hope the next NSX is a car that will make die-hards like myself and Ken (nsxtasy) want to upgrade. That's a tall order.
I'm inclined to at least have AN NSX on hand for many years to come, if not forever. I love my current NSX, but wouldn't be opposed to selling it for a '97+ model, although I would probably keep many of the modfications (wheels, seats, body kit) for the newer car, as I love the look of my '95. The NSX is possibly the most beautiful car ever produced, and in my year of ownership, I think I'm hooked on always having one in the stable.
Although I don't consider myself a "car nut", I love cars. If it weren't for my wife and kids I'd have a 5000 sq ft garage and a 1000 sq ft house instead of vice versa. I plan on having MANY vehicles (from highly desired exotics, to cool DD's, to one-off's) in my stable over the next few years, and the NSX will ALWAYS be right there up front. :cool:
I've been kicking myself for selling my 70 Pontiac GTO for $1600 back in 79. I needed the money for tuition. Now an good condition GTO will worth no less than $20k in the market today.
I wouldn't kick myself too hard, that's just a market like 9.5% return per annum on that $1,600... not really a big deal unless you really wish you still had that particular car... I know I wouldn't mind having one. :)

As for me keeping the NSX, yeah definitely. I really don't want to sound pretentious (because I'm NOT), but I'm pretty set on adding a Murci and an F-car in 4 to 7 years, but the NSX will always be so special to me... so I doubt we will part ways. It was/is my first dream car that became easily attainable and I was quick to snatch one up. Though, in all honestly, it no longer gives me the same thrill it once did (after all, it is just a car), it still emotionally means so much to me. It even taught me a lot about the relative unimportance of material possessions (though I won't get into explaining that). Just like I kept my first paystub, a printout of my first big hit in the market, and a printout of my first big loss, I will keep the NSX as my first material realization of a dream - that is an extremely powerful thing in my mind :biggrin:. Oh yeah, and the car is fun as hell. :wink:
I wouldn't kick myself too hard, that's just a market like 9.5% return per annum on that $1,600... not really a big deal unless you really wish you still had that particular car... I know I wouldn't mind having one. :)

As for me keeping the NSX, yeah definitely. I really don't want to sound pretentious (because I'm NOT), but I'm pretty set on adding a Murci and an F-car in 4 to 7 years, but the NSX will always be so special to me... so I doubt we will part ways. It was/is my first dream car that became easily attainable and I was quick to snatch one up. Though, in all honestly, it no longer gives me the same thrill it once did (after all, it is just a car), it still emotionally means so much to me. It even taught me a lot about the relative unimportance of material possessions (though I won't get into explaining that). Just like I kept my first paystub, a printout of my first big hit in the market, and a printout of my first big loss, I will keep the NSX as my first material realization of a dream - that is an extremely powerful thing in my mind :biggrin:. Oh yeah, and the car is fun as hell. :wink:
Cool Erin.

Let me know when you get a Murci or F-Car.

I'd have a Murci or F-car by now, but I just sunk a few hundred thou into an investment property. :)
Cool Erin.

Let me know when you get a Murci or F-Car.

I'd have a Murci or F-car by now, but I just sunk a few hundred thou into an investment property. :)
Don't worry Frank, everybody on prime will know when I get another sports car :biggrin:!

Yeah, I know about the investment properties, I did a little of that myself pretty close to the peak with, admittedly, a slight deficit of knowledge :)... hehe, still waiting for it to pay off :biggrin: - in all fairness they are income generating properties that are paying decent returns through taxes - that's about it though :redface:. I may be part of the smart money crowd when it comes to the stock market, but my dollars lose about 50 IQ points in the world of real estate investing. :wink: :biggrin:

Jeez Frank, even if you ever wanted to get rid of your NSX it would be blasphemous considering its history and condition.

Holy crap... sorry about the hijack! Rock-On NSX lifers!
the only way i see myself getting rid of mine is if i can find an 02+ Coupe only
and that is quite rare
other then that i think it will stay even when other sports cars are added to the garage
I really would love to see this thread 10 years from now and see how many actually still own the same NSX.

Can't say definitely as that is like giving my word. As far as I know right now, regardless of fiancial situation, I will more than likely keep this one even if I get nicer cars down the road and lose interest in this one.

The only other NSX that really would make me consider trade up is the "1" and only "1" NA2 GPW coupe in USA which happen to be a 2001 model, in another word it is one of kind. Wonder if that owner is here.
Yesterday, at the very moment my 97' turned over 14,000 miles, I pulled it into my warehouse, covered it and blocked it with another car I've had for over 20 years... a 1972 Ferrari 246 Dino. I paid $22k for the Dino in 1985. I'm told by collectors I can add a digit to that number today, which begs the question... what will the NSX be worth 20 years from now?
Honestly, I hope so...

I've thought about selling it twice since I've owned it. Both times, the lure of newer, faster, shinier sports cars almost got me in. But while there are nicer, faster cars now on the market, I'm yet to find one that is as visceral or fun to drive while anywhere near as reliable for anywhere near the price.

The good news is that the NSX is paid for. So other than maintenance and insurance, it costs me nothing to keep it covered in the garage for the sunny Sunday drives.

The bad news is that it's a third car and my wife and I are probably a year or two from starting a family.

I like the idea of keeping the car forever but know that the reality of changing priorities (kids) might put a dent into those plans.
Although I don't consider myself a "car nut", I love cars. If it weren't for my wife and kids I'd have a 5000 sq ft garage and a 1000 sq ft house instead of vice versa. I plan on having MANY vehicles (from highly desired exotics, to cool DD's, to one-off's) in my stable over the next few years, and the NSX will ALWAYS be right there up front. :cool:

But you're not a car nut? :smile:
The only other NSX that really would make me consider trade up is the "1" and only "1" NA2 GPW coupe in USA which happen to be a 2001 model, in another word it is one of kind. Wonder if that owner is here.

Only problem is the car has tan interior and the old owner was on Prime. I remember seeing that NSX bounced around from auction to auction for a very long time. I could have bought her on countless occassions but it always seemed like alot of money. Passanger side fender was apinted at some point in time and it has a black roof. Still a very hot ride.
I will have mine for as long as I live. After college I will own a second one(97nsx-t :biggrin: ) and this will be a race/track car.
I've had mine for almost 12 years now, and I forsee keeping it for another 5 to 8 years and then passing it down (as a collectible?) to my son. What he chooses to do with it then... only time will tell? Hopefully, he'll keep it and care for it as I have... he does have the 'bug'.

I still have the 'car bug' (going on about 40 years) and I'm not sure when and if that will end?? But, I have several other unique and collecible cars that other family members (daughters and son-in-laws) say they would gladly take off my hands, when the 'bug' passes... or I do!!

Somebody once told me that nothing is "forever" and we don't really own unique and special cars like the NSX... we are just care-takers of them for the next generation! Sounds right to me.

My NSX is forever baby...shes Phat and Sic...and even the Ferrari and Lamborgh crowd stop and look>>>you can't beat reliablity and sex appeal!!
There are other things to spend your money on as you get older - so buy your NSX and know that perfection sits in your garage...every day for the remainder of your life!:biggrin:


So ends my
I came very close of putting my NSX up for sale last week on Prime. The reason is due to financial hardship. I needed money to move and expend my retail shop. But since then, I sort out the problem that is why I decided not to put it on the market. Plus with $50grand of Type R mods, I don't know where to begin in terms of pricing it.

The truth is, if I can keep this car forever, I will, but never say never.

Maybe when some day I'm wealthy enough can be able to get a real type R, I may sell it to get the real deal.
i want to keep my nsx as long as i can but i think of big troubles in my family i will have to sell it :mad: :confused: :frown:
I plan on Keeping mine and the deal I made with my wife is that if I'm ever forced to sell my NSX we are selling the house too. I figure if I cant afford my NSX then we should have a more modest home as well.
Keepin' it, though I think I personally would swap the NSX for the F430 any day of the week for (< 150K (if/when it gets there) if I am financially successful that it is 'affordable'.

Additionally, I think if a mid-engine, equally or better sexy car comes out that is 70K or so with (likely not.. but *IF*) lots of owners will do an about face.

Also - keep in mind that the audience here are mainly NSX enthusiast so it's kind of like asking pro football players "do you love football more then anything" and a large percentage will say "Yeah!!' and making a general statement about how all Americans like football :)

There are still people flipping NSX's..