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  1. redshift

    Stimulus Package OK'd by Congress

    C'mon guys, how can any American be against giving tax money back to the people? You think the gov't can spend it better? I'm for anything that puts money back into the hands of the individual for them to do with it what they wish. If the crack smokin' bum get $300, so what. He's going to...
  2. redshift

    How 'bout that stock market?

    I'd stay invested if I were in your position. Too tough to call a bottom and a lot of equities are very cheap if we don't go into recession (or get a very mild one). You also must remember that Wall Street is 6 to 9 months forward looking, so if you think we'll have a path to resolution 18-21...
  3. redshift

    More Supply Equals Price Drops!

    Did I say investment banker? OOPS, I meant turd burglar... robble, robble, robble. So which is it? :biggrin:
  4. redshift

    Would/when will you desert the U.S.A.??

    I think you mean upper [middle] class. Huge difference. :wink:
  5. redshift

    wamu / bank failures?

    Wachovia's balance sheet is pretty bad too. I'd recommend you consider a bank that isn't in danger of going under.
  6. redshift

    Would/when will you desert the U.S.A.??

    It's sad that you say that because America cares for its people more than anyplace else in the world. Ever heard of individual rights? Do you know of anyplace who upholds them better than America? I didn't think so.
  7. redshift

    Would/when will you desert the U.S.A.??

    Correction - the USA is still THE best place to live. I think Ski is disappointed in the direction of our country - though I don't want to speak for him. We also certainly have a lot of new enemies - which is very disconcerning from a safety perspective. I must admit that the populist...
  8. redshift

    Would/when will you desert the U.S.A.??

    Damn Ski, that's pretty hard core. I know how you feel though, when did it become okay to be a moderate? And when did it become acceptable for statists to run for president?... I guess for a while now. I'd be interested to hear you elaborate on the reasoning behind your decision.
  9. redshift

    will spitzer resign as a result?

    LOL! Good stuff Red. Just to give you guys an idea of how far left the Canadians are... In a different thread, Red (our friendly Canadian neighbor :biggrin: ) told me that he considers himself a libertarian; then in the same breath he said that the gov't should implement a social welfare...
  10. redshift

    More Supply Equals Price Drops!

    You forget, Ski's an investment banker... he doesn't look at a deal unless it'll make 1000% in one year. :cool: :biggrin:
  11. redshift

    How 'bout that stock market?

    I agree with everything you said, except I don't mind building a long position in GS. But that is because it is only in my "retirement" account which is now terribly underweighted in financials and I benchmark it to the MSCI. Dividends are not safe anywhere, there is no doubt about that. If...
  12. redshift

    coolant cap is bad....what to replace it with?

    19045-pr7-j24 EDIT: I see Daedalus beat me to it. I'll one up him :biggrin:, here is the link where I found it:
  13. redshift

    Guess the spot - 16 satellite photos of famous locations

    16/16, but I guessed on 3 of them and got lucky. :smile:
  14. redshift

    How 'bout that stock market?

    Also long C. GS held up pretty well for a while. Short ETFs beat it down a little bit, but there was finally capitulation in the stock itself - at least that's what it looked like to me. It does look very nice at its August/Sept lows. I've been accumlating it in my IRA. What are your...
  15. redshift

    How 'bout that stock market?

    LOL. Steve, you're just like me. I play $1K lotto tickets every month on some DOTM options in my personal account. I don't expect to win, but it keeps me interested while I monitor my boring OTM credit spreads. I've won a couple earnings plays (RIMM [calls], MOV [puts]) during the last 12...
  16. redshift

    Changing demographics of NSX owners?

    He said he sold the business for $1.5M, not that he has only $1.5M. Anyhow, if he is happy with the $75K/year income that $1.5M would generate in 5% yielding securities (low risk), then he is fine to retire. It may sound like very little, but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that...
  17. redshift

    The hottest UNKNOWN girl you've ever seen

    That's how they do it on the west side! :biggrin:
  18. redshift

    How 'bout that stock market?

    I'm fortunately net long (so today was nice), after this rally I'm pretty much delta neutral. Google was gettin' a little hairy for my bull put credit spread down at 370/360, so this short squeeze was a nice little boost... I'm going to ride these March puts out and just let theta and...
  19. redshift

    How 'bout that stock market?

    Sorry man, I have to disagree. I think if you can get in on that deal then you should take it. From a value perspective, it is more attractive than Mastercard and and it dominates the space. There is also an obvious short supply of MA stock out there, so V can soak up some of that demand...
  20. redshift

    wamu / bank failures?

    I don't think this is covert. It is obvious that the Fed is cleverly injecting liquidity into the banks without forcing them to come to the discount window. Today's actions are just another clever way to clean up bank balance sheets and get them lending again. Anyway you slice it, it affects...
  21. redshift

    wamu / bank failures?

    Re: UPDATE Re: wamu / bank failures? Not when money's cheap. :wink: :biggrin: The plan seems promising, it'll allow the banks to clean up their balance sheets a bit over the next 30 days. Then when a rate cut comes in, it'll give them more margin - really takes a lot of pressure off. Anything...
  22. redshift

    wamu / bank failures?

    Yup, I'm definitely not trying to be a big winner right now. Just either a small winner or small loser. Calling the bottom is impossible and these problems will drag out if we don't purge. That's why if you were going to long banks, I'd take the yield on BAC common and not mess with the...
  23. redshift

    wamu / bank failures?

    A beer would be nice! I'd actually consider myself a libertarian as well, but I'm not sure that you're allowed to call yourself one considering you want a gov't controlled social safety net. :tongue: :wink: :biggrin: I completely agree that I'm more optimistic than most, probably the...
  24. redshift

    wamu / bank failures?

    Scottrade is bad news for options trading. Interactive brokers is the best IMO, but optionshouse is very interesting with good prices for putting together option trades. Yeah, the lotto tickets always feel crappy when you miss them, especially when you had a lot of conviction but didn't put it...
  25. redshift

    wamu / bank failures?

    Yes, I understand the point you've been trying to make. Yes, the media likes to have a specific data point to blame... but I don't. American's are bullish in general because we view ourselves as resilient problem solvers and we're eternal optimists. Remember how quickly the financial system...