will spitzer resign as a result?

Just shows how stupid the Democrats are. The Spitzmeister could've picked up a nice South Beach condo and had a monthly bang fest with all the hot local talent. He'd never get called out. Trust me... no one in Miami Beach knows who Eliot Spitzer is.

Now, Now - lets not insult Dems or Republicans - the one thing both parties can agree on is banging hookers is part of the important work of Government!:rolleyes:

Just ask Monica Lewenski how hard it is to pass a Bill!:tongue:
Now, Now - lets not insult Dems or Republicans - the one thing both parties can agree on is banging hookers is part of the important work of Government!:rolleyes:

Just ask Monica Lewenski how hard it is to pass a Bill!:tongue:

Lol...You good fer-nothin-Canadians. If the Dems (or Maple Syrup Eaters) could get laid on their own, they wouldn't have to resort to these underhanded tactics.
Lol...You good fer-nothin-Canadians. If the Dems (or Maple Syrup Eaters) could get laid on their own, they wouldn't have to resort to these underhanded tactics.

Several points here I take issue with:

1) Canada produces 80% of the world's supply of maple syrup, and as a people, we're way left of Dems!:wink:

2) I am not picking sides (D or R) since they both suck - but honestly, most of the Republicans are simply too old to get laid:rolleyes:

3) Have you ever had a girl with maple syrup? Every wonder why we Cannuks make so much of it?:wink: :tongue:

4) We Canadians are not good for nuthing, if we hadn't burned the red brick presidential palace in 1812 you wouldn't have a White House to get Dems or Republicans laid in!:cool:
Several points here I take issue with:

1) Canada produces 80% of the world's supply of maple syrup, and as a people, we're way left of Dems!:wink:

2) I am not picking sides (D or R) since they both suck - but honestly, most of the Republicans are simply too old to get laid:rolleyes:

3) Have you ever had a girl with maple syrup? Every wonder why we Cannuks make so much of it?:wink: :tongue:

4) We Canadians are not good for nuthing, if we hadn't burned the red brick presidential palace in 1812 you wouldn't have a White House to get Dems or Republicans laid in!:cool:

Haha ok 1-3 are pretty darn good. :biggrin:

#4 is stupid though.
I don't understand this statement. He didn't do anything wrong, just illegal? What am I missing? Isn't illegal, wrong?

How did enemies set him up? Did "they" open an account and deposit money and then make arrangements for the prostitute to meet him? Did they then make payments under his name to pay for these women he met? And, did someone "twist" his arm and make him meet these ladies in Room 871? We all know the answer. There are "no enemies" involved, only Spitzer himself.

Although he has not yet been charged with a crime, his lawyers will meet with federal prosecutors to discuss any possible legal exposure. Its not the prostitution, (for all of you falling on the side of its his personal business) but on how it was paid for. He specifically established an account to transfer money to the escort service. This was established to "conceal" their purpose and source. That could amount to a crime called structuring, which carries a penalty of up to five years in prison.

Here are some media quotes. Let's not lose sight of a few things.

1. He was a former district attorney.
2. He's an elected official.
3. He's married and he betrayed his wife and children.

One of the law enforcement officials said that several people running the prostitution ring knew Mr. Spitzer by the name of George Fox, though a few of the prostitutes came to realize he was the governor of New York. He creates a different name to protect himself, knowing what he's doing is morally incorrect.

Mr. Fox is a friend and a donor to Mr. Spitzer. Told that Room 871 (where he met his prostitute) at the Mayflower Hotel had been registered in Mr. Fox’s name with Mr. Spitzer’s Fifth Avenue address, Mr. Fox said, “That is the first I have heard of it. Until I speak to the governor further, I have no comment.” He is using a friend's name to check in the hotel! How would you like being drug into this national story by your "friend"!

Mr. Spitzer was elected in a landslide in 2006, capitalizing on his popularity he won as the “Sheriff of Wall Street” during eight years as attorney general. With a reputation for personal probity and independence, he pledged to bring higher ethical standards to the statehouse.

When he was attorney general, Mr. Spitzer’s signature issue was pursuing Wall Street misdeeds. But he also oversaw the prosecution of at least two prostitution rings by the state’s organized crime task force, which reports to the attorney general. In one such case in 2004, Mr. Spitzer spoke with revulsion and anger after announcing the arrest of 16 people for operating a high-end prostitution ring out of Staten Island.

The revelation about Emperor’s Club and the attendant disruption in Albany comes at a particularly bad time: The state faces a $4.4 billion deficit and is weeks away from its deadline to complete a new budget.

Good luck New York state. This reminds me of a parallel situation about a sitting President (no pun intended) and an intern. Instead of taking care of the USA and and Islamic terrorists (insert NY state deficit) the country/state now loses its focus because of his "personal behavior" that some of you think is none of our business, or more importantly, none of the business of the citizens in New York.

Several points here I take issue with:

1) Canada produces 80% of the world's supply of maple syrup, and as a people, we're way left of Dems!:wink:

2) I am not picking sides (D or R) since they both suck - but honestly, most of the Republicans are simply too old to get laid:rolleyes:

3) Have you ever had a girl with maple syrup? Every wonder why we Cannuks make so much of it?:wink: :tongue:

4) We Canadians are not good for nuthing, if we hadn't burned the red brick presidential palace in 1812 you wouldn't have a White House to get Dems or Republicans laid in!:cool:
LOL! Good stuff Red.

Just to give you guys an idea of how far left the Canadians are... In a different thread, Red (our friendly Canadian neighbor :biggrin: ) told me that he considers himself a libertarian; then in the same breath he said that the gov't should implement a social welfare program! I'm not picking on you Red, it just seemed fitting and quite funny given point #1! Silly Canadians. :biggrin:
LOL! Good stuff Red.

Just to give you guys an idea of how far left the Canadians are... In a different thread, Red (our friendly Canadian neighbor :biggrin: ) told me that he considers himself a libertarian; then in the same breath he said that the gov't should implement a social welfare program! I'm not picking on you Red, it just seemed fitting and quite funny given point #1! Silly Canadians. :biggrin:

You know I respect you and want to spoon your wife. But, it seems like both you and our Canuck friend have gotten big heads. Of course, that's appropriate for Americans but not for... ahem, them... :biggrin:
Haha ok 1-3 are pretty darn good. :biggrin:

#4 is stupid though.

OK, enough already - We're sorry for burning the "red house"! :rolleyes:

Its just when we took Washington we wanted to spark up a few doobies and someone got careless with the matches!:rolleyes: :wink:
LOL! Good stuff Red.

Just to give you guys an idea of how far left the Canadians are... In a different thread, Red (our friendly Canadian neighbor :biggrin: ) told me that he considers himself a libertarian; then in the same breath he said that the gov't should implement a social welfare program! I'm not picking on you Red, it just seemed fitting and quite funny given point #1! Silly Canadians. :biggrin:

I am a Libertarian - but I also believe in charity - and state sponsored charity like a social safety net is appropriate - but ultimately, the issues I have with labels relate to me too - I don't fit inside a simple label, I'm full of contradictions.

The Charity Wingz gets from the Fat Chicks in Deetwoit ISN'T part of any sort of safety net I support - other than I hope he wears a "safety net" when he's torquing their bedsprings!:biggrin:
Apparently this is the call girl in question:


Sad that her life got fucked up - He may or may not deserve the humiliation, but she's just a girl trying to make money so she can eat - he's a multi-millionaire who could afford to pay big bucks - his life isn't so bad - and if it is, its his own making. :(
Trying to make money so she can eat? At $5500/hr? While she may not get all of that I'm sure she gets a decent chunk. I know strippers making $100K+/year tax free, I suspect that somehow taking things to this next level is even more lucrative. I don't think she has any problem being able to afford food, unless she's eating out at Spago's 3 times a day and maybe not even then.
:confused: what does that mean?:confused:

The escort service rated the women by diamonds. 1=busted 7=top notch. Hey pimpin' STEVENY ,what you rate yo hoe's?:biggrin:

Anyway, she will be rich and have a reality show in a year. She is officially on the map.

at least she looked good. Quoted from chris rock, "i ain't sayin he shoulda hit it, but i understand!"

Move over Kim Kardashian.
Can someone please tell us who snitched???? Somebody went through a lot of trouble to get him busted.

The way I understand it is this wasn't about Spitzer at all. There was an FBI investigation into an online prostitution ring, as part of the investigation, the feds had various phones tapped. Spitzer was just unlucky enough to have called one of the tapped phones to arrange a meet and was caught on tape.

I guess the only 'leak' was someone that was part of the investigation leaked that Spitzer was involved.
March 12, 2008 -- It's the biggest guessing game in town - the identities of at least nine other presumably high-powered, big-bucks johns serviced by Gov. Spitzer's favorite hooker ring.

An explosive possible "black book" - a who's who of well-heeled Emperors Club VIP clients - may be in the possession of federal probers, sources said yesterday

The feds' sensational criminal complaint listing 10 "clients" allegedly includes a top New York judge and even a former law-enforcement official and longtime pal of the disgraced governor, two sources said.

Who's next to be publicly outed has everyone from Wall Street to the highest echelons of the legal world abuzz.

"The government seized physical evidence . . . computers and records," said Manhattan lawyer Daniel Parker, who is representing the alleged female money genius behind the ring's finances. "What those records are is anybody's guess.

"But anybody who's alleged to have been involved in a high-priced call-girl prostitution ring . . . is probably not only wealthy but may be powerful. Those people probably read The Post. Are they quaking in their boots? Oh, definitely. There also might be a lot of unhappy marital conversations going on tonight."

The club's johns shelled out at least $1,000 to $5,500 an hour for services from their cream-of-the-crop call girls, who were allegedly handled by two female pimps, Temeka Rachelle Lewis and Tanya Hollander.

Source: NY Post
I forsee a book by Mr. Spitzer and notariety, wait Bill Clinton already did that:biggrin:

True baller.


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See my wife knows I have "another wife" - she constantly tells me to have my "other wife" deal with things she doesn't want to - like take care of the dog I want to buy, scratch my back when I'm itchy late at night, etc.

Its cheaper than a hooker to maintain another wife - and more discrete ;)

Why wouldn't Spitzer have done this - he could explain he's just trying to help the poor girl get through college - you know - tutoring and paying her rent, and taking her to eat, and ....
Apparently this is the call girl in question:



You read it here first. I predict she will be a millionaire by December. Playboy CEO Christie Hefner will have her in an exclusive pictorial layout where we will see just about everything the Ex-NY Governor saw, elequently displayed in Playboy magazine before 2008 ends.
You read it here first. I predict she will be a millionaire by December. Playboy CEO Christie Hefner will have her in an exclusive pictorial layout where we will see just about everything the Ex-NY Governor saw, elequently displayed in Playboy magazine before 2008 ends.

No way. That pic is misleading. I saw the rest of her myspace pics and she looks like ass. I see they've killed her myspace page.