will spitzer resign as a result?

from saturday night. bush sings a farewell song to washington
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Haven't all you Americans figured it out?



Your posts on NSXprime often carry this theme. Based on seeing it in several threads now, "You Americans" appears to be the most common manner you position your posts.. which is then followed by various comments that make it clear that you know the way and that we Americans are clearly foolish for whatever reason you deem necessary for that day. Who are trying to convince of your musings, yourself or the "you Americans"? How many years did it take for you to accumulate such bitterness with a side order of a superiority towards Americans? I hope you are wearing warm jacket, because it must be extremely cold way up there on your soapbox in the sky that allows you to look down upon the rest of us.

You may be right on some of your thoughts, you may be wrong on others. Some of the "you Americans" may agree with you and others may not... but when it is you that is always there to put us in our place on all issues, it is clear that Bush, Spitzer and preachers are not the only ones overcompensating.

Relative to Client #9, two things are clear. First, he apparently does not believe in the use of raincoats if he is comfortable going in sans armor with a prostitute. Second, he is toast politcally... no doubt. The local democrats can't stand the man... no less the republicans. He will be gone soon.
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I don't think he did anything wrong, just illegal. I think his enemies set him up. He's toast.

Edit: Wallstreet misdeeds are way worse than any hanky panky. Wallstreet is going to bring down the USA. The inflation we have now will turn into a depression when all that credit goes poof.

I don't understand this statement. He didn't do anything wrong, just illegal? What am I missing? Isn't illegal, wrong?

How did enemies set him up? Did "they" open an account and deposit money and then make arrangements for the prostitute to meet him? Did they then make payments under his name to pay for these women he met? And, did someone "twist" his arm and make him meet these ladies in Room 871? We all know the answer. There are "no enemies" involved, only Spitzer himself.

Although he has not yet been charged with a crime, his lawyers will meet with federal prosecutors to discuss any possible legal exposure. Its not the prostitution, (for all of you falling on the side of its his personal business) but on how it was paid for. He specifically established an account to transfer money to the escort service. This was established to "conceal" their purpose and source. That could amount to a crime called structuring, which carries a penalty of up to five years in prison.

Here are some media quotes. Let's not lose sight of a few things.

1. He was a former district attorney.
2. He's an elected official.
3. He's married and he betrayed his wife and children.

One of the law enforcement officials said that several people running the prostitution ring knew Mr. Spitzer by the name of George Fox, though a few of the prostitutes came to realize he was the governor of New York. He creates a different name to protect himself, knowing what he's doing is morally incorrect.

Mr. Fox is a friend and a donor to Mr. Spitzer. Told that Room 871 (where he met his prostitute) at the Mayflower Hotel had been registered in Mr. Fox’s name with Mr. Spitzer’s Fifth Avenue address, Mr. Fox said, “That is the first I have heard of it. Until I speak to the governor further, I have no comment.” He is using a friend's name to check in the hotel! How would you like being drug into this national story by your "friend"!

Mr. Spitzer was elected in a landslide in 2006, capitalizing on his popularity he won as the “Sheriff of Wall Street” during eight years as attorney general. With a reputation for personal probity and independence, he pledged to bring higher ethical standards to the statehouse.

When he was attorney general, Mr. Spitzer’s signature issue was pursuing Wall Street misdeeds. But he also oversaw the prosecution of at least two prostitution rings by the state’s organized crime task force, which reports to the attorney general. In one such case in 2004, Mr. Spitzer spoke with revulsion and anger after announcing the arrest of 16 people for operating a high-end prostitution ring out of Staten Island.

The revelation about Emperor’s Club and the attendant disruption in Albany comes at a particularly bad time: The state faces a $4.4 billion deficit and is weeks away from its deadline to complete a new budget.

Good luck New York state. This reminds me of a parallel situation about a sitting President (no pun intended) and an intern. Instead of taking care of the USA and and Islamic terrorists (insert NY state deficit) the country/state now loses its focus because of his "personal behavior" that some of you think is none of our business, or more importantly, none of the business of the citizens in New York.
The crime he seems to have committed is not on its own a big deal to me.

However the hypocrisy of his situation is huge. Maybe you don't resign because of hypocrisy. But let's not forget that he is the governor of NY. He has enormous power over people's lives. By engaging in possibly illegal money transfers (that is what started the investigation) and prostitution he leaves himself vulnerable to blackmail, or other kinds of pressure that might influence his performance as governor.

Any person who does this does not belong in the governor's office. His judgement was shockingly poor. He cannot be trusted at all.

I'm not a resident of NY but if I were I would be calling for his resignation or impeachment now.
I He specifically established an account to transfer money to the escort service. This was established to "conceal" their purpose and source. That could amount to a crime called structuring, which carries a penalty of up to five years in prison.

We used to have adultry laws. Perhaps we need to legalize polygamy then all these adultry cases would not be in question. 50% divorce rate in which a good 35-40% is a cheating case, not to mention the "love childs":biggrin:

Oh wait hes in trouble for paying for pleasure and more specifically he wanted his privacy.:biggrin: You can have 1000 partners but not marry more than one. If your smart you can mislead them into drinking intoxicants then fornicating thats what he should have done. His game was weak or perhaps he was insecure .:tongue:
The crime he seems to have committed is not on its own a big deal to me.

However the hypocrisy of his situation is huge. Maybe you don't resign because of hypocrisy. But let's not forget that he is the governor of NY. He has enormous power over people's lives. By engaging in possibly illegal money transfers (that is what started the investigation) and prostitution he leaves himself vulnerable to blackmail, or other kinds of pressure that might influence his performance as governor.

Any person who does this does not belong in the governor's office. His judgement was shockingly poor. He cannot be trusted at all.

I'm not a resident of NY but if I were I would be calling for his resignation or impeachment now.

And to go after one person/company but not another. I would go as far as to say I bet some of his witch hunts were just that. I think that is the biggest message he has sent by displaying this type of behavior. CNBC just reported he has a 4m home in upstate NY but no income last year. I don't know if that is true but that's what CNBC reported.
CNBC just reported he has a 4m home in upstate NY but no income last year. I don't know if that is true but that's what CNBC reported.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with that, I think his net worth is somewhere around a half billion $$$.

Your posts on NSXprime often carry this theme. Based on seeing it in several threads now, "You Americans" appears to be the most common manner you position your posts.. which is then followed by various comments that make it clear that you know the way and that we Americans are clearly foolish for whatever reason you deem necessary for that day. Who are trying to convince of your musings, yourself or the "you Americans"? How many years did it take for you to accumulate such bitterness with a side order of a superiority towards Americans?

You may be right on some of your thoughts, you may be wrong on others. Some of the "you Americans" may agree with you and others may not...

+1, well said. i was about to write similar thoughts.

Your posts on NSXprime often carry this theme. Based on seeing it in several threads now, "You Americans" appears to be the most common manner you position your posts.. which is then followed by various comments that make it clear that you know the way and that we Americans are clearly foolish for whatever reason you deem necessary for that day. Who are trying to convince of your musings, yourself or the "you Americans"? How many years did it take for you to accumulate such bitterness with a side order of a superiority towards Americans? I hope you are wearing warm jacket, because it must be extremely cold way up there on your soapbox in the sky that allows you to look down upon the rest of us.

You may be right on some of your thoughts, you may be wrong on others. Some of the "you Americans" may agree with you and others may not... but when it is you that is always there to put us in our place on all issues, it is clear that Bush, Spitzer and preachers are not the only ones overcompensating.

Sorry but I'm not bitter towards Americans, but I have to admit that I am disappointed with the majority attitude - you know, the ones who re-elected Bush. The media is how Americans are represented to me - opinion (news articles) on TV is mostly slanted towards intolerance and punitive approaches towards social issues (perhaps like Spitzer).

The problem I have is the rush to be punitive coupled with the strong desire to "self label" and then accept anything offered by Leaders of the Labeled Set.

An example would be that up until recently people who call themselves Republicans have been behind Bush - even though, by classic definitions of what a Republican stands for, Bush is the most Anti-Republican President ever.

I hope to only challenge the reader of my posts and hopefully start thought that "mass thinking" isn't good thinking.

Anywhere that the concept of wanting the troops out of Iraq equals "not supporting the troops" is an example of intolerant people winning an argument by turning them into "mass thinking" that fails to meet the standards of critical thinking.

Sorry if I sound like I'm on a soapbox, I suppose I am to a degree, I just want America to be the home of the truly free, and I feel like I'm watching it slip away under the guise of "homeland security" and "Values and Morals"
Haven't all you Americans figured it out?

When a politician or a "Church Leader" comes out strongly against some vice or another its because HE SUFFERS FROM IT.

In psychology, its called OVERCOMPENSATION

How about a Canadian that is always complaining about the US? By your logic, does that make you a closet American?
How about a Canadian that is always complaining about the US? By your logic, does that make you a closet American?

I admit it - I AM a closet American!!!!:smile:

I practically lived in America for years, but always denied it at the boarder, and much of my wealth came from the US, my sister and her family live in NY, and we have property in FLA.

OK, you outed me!:wink:
Why aren't you down here right now then? We need your tax dollars!

Come down now and we'll let you vote in the Democratic do-over. ;)

I'll start shopping for plane tickets!:biggrin:

My buddie's condo in Miami Beach is 40% forclosures now, he emailed me to tell me that three tow trucks were repoing ferrari's in the parking garage!

Seems like I might buy more property this summer - will that give me more votes?:tongue:
Can't..... resist... pun.......

Spitzer swallow!


Gotta be a person of a very low self esteem, very low morale and no personality to resort to this kind of thing. And look at Spitzer, he looks all three plus he's ugly. But, in his defense, his wife probably married him for the $$ but was never giving him any.

Some of my buddies do it too and I don't understand it. How can you think you're some sorta "playa" or "mack daddy" when you pay for something that is wiedely available for free? It's sad! My uncle prides himself with it as well, tried to get me to go to Reperbahn in Hamburg. He's married but I guess she approves since she can do it too. They're German though so it's all normal and acceptable to them.

What a world!
I'll start shopping for plane tickets!:biggrin:

My buddie's condo in Miami Beach is 40% forclosures now, he emailed me to tell me that three tow trucks were repoing ferrari's in the parking garage!

Seems like I might buy more property this summer - will that give me more votes?:tongue:

Just shows how stupid the Democrats are. The Spitzmeister could've picked up a nice South Beach condo and had a monthly bang fest with all the hot local talent. He'd never get called out. Trust me... no one in Miami Beach knows who Eliot Spitzer is.
BTW...One of the thing that boggles, rather, I find completely hypocritcal, of our society (and women) is that many people consider "prostituion" and the viewing of women as sex objects as wrong.

However, hypocritically, you have people oogling over Hugh Hefner and his, prostitutes (yes I said it, despite how much you like Holly, or Kendra.. or whatever that other girl's name is..) because that's what they are, glorified prostitues paid for sex!

I always give my wife a hard time when she watches this junk. If we are ood' by these girls, we should be throwing our respect and support to every woman that is a prostitue, their clients, and women should show the same level of respect for guys that view and use women as sex objects as they do of Hugh Hefner. Hugh Hefner won't let his girls date anyone else, yet he reserves the right to place his.. in anyone he wants acting as Sex Cult Leader, which he is.. although I know many of u.. ergh.. some would be happy to take his place :tongue: