Search results

  1. MiamiMermaid

    Could a Turbo Charged NSX make this much HP and be this Fast?

    Nice.... I love speed but not at the risk of blowing up my engine... it's all about fine tuning... I like purr.... but prefer 'growl' ;)
  2. MiamiMermaid

    Could a Turbo Charged NSX make this much HP and be this Fast?

    Amen! but have to say I have a weakness for FX 500 ... not sure why, but it seems to inspire me ...
  3. MiamiMermaid

    New Speed Channel TV Series - "Fine Tuned" with Tyson Beckford

    Very nice... keep us updated ! :) Would love to see your NSX on tv ... (Tyson doesn't hurt either) ;)
  4. MiamiMermaid

    I Think My Car Nsx Is Totaled- Bumming Big Time

    Sorry to hear of your accident :( In regards to the 'extras', I believe it really depends on your insurance policy. I took out a side policy for such, which I had learned the hard way. I had a $5k stereo system in one of my cars several years ago, and when it was stolen, I only received 1/2...
  5. MiamiMermaid

    Need Help! Oil Issue

    Hey Crew!! Apologies for the delay of update. Been swamped since missing weeks of work ...... and as well, driving my baby girl!! :) :biggrin: :wink: Thank you!* for all your help. Got her checked out and absolutely no damage was done. Seems that my *angelz * were alert & on duty...
  6. MiamiMermaid

    FINALLY!!! Learning to drive stick shift

    LOL!! Your pops soundz like mine :biggrin: First learning how to drive stick BMW 3.25 convi. . . . .. Pops following me in ZR1 (Corvette feign). I'm at the light...... um, oops, stalled for 3 lights..[Pops smiling as Miami'ains are honking and Pops is laughing his boody off at me ;) ]...
  7. MiamiMermaid

    Need Help! Oil Issue

    Not sure what all that meant..... But... yea, for my girl, she usually sits idle quietly and at 0. What I noticed last night was how off-skew the shifting was. Sorry, not a genius here at the internals, but most assuredly know that something just isn't right. She's boosting into all gears at...
  8. MiamiMermaid

    Inappropriate Question

    LMBO!! Too true and well spoken, my friend! :wink:
  9. MiamiMermaid

    *sigh* wife pissed off again.

    LOL!!! you're a trip. no LV is better than a night on the town with a hubby that is looking sharp! and showing adoration ..... and eeks!!! c'mon While I LOVE CANAL STREET you truly *! cannot think you can pass a fake! for *real...... now now.... ;)
  10. MiamiMermaid

    Second Thoughts

    lol! but :( Indeed! You are in need of an intervention. Audi vs. CLASSIC NSX ??? ;)
  11. MiamiMermaid

    Inappropriate Question

    hehe... probably smiling* :tongue:
  12. MiamiMermaid

    Need Help! Oil Issue

    lol... She's more than 'material' to me, though.... gosh, I think my our cars do more for us than we recognize. . . . . at least for myself (and yea, all y'all, because we're NSX fanatics ) :biggrin: . . . . . Well, the biggest update is that I just (thank you! NSX Prime) had a former NSX...
  13. MiamiMermaid

    Need Help! Oil Issue

    had a bad night tonight. she's revvin'ing high. at idle, her rpm is .75... I'm completely in tears... :(
  14. MiamiMermaid


    THE * MOST * FAB* CLIP EVER ;) :tongue: Sorry. JUST TOO FABULOUS! <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=""...
  15. MiamiMermaid

    FINALLY!!! Learning to drive stick shift

    you are *set for life * my friend!!! soundz like the misses won't be complainin' on upgrades shall you include her 'lead foot.' Count yourself blessed!* ;)
  16. MiamiMermaid

    Inappropriate Question

    hmm..... that'z gay
  17. MiamiMermaid

    Inappropriate Question

    I completely hate this question... and it is asked WAY too often...... ... Anyhoo, I have learned to respond with............. "I stole it" ;)
  18. MiamiMermaid

    Need Help! Oil Issue

    Wow... thansx* John. It's on the '95.... but this helps a lot. Looking into it.!! The light is staying on after ignition for full duration. I do believe that I was lucky that the majority (read: hopefully 3/4 of what was drained) occurred in the driveway. However, I had my co-worker pick me...
  19. MiamiMermaid

    FINALLY!!! Learning to drive stick shift

    you know what? this is *precious* I completely remember this ~learning experience~ Have fun and Welcome!!~~~~ *Mermi*
  20. MiamiMermaid

    What is Your Favorite Pie????

    *Strawberry* !! :tongue:
  21. MiamiMermaid

    Need Help! Oil Issue

    Hey y'all. Thansx* so much for your help . . . . You have no idea how much I appreciate it. Well, she has been handling just fine. I didn't lose much oil prior to my finding her spewing it out while I returned home. It seems that the majority of the leaking occurred when I returned home...
  22. MiamiMermaid

    *sigh* wife pissed off again.

    GOOD!!! (and smart!) Woman :) But you shoulda' got the Ferrari hehe ;) Oh, boyz, no no no. Be honest (but that was a good one) ;) Just be real (being handsome doesn't hurt.... neither does being Romantic!) :biggrin: :wink:
  23. MiamiMermaid

    *sigh* wife pissed off again.

    lol..... here's how you handle it..... what's something she'd love to have ? hmmm..... thinking a NICE! (I mean NICE* restaurant === less than $3grand for the meal but more than $2.00 ;) ) ... Dress up handsomely (*very* important) and have fun with her. I can almost guarantee a fair trade...
  24. MiamiMermaid

    Need Help! Oil Issue

    Re: *Need Help! Oil Issue* No everything seems to be in check. No leaking, gauge at normal level.... just that the light is not shutting off. She seems to be driving fine as well. However, I am not sure how to know if the pump would be damaged. Again, thank you for any help. I am so...
  25. MiamiMermaid

    Need Help! Oil Issue

    Hey y'all. I am hoping that I can get some guidance here. A fellow nsx owner offered to change my oil Saturday. Well, I was excited to learn .. however, on Sunday, I decided to go for a drive... So I'm cruising around and I am pulling up to my home when I notice the oil light on. I look...