Inappropriate Question

I once said the same thing only I was 18 and bought my first ITR. Still trying to get that rep of my back :mad:

When I had my first NSX I would always get comments like "Daddy's boy" and all that crap... even though I paid for 100% of the car with my own money.... same with all my cars! Hard work!

Call me silly but what does ITR mean? Integra Type-R? :rolleyes: :wink:
"more than you can afford"

I believe the posters that put this comment up were kidding, its a quote from the fast and the furious one. :biggrin:

Paul Walker, “Nice car. What’s the retail on one of those?”
Ferrari driver, “More than you can afford, pal! Ferrari!”
Vin Diesel, “Smoke him.”

Call me silly but what does ITR mean?

OK Silly! :biggrin: Yes it stands for Integra Type-R
I don't know how much I paid for the car it was a gift from a girl I met. :wink: :biggrin:

I don't know how much I paid for the car, my accountant gets and pays all my bills.:biggrin:

almost forgot this one...
If the person who is asking is someone who I am trying to purchase something frm then I say...I paid less than it is worth, that is the only way I purchase anything.
When I had my first NSX I would always get comments like "Daddy's boy" and all that crap... even though I paid for 100% of the car with my own money.... same with all my cars! Hard work!

Call me silly but what does ITR mean? Integra Type-R? :rolleyes: :wink:

Yep. Intega Type-R, got used to using abbreviations while hanging out on Honda-Tech and S2Ki.

I've been misguide through out the years and hope I can get on the right path with you guys :biggrin: :tongue:
I don't know how much I paid for the car it was a gift from a girl I met. :wink: :biggrin:

Hey, that's pretty crafty! Except I have a slight twist especially since I have a new girlfriend now. When she's with me in the car and someone asks, I'll respond with "I don't know actually, my girlfriend bought it for me." Then say no more, lol. I wonder what her response would be to that?
Hey, that's pretty crafty! Except I have a slight twist especially since I have a new girlfriend now. When she's with me in the car and someone asks, I'll respond with "I don't know actually, my girlfriend bought it for me." Then say no more, lol. I wonder what her response would be to that?

hehe... probably smiling* :tongue:
I think my standard answer is "a fair price." I tell people I shopped for months and traveled to Denver to buy it because I couldn't find what I wanted closer to home.

If it was an NSX fan, I'd volunteer the price.

As for Drew's comment about money secrecy being a destructive social norm...... I think I disagree completely. What I choose to spend my money on is my business and no others. I do not automatically trust strangers and would not want someone to draw an unreasonable conclusion because I spent $43K for my car. Like it or not - some people will judge us based on how much we paid for a used car (or our house or anything else visible). The quote from a public radio broadcast is rather silly. I don't know if any of my friends take anti-depressants nor do I care. Maybe that's common in Malibu CA. Maybe it's a cool thing in Malibu to say you see a therapist. That interview tries to associate financial privacy with bankruptcy and stress...Huh?
Possibly a more annoying question...
"How much is it worth?" or "How much would you sell it for?"

I usually respond "It isn't for sale"

To which the reply is almost always "Everything is for sale, how much?"

and then the argument begins.

Fact is, the car can't be replaced for what was paid for it. The money isn't "needed", and there isn't anything out there that is so wildly desireable that it could possibly replace the NSX (besides Dad would have to redecorate the garage...) It is not for sale, not at any price.

Why can't people just get that?

Next annoying question...

"How fast does it go?"


Have a nice day...

Possibly a more annoying question...
"How much is it worth?" or "How much would you sell it for?"

I usually respond "It isn't for sale"

To which the reply is almost always "Everything is for sale, how much?"

and then the argument begins.

Fact is, the car can't be replaced for what was paid for it. The money isn't "needed", and there isn't anything out there that is so wildly desireable that it could possibly replace the NSX (besides Dad would have to redecorate the garage...) It is not for sale, not at any price.

Why can't people just get that?

Next annoying question...

"How fast does it go?"


Have a nice day...


LMBO!! Too true and well spoken, my friend! :wink:
I should've turned this into a survey question with "What is your response to how much your car is worth when asked?".

The clear winner is MiamiMermaid's "I Stole it". Perfect!
"What is your response to how much your car is worth when asked?"

1994 Acura NSX: book value 35-45k?

With current mods: Lord only knows...

The grin on my face on the group drive during NSXPO 2005: Priceless

NSXCA (Prime) Community: Priceless

Father/Son Time spent: Priceless

Value of NSX: Priceless

There you go. :biggrin:

The other day some bloke who knew the previous owner came knocking on my door to ask about some engines. ( My house used to double as a garage :) )

When I politely inform him that the man had passed away over a year ago, he was shocked and the first question was:

How much you pay for all this?

I just gave him a completely silly answer of about one third the price of it! He was almost sick. I was just laughing on the inside!

Yet if a friend asks I have no problem sharing that.


I just got back from a nice cruise around town and I got the all too infamous lines...........

Bro, thats a nice car.....(he pauses)..............what is it?

Then I'm like it's an Acura NSX

He's goes...........Did you buy that brand new?

I'm like no, i bought it used, it's a 98...

then he's like............(DRUM ROLL PLEASE)...


I thought about this thread and I drove off :tongue:
Back when the NSX was in production,
if someone asked me what I paid for mine,
I'd say "half of what a new one costs".

If they then asked what a new one costs,
I'd say "twice what I paid".
I tell them that the car is out of production, introduced in the USA in 1991 and the last model year was 2005 and that the prices for a used NSX vary according to age, miles and condition.

If they want to know how much mine was I tell them I bought it used in 1999 for $200.00.... a week.... for the rest of my life. :biggrin:
Yes, it is an inappropriate question. But that doesn't mean you need to be rude in your response. If you want to give a "range of values" for a used NSX, tell the individual what you paid for your car, or just say, "that is a pretty inappropriate question coming from a complete stranger" that is your business.

But remember this: there are 300,000,000 people in the United States and only 8900 NSXs were sold in the US. We who have the pleasure to own an NSX are a rare, blessed group of people. I remember reading the Exotic Car Owners "Code of Conduct" on NSXPrime right after I bought my NSX in 2000 and remember how much it drove home the point that far, far too many people are worried about scaping $5 together to put some gas in the tank of their 1986 Pontiac Sunbird for us to be pompus asses when it comes to having a fancy car.

The real annoying question is "Who makes that?" or "Is that a Corvette?"

Smile, phrase a polite answer and remember that you will probably never see that person again, but that person will always remember're the guy with the cool car!!! It's not like they are going to tap into your bank account because they know how much you paid for your car.

I know we've all had this asked of us before: "How much did you pay for it?"

This is the biggest stumbling point for me, you just can't own a car nicer than the boss owns. I guess I could buy an NSX and never drive it to work :frown:

It's not like they are going to tap into your bank account because they know how much you paid for your car.

How about a lower raise at review time ?