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ZTek Headers test fitting (LA area) + Group Buy, Want to particpate?

Be careful & and look for any interference when fitting headers!!

I had mentioned a vibration that was likely caused by an engine mount bolt being askew. We finally got a chance to look at it today and found that it was actually the header rubbing on the rear beam!
It had already rubbed enough to wear an indentation in the beam and scratch the header pretty good but they were still solidly in contact.

I apollogize for the obscure pics but they show the general area you need to look out for when installing these headers. The mech suggested Z-Tek move the pipe coming off cyl #6 just a little to avoid rear beam interference (but that's a pretty big request this late in the game). I am taking the car back in next week to have the beam taken out and have some material ground off of it to keep a good space between the headers and beam.
The mech tried to move the engine upwards by reinstalling the mounting bolts while it was propped up, but it didn't move enough to completely clear. It did however lighten the vibrations I was feeling at low rpms.

Click pics to enlarge:

Re: Be careful & and look for any interference when fitting headers!!

Just a thought but I don't think I'd want to grind material from the beam. I'm sure Honda has a safety factor built into the beam but reducing the cross section of that part does not appeal to me.
Re: Be careful & and look for any interference when fitting headers!!

Just a thought but I don't think I'd want to grind material from the beam. I'm sure Honda has a safety factor built into the beam but reducing the cross section of that part does not appeal to me.

I know it sounds like an awful proposition and I'd have the same reaction if I were reading this but we're not talking square inches or anything - more like millimeters. The area to be ground will be very small (less than an inch wide & millimeters deep) and is just on the edge of the "lip" of the beam. It could be done with a file while still in the car but my headers are now in the way.
Re: Be careful & and look for any interference when fitting headers!!

I know it sounds like an awful proposition and I'd have the same reaction if I were reading this but we're not talking square inches or anything - more like millimeters. The area to be ground will be very small (less than an inch wide & millimeters deep) and is just on the edge of the "lip" of the beam. It could be done with a file while still in the car but my headers are now in the way.


This is ZTek back here again. I've really been swamped with administrative tasks right now, espically collecting all the docs for taxes, and had so little time to me on the forums and getting typed responses.

But anywho, its nice to see that you guys have received your headers and proceeded to do your installs. I've said this before this is the most complicated header system we've ever developed.

Due to very small differences, we're talking fractions of a percent here, between cars, fitment will be 99% perfect; please have the shop installing them to double check for clearances, since it is a very, very tight fit.

I do recommend though that you have a qualified muffler shop install these so that if the headers touch any part that they can make the necessary fix easily. This is not just for our header system but for ANY header or exhaust system, espically in older cars, because fitment will be 99% perfect and no company can guarentee 100% fitment on all cars, just because of mere differences from one car to another.

Cheers! enjoy those headers and i'd love to see some third party dyno's! =) And make sure to retune your afr's for the increased flow!

PS- I'll pass these pics on to the factory to make sure they triple check that the number 6 runner is in perfect spec.
How is everyone getting along with their headers? I assume most of them have been delivered by now? The vibrations I had completely disappeared once the beam interference was taken care of. The mech decided to bend the lip on the beam a little (instead of grinding it). That way it can be bent back so it's not a permanent alteration.

Re: Be careful & and look for any interference when fitting headers!!


This is ZTek back here again. I've really been swamped with administrative tasks right now, espically collecting all the docs for taxes, and had so little time to me on the forums and getting typed responses.

But anywho, its nice to see that you guys have received your headers and proceeded to do your installs. I've said this before this is the most complicated header system we've ever developed.

Due to very small differences, we're talking fractions of a percent here, between cars, fitment will be 99% perfect; please have the shop installing them to double check for clearances, since it is a very, very tight fit.

I do recommend though that you have a qualified muffler shop install these so that if the headers touch any part that they can make the necessary fix easily. This is not just for our header system but for ANY header or exhaust system, espically in older cars, because fitment will be 99% perfect and no company can guarentee 100% fitment on all cars, just because of mere differences from one car to another.

Cheers! enjoy those headers and i'd love to see some third party dyno's! =) And make sure to retune your afr's for the increased flow!

PS- I'll pass these pics on to the factory to make sure they triple check that the number 6 runner is in perfect spec.

never had problems with comptec. you guys still did not make any changes to your first generation headers which had this problem including your "prototype" model which a fellow customer of mine purchase and it almost rubbed all the way through.

look for previous post from me on this thread