Youngest/Oldest NSXers?

A good 90% are older then Dirt!!!:biggrin:

And here is the proof........

I'm currently 24, I have had my car 4.5yrs and got it when I was 20.

All paid for by me, not mom... or dad. They don't fund anything in my life including college or any of that. I worked 40hrs a week in high school and 50hrs a week plus in college full time and got my 95' through a trade plus cash for an m3 I had purchased previously. My car needed mechanical work (clutch, trans, axles, etc) when I got it, which I probably why I was able to end up with it. Larry B did all the repairs for me about 4yrs ago when I first obtained it, and it's been a 5k here and 10k there fight with this car ever since I did buy it... lol :smile:
Same here.:biggrin:

ha! You of all people should know that Joe, I had my car down to your shop as I drove it for months with a valance half ripped off, a stained tan interior, and spray painted wheels in the beginning:tongue: Not to mention the cords sticking outta the tires...

If I could have gotten some parents sponsorship I would have never bought a bucket like I did :(

needless to say times have changed and this thing has recieved way too much of my $$ at this point! I probably would have had my own mini-Vinces at this point up and running somewhere around here if I wasn't dumping everything into this thing and building it in my home garage:cool:
ha! You of all people should know that Joe,

No doubt about. You did it the hard way, I'm just saying I've been there myself.:cool:

I probably would have had my own mini-Vinces at this point up and running somewhere around here

You'd be working a lot longer than 50 hours a week if you had.:redface:

Stop by and hear my sick new exhaust. You'll be working more!
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I purchased mine @ 18 after selling my C4 with extensive modification. I have been a gear head form Day 1, and get very good deals on cars being a car dealer. Started investing when I was 14 (Fiero GT) and have bought and sold my way to what I have now. Work hard to play hard. :smile:

Stop by and hear my sick new exhaust.

Off Topic

So you got the new exhaust nice. What do you think of it? worth the 3k? You can PM me if you want :biggrin:
im currently 22 and fortunate to have one. just curious to know who else are the youngins in the north east , along with the seniors :smile:

OMG! you are able to buy a used car at the age of 22!! :rolleyes: Where is my cyber cookie. I see this exact same post on every car forum I frequent. Always started by someone young who is looking for a pat on the back. :rolleyes:
I bought my nsx at 27, i'm 29 now.
dreamed of mine since age 17, bought mine at age 34, will be 35 on monday.
OMG! you are able to buy a used car at the age of 22!! :rolleyes: Where is my cyber cookie. I see this exact same post on every car forum I frequent. Always started by someone young who is looking for a pat on the back. :rolleyes:

No offense to you or anyone at all... but it always seems to be the older owners who hold things against the younger ones. This is simply IMO, but someone who is older and proud to own their car... seems to have something against anyone young who has the same if not nicer vehicle, paid for by themselves. :rolleyes: :wink:
No offense to you or anyone at all... but it always seems to be the older owners who hold things against the younger ones. This is simply IMO, but someone who is older and proud to own their car... seems to have something against anyone young who has the same if not nicer vehicle, paid for by themselves. :rolleyes: :wink:

Haha, now I am an older guy! Pre Fast and Furious, I bought a 6-speed TT Supra with 27k miles on it and at the time I was 21. I never once, aside from today, posted that fact on any forum. I feel that it has no bearing on anything. I guess I get annoyed at people wanting a pat on the back for being young and buying a used car. If this was a Lamborghini forum and the original poster just bought a Murci, that is quite a different story. I guess from being on multiple forums for a few years I get to read two of these posts a month. I have never felt the need to brag about my age but I guess everyone is different.
No offense to you or anyone at all... but it always seems to be the older owners who hold things against the younger ones. This is simply IMO, but someone who is older and proud to own their car... seems to have something against anyone young who has the same if not nicer vehicle, paid for by themselves. :rolleyes: :wink:

No offense taken. I don't think its so much of anyone having something "against" another owner, but coming on the board and telling us about buying a used car and expecting pats on the back isn't all that exciting. If those young owners told us about finishing med school, starting a new business, or other facets of life that get them set up for the future, we'd say "hell yeah, way to go!". But, buying a car, when you are young, well, meh. :smile:
points well taken!!

Opinions are like ........, everyone has them! :biggrin: :tongue:

haha but in all seriousness, I do fully agree with both statements :smile: