Yorkie, Maltese or Shih-Tzu

9 February 2004
Orange County
I was looking at dogs and was interested in these three:


Yorkshire Terrier


I have a Maltese and would recommend the breed to anyone. In fact, 5 of my friends have gotten a Maltese also after spending time playing with mine.
We were just at Fashion Island in Newport looking at puppies. We saw a male Maltese for sale that had so much personality! They are really adorable. :) There was a Shih-Tzu for sale, but it just sat there. It didn't look like much fun. :p
Pick a dog based on its personality and you cant lose. Dont be too caught up in breed. I have a pit bull that is so loyal and sweet. She looks as though she is mean, but not even close. She has been trained to be protective of myself and my girlfriend. She has to be sweet, her name is Honey :D :D :D

Good Luck. BTW Those dogs are adorable;) ;) :D

We have a Yorkie, amazing dogs, had it 11 years and he is still acts like 2 years old. But, please read up on their character before buying, they think they are 100 pound dogs and are VERY protective of their turf. They are not for everybody.
If they fit your family, they are the best, such personality.
Maybe consider Bichon Frise
My family has 3 and they are great pets
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My GF has a mini Shih Tzu (5-lbs, 2yrs old). He is a good dog but his personality is somewhat to be desired. IE: he is scared of everything and everyone larger than a coke bottle, he doesn't obey commands (even though he has been through much training correctly), isn't very playful, and seems dumb founded all the time. Again, its the dogs own personality. Yours may not the be same. Just my observation about small breed dogs is that they lack the mental capasity of a large breed dog. They seem like they cannot be trained as well or as quickly. But that again may just be because of the owner and its personality. :o
I also had a maltese (Lily, R.I.P.) and she was just a joy to be around. I highly recommend this breed b/c of their playful nature. A reminder though, the breed is quite fragile and is infamously known for its housebreaking problems.
For a small dog you may want to consider the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. . .


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ss_md said:
For a small dog you may want to consider the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. . .

I have a cavalier king charles spaniel, great dog, maybe a little too big for my taste (i prefer smaller dogs), he's 23lbs and very playful, they adopt to your family's activity level, so you don't have to walk them daily. the only down side IMO is their coat will shed.
polar said:
I have a cavalier king charles spaniel, great dog, maybe a little too big for my taste (i prefer smaller dogs), he's 23lbs and very playful, they adopt to your family's activity level, so you don't have to walk them daily. the only down side IMO is their coat will shed.

Ooh...shedding is a big no-no. Part of the reason why I like Yorkies is because they don't shed as much.
MsKadyB said:
Ooh...shedding is a big no-no. Part of the reason why I like Yorkies is because they don't shed as much.

Personally I perfer Maltese over yorkies because 8 out of 10 yorkies I've seen are super noisy.
polar said:
Personally I perfer Maltese over yorkies because 8 out of 10 yorkies I've seen are super noisy.

I would take a Maltese over a Yorkie, too. I hate little yappers. My old neighbors used to have like 5 of those weenie dogs. They barked when the wind blew! I wanted to jump the fence and shoot them with a BB gun.
Akitas are great.... ok fine, they weren't mentioned and they're huge.. but they're great dogs..

Playful, loyal, protective, hardly ever barks, easy to housebreak. ;)
I have a Malteses........I hate him lol He's got great personality and is very loyal, but he won't stop BARKING! He barks when we leave, when we come home, when we get up...he even barks at me when I walk out of the bathroom. We tried shock collars, ignoring him, even fluoexetine (seems to help hehe). OH and he pee's on everything and he was housebroken and trained properly.

I know you're looking for a small breed, but I absolutely LOVE my Golden Retriever!
polar said:
I have a cavalier king charles spaniel, great dog, maybe a little too big for my taste (i prefer smaller dogs), he's 23lbs and very playful, they adopt to your family's activity level, so you don't have to walk them daily. the only down side IMO is their coat will shed.

Right, it's hyper all the time... If you don't call a dog hyper that will run around a house, wagging its tail and try to hump anything to his size ALL DAY LONG... well maybe that's your "familty's activity level"...

did I mention your dog FARTED like HELL.??? :D

fangtl said:
I also had a maltese (Lily, R.I.P.) and she was just a joy to be around. I highly recommend this breed b/c of their playful nature. A reminder though, the breed is quite fragile and is infamously known for its housebreaking problems.

You know I also had a female maltese named Lily and she's also running around in heaven??? What a coincident...

Maltese is a very very adorable dogs, however, I found it kind of funny that most of the maltese I met like to be held but then in an extented time, like 20 mins or something, if they didn't get to sleep, they'll just walk away then sleep on the floor 2 feet from you. If you like hairy little dog, it's the best. The only advise i had is that if you are type of the lazy guy who won't like to brush their hair and shampoo them often, please don't get one. I hate to see people cut their hair short just to save time...

Pormerian is notorusly hard to train, and it just like to bark...

Yorkie is a very cute dog too, the one my cousin had always found some small animal to them, (he caught bugs and just bring it to her, like an medal of honor or something.) Their hair is a little easier to keep than the Maltese.

Shit zhu is sweet, quiet and sort of dumb (well, it's not raised to be a shepherd anyway)... but the famous hip joint problem is a little scary. You have to clean their big eyes often, with short nose, you have wash their face everytime after meal, cuz food will stick all over its face.
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