Yet another all b#tches are crazy thread

10 September 2005
With the Forums Nazi except I live above ground
Gentlemen, there's obviously a lot of pent-up hostility towards women on this forum. Is this caused from NSX Prime being a largely male-only website, or from personal traumatic relationship experiences, post-pubescent rejection, sexual frustration, or childhood neglect?

Let's openly discuss. Please, we're all friends here. :)
Please don't generalize, Phil. No one, at least no one in any of the posts I have read, said ALL women are crazy b#tches. The two (2) recent threads I have read on this topic are about special cases.

Otherwise, please continue. :smile:
Autophile said:
Please don't generalize, Phil. No one, at least no one in any of the posts I have read, said ALL women are crazy b#tches. The two (2) recent threads I have read on this topic are about special cases.

Otherwise, please continue. :smile:

I must clarify myself that this thread is in no way, shape or form intended to be a malicious or generalized or give offense to the owners of the other threads who, as you stated, were special case relationships. Since topics like this on TV draw millions of female viewers, why can't the same happen here? :D
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:( I dunno. I like to be Happy * :biggrin: but, guys can be mean too. Just sux listening (err, reading), blobbs about females being the culprit. Sux for girlz who are REAL! and kind-hearted, yet strong. How confuzing can we get ? :wink:
MiamiMermaid said:
How confuzing can we get ? :wink:

If you have to ask:D!!!!:D

Apparently you are one of the "better ones".
jack and jill went up the hill with a buck and a quarter
jill came down with two fifty!
Loved with all my heart every female I have ever dated long term. It appears to me that I have been lucky, or maybe skilled, in picking out women who are not psycho!
satan_srv said:
I'm crazy. I'm ok with that.

x2, and happy with it.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain
Dr Phil said:
I must clarify myself that this thread is in no way, shape or form intended to be a malicious or generalized or give offense to the owners of the other threads who, as you stated, were special case relationships. Since topics like this on TV draw millions of female viewers, why can't the same happen here? :D
Dr. Phil, I apologize that my original interpretation of the thread title was incorrect. :redface: I first read it as "all women are crazy b#tches," when in fact the title states that "all b#tches are crazy." On that meaning, I could be convinced of a strong correlation. :biggrin:
MiamiMermaid said:
:( I dunno. I like to be Happy * :biggrin: but, guys can be mean too. Just sux listening (err, reading), blobbs about females being the culprit. Sux for girlz who are REAL! and kind-hearted, yet strong. How confuzing can we get ? :wink:

Yeah, but I bet that all these girls post on the internet talking about how they're real how is an honest guy these days supposed to know the difference?

Sure, guys can be mean. But, as long as women keep marking for player BS, we'll keep pulling it. I mean, some of the nonsense that I've done that's been gone gaga over, just demeaning crap and a lot of women eat it up. And, w/ some it's even as if they don't respect you the next day if you don't play them out. In most cases, you can't BE nice.

And, there's the rub. W/ the majority of girls, esp pretty ones, you have to be so nasty, disinterested, and almost cruel to them that, for me personally, I cannot subsequently have any respect for somebody who would even let me treat them that way, much less expect or want it. Seriously, stretches of years go by in between finding a pretty girl who will be nice in return if you open with a nice move. Freakin moss grows.
Dr Phil said:
Gentlemen, there's obviously a lot of pent-up hostility towards women on this forum. Is this caused from NSX Prime being a largely male-only website, or from personal traumatic relationship experiences, post-pubescent rejection, sexual frustration, or childhood neglect?

Let's openly discuss. Please, we're all friends here. :)
I am just kind of confused here. What is this impersonating thing? You have used Mcgraw's picture, bio, and homepage in your profile. I can see the humor of a persona like Mr. Wolf, but using the same bio and homepage of the real Dr. Phil is a little too freaky.
whiteNSXs said:
I am just kind of confused here. What is this impersonating thing? You have used Mcgraw's picture, bio, and homepage in your profile. I can see the humor of a persona like Mr. Wolf, but using the same bio and homepage of the real Dr. Phil is a little too freaky.
I think we can safely assume that the real Dr. Phil is much too busy to be spending time posting on internet boards... :wink:
whiteNSXs said:
I am just kind of confused here. What is this impersonating thing? You have used Mcgraw's picture, bio, and homepage in your profile. I can see the humor of a persona like Mr. Wolf, but using the same bio and homepage of the real Dr. Phil is a little too freaky.

Whoa! Dude, lighten up and enjoy the ride......role playing is fun! esp when the lights are down low :wink:
DISCLAIMER - here is some more unsolicited advise from someone who probably doesn't know any more then you.

Now that we have that out of the way...

I have only been in 2 serious, long term, relationships (including my current and only marriage of 12 years). This goes for most any type of serious relationship but especially for finding someone special to spend the rest of your life (and maybe the next one) with.

Step 1) Get out a piece of paper and a pen

Step 2) Write down all the qualities you are looking for in a soul mate. Elaborate on as many as possible. Your list may include honesty, integrity, love of nature, love of people, free spirit, thoughtful, compassionate, passionate, and inner beauty.

Step 3) *This is the most important one BTW*. Be that person in Step 2

Step 4) Go about your regular business and life

The people with the traits you are looking for our looking for the exact same person. They probably volunteer at churches, care for the needy, build houses for the poor, spend time with close friends and family, and are not in the places that have ever been the focus of MTV, "Wild on...", etc.

BTW - if you are only looking for "hot" people, you are really going to miss out. My wife was always beautiful but when people meet her and get to know her - they say she is one of the most beautiful people on earth. Her passion and compassion for others I am sure have something to do with it. Then you have all the people that look good but are so ugly on the inside that once you get to know them - you can't stand to look at them.

And to all of you lucky ones that have found their soul mate - remember - it is hard work to keep your relationship healthy so why don't you pick up some flowers on the way home? Just don't put them in the trunk as it gets pretty hot in there.

How did I do Dr. Phil!

Haha all this relationship talk reminds me of some advice my buddy in the Pro Car Audio business once told me.

Three basic qualities of a sound system. Loud, Small Install, Cheap.
Now you can only pick 2 hahaha! therein lies the dilema...

i think the same can be said for people, realistic expectations are a compromise i guess. my one friend described his problem that he finds alot of girls that are attractive, smart, funny, kind, BUT totally crazy... ahhahaah, i guess i know the one option he didnt pick LOL :biggrin: of course this goes for men as well, where you may find a guy thats attractive, smart, funny, rich, BUT he has 5 other girlfriends..... LOL
matteni said:
Step 1) Get out a piece of paper and a pen

Step 2) Write down all the qualities you are looking for in a soul mate. Elaborate on as many as possible. Your list may include honesty, integrity, love of nature, love of people, free spirit, thoughtful, compassionate, passionate, and inner beauty.

I ran out of ink because there were too many items.

BTW - if you are only looking for "hot" people, you are really going to miss out.

What if I am tragically superficial?
liftshard said:
What if I am tragically superficial?

Well - the question is back to you - how well is it working out meeting hot girls at places where you go to meet them now who are more then skin deep and are the types of people to build a life around?

One popular definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results!

matteni said:
Well - the question is back to you - how well is it working out meeting hot girls at places where you go to meet them now who are more then skin deep and are the types of people to build a life around?

Oh, these hot chicks are WAY more than skin deep crazy, man. It goes all the way to the bone.
liftshard said:
Yeah, but I bet that all these girls post on the internet talking about how they're real how is an honest guy these days supposed to know the difference?

Sure, guys can be mean. But, as long as women keep marking for player BS, we'll keep pulling it. I mean, some of the nonsense that I've done that's been gone gaga over, just demeaning crap and a lot of women eat it up. And, w/ some it's even as if they don't respect you the next day if you don't play them out. In most cases, you can't BE nice.

And, there's the rub. W/ the majority of girls, esp pretty ones, you have to be so nasty, disinterested, and almost cruel to them that, for me personally, I cannot subsequently have any respect for somebody who would even let me treat them that way, much less expect or want it. Seriously, stretches of years go by in between finding a pretty girl who will be nice in return if you open with a nice move. Freakin moss grows.

This is quite true:
Treat them well and they try to walk over you or lose interest in the process.

Treat em like shit and they keep coming back....Who knew you could have your cake and eat it too?