Yet another all b#tches are crazy thread

oh my god :eek: is that really you dr.phil? here on prime! :biggrin: :tongue: I don't think your wife will mind you owning an nsx just buy her one too ;) :tongue:
Autophile said:
Dr. Phil, I apologize that my original interpretation of the thread title was incorrect. :redface: I first read it as "all women are crazy b#tches," when in fact the title states that "all b#tches are crazy." On that meaning, I could be convinced of a strong correlation. :biggrin:

I admire your courage to apologize. That is a true sign of strength.
ediddynsx said:
oh my god :eek: is that really you dr.phil? here on prime! :biggrin: :tongue: I don't think your wife will mind you owning an nsx just buy her one too ;) :tongue:

Yes it is really me, Dr. Phil. We also have the real Keanu Reeves as Neo, Harvey Keitel as Mr. Wolf, Al Yeganeh as the Forum Nazi, and Matteni as the Real McCoy. :D
liftshard said:
Yeah, but I bet that all these girls post on the internet talking about how they're real how is an honest guy these days supposed to know the difference?

Sure, guys can be mean. But, as long as women keep marking for player BS, we'll keep pulling it. I mean, some of the nonsense that I've done that's been gone gaga over, just demeaning crap and a lot of women eat it up. And, w/ some it's even as if they don't respect you the next day if you don't play them out. In most cases, you can't BE nice.

And, there's the rub. W/ the majority of girls, esp pretty ones, you have to be so nasty, disinterested, and almost cruel to them that, for me personally, I cannot subsequently have any respect for somebody who would even let me treat them that way, much less expect or want it. Seriously, stretches of years go by in between finding a pretty girl who will be nice in return if you open with a nice move. Freakin moss grows.

Wooah, lifthard, you got a LOT! to learn. No offense. If some guy even thinks about treating me like crap, I'll approach the situation and ask what is behind it. If the attitude repeats itself, I'm OUTTIE*! I like warm, kind gentlemen. Maybe I'm rare, maybe I'm naive, but I'm sticking with Who I am and what I believe. Best of luck to you.

Elaborate on as many as possible. Your list may include honesty, integrity, love of nature, love of people, free spirit, thoughtful, compassionate, passionate, and inner beauty.

You haven't included the most important part. Must love nsx and support us to go to track... yet she's hot, and no, she truly loves cars more than you do. Nope, I haven't seen any example yet.

I still dreaming when I got home one day, there's a nsxR hood, wheels or some other go-fast crack laying around the house... yeah, I could dream, can't I??
b1tches, hoez, all a jigga knowz...

Nick Matteni is THE man. I couldn't have said it any better. :cool:

Remember all...

birds of a feather flock together

like attracts like

to be cut from the same fabric, gotta be in the same loom

blah bla bha... :biggrin:

(in regards to lift, don't hate the playette... hate the game! :tongue: )
liftshard said:
. Seriously, stretches of years go by in between finding a pretty girl who will be nice in return if you open with a nice move. Freakin moss grows.

Not sure what freakin' moss grows meanz but, yea it's a possibility, to ur prior statement..
MiamiMermaid said:

Wooah, lifthard, you got a LOT! to learn. No offense. If some guy even thinks about treating me like crap, I'll approach the situation and ask what is behind it. If the attitude repeats itself, I'm OUTTIE*! I like warm, kind gentlemen. Maybe I'm rare, maybe I'm naive, but I'm sticking with Who I am and what I believe. Best of luck to you.

No offense to you, but it is not I that appears here to have a a lot to learn. You don't seem to know too many women. Sadly, what I've said is the truth. I've watched it in friends and would-be lovers alike. If you have any gfs I have no doubt that you've watched them partner up with d!cks and wonder why they let that SOB treat them like that and keep coming back for more.

And, FWIW, every woman *says* she wants a nice guy. Just like EVERY guy says he wants a low maintenance chick. And, then, they go out and do exactly the opposite of what they say. Maybe people wise up as they age or maybe they just run out of wind, I don't know. Being nice when 9 out of 10 girls aren't nice in return = low success rate.

If you actually like gentlemen and nice guys, then, yes, you are quite rare.