My experience has been the problem with doing that is that if you spook the wrong person, they could very well end up crashing and totaling their car. A lot of drivers get very nervous (and angry) when they see the car behind them zoom-in mid-corner and fill up their entire rear view mirror, and are going to start making a lot of mistakes. Besides, why would you want to put your car on the line? Remember, it only has to happen once.
In a HPDE context (and even as I found in a Club Racing context in some instances), their is no need to be overly aggressive and sitting a foot off anyones bumper. Don't make assumptions about another drivers abilities, know for certain. Dial it back a notch. Safety starts with being predictable. Give people lots of room, wait for the point-by, and take a clean pass. Their is always another lap, their is always another day. Scrub the lap. Work on specific sections, have the starter give you more room. Do whatever you need to do. I am not asserting to not properly present yourself for a pass, but by all means use good judgement.
If you just can't deal with it anymore and are completely bored out of your kazooo, then either get the safety gear you need and go racing- or get a slower car. Either will go a long way toward solving the wait-for-point-by issue. This whole thing is nothing more than a constant learning experience, and if you think you have it all wrapped up and want to step it up- their is always another level.