Wrench thrown into buying process, need advice

9 July 2008
Mineral, Va.
I recently posted about a 97 that goes for a PPI next week. It's a 38K mile car in extremely nice condition for an asking price of $38K, I can get it for $35K. All service up to date including TB/WP due to age. Red over black. Second owner, few minor scratches, minor curb rash on wheel, somewhat slow drivers window, trunk struts going.

Well, when it rains, it pours and another car popped up that might intrigue me even more. 98 w/30K, one owner, new tires, 30K service done but not TB/WP. Pretty much flawless. Saw it late last night in the owners garage and then outside in fading light so although I think it looks perfect, will need to look at it again in bright light. Ran well, no noises. It's spa yellow over black. Asking 35K, believe I could get it for $33K but even if not, ends up the same price as the 97.

Both cars fully documented and dealer serviced. Carfax spotless on both.

First, little surprised pricing had dropped this much on NA2-T cars - is this happening everywhere or have I just lucked into something here. Anyway, prefer red but not by much. Don't think the owner of the red will go for 33K. So, looking for advice as to which one will depreciate less or be easier to sell later should the need arise (suspect the red one). How important is the age limitation on the TB/WP service? Unfortunately, I have to go see the yellow again today and he's going to want an offer or move on to the next person on the list. Obviously I can put off final purchase by requiring a PPI but have a feeling they will both pass with flying colors and really don't want to hold up both owners since they have several serious inquiries and are both super nice people.

Guidance O wise ones :D

Tom, ISO the perfect NSX
How important is the age limitation on the TB/WP service?

Probably the most important thing you will ever do to this car. Seriously. Its a ticking time bomb on a 98.

Buy what you want. Don't pick a "lesser" car for a few thousand dollars.
WOW wasnt aware the 97+ cars were selling for that little.. I sold a 70k black on black 97 that had been repainted for 38k in december. I would say both of these are steals! The lower mile one has a color that is less in demand for most people.Yellow is love it or hate it. The red is more common and probably an easier resale.

Hope that helps!
You are going to have to do the TB/WP on the 98 right away. Less miles is less miles and 1 year newer is also a plus. 8k miles could equal 2 years of ownership before you get up to the same of the other car. If you have the work done by a competenat and experience NSX mechanic then you will know that job was done right, a plus. There are horro stories about even dealerships not doing the job right because they don't have a lot of experience with the car or they give it to a new guy.

I would get the yellow one. It is a more unique color, not as common as red or black, but you have to love it or don't get it.

Also I believe it's a color preference. Buy the color you want. Buy a color your less drawn to for a few dollars less and you'll be kicking yourself for years. I like yellow myself, but settled for black.:frown:
Hard dilema!

IMO I would pick the one that you feel fits you the best. Either car is going to get you looks. The yellow car will be much more noticable by others from a far distance and just seems to be a more exotic color so to say.

If the TB / WP is bothering you on the yellow car ... if you are mechanically inclined you can DIY for about $450.00 or less. There are great DIY's directions on the TB/WB on this site. Once I had all the parts in hand, it took me a weekend to complete the job. I did mine when I got it just for my knowledge that it had been done!

Good luck in your decision! It's a tough one.
Hard dilema!

If the TB / WP is bothering you on the yellow car ... if you are mechanically inclined you can DIY for about $450.00 or less. There are great DIY's directions on the TB/WB on this site. Once I had all the parts in hand, it took me a weekend to complete the job. I did mine when I got it just for my knowledge that it had been done!

Good luck in your decision! It's a tough one.

I've done many a DOHC timing belt/wp change, just not sure I'm up to a four cam, transverse mounted, mid-engine V-6, not when the result of a botched job is pretty severe :( Screw up on a non-interference engine and it's no big deal, do the same on one of these and ........
Get whichever one you want.

Just consider the need for a timing belt and water pump replacement as a $1500-1700 difference in comparing costs.
Get whichever one you want.

Just consider the need for a timing belt and water pump replacement as a $1500-1700 difference in comparing costs.

Well, part of the decision got made for me as the yellow one sold this afternoon for full price to a buyer that didn't care about a pre-purchase inspection, just went to their mutual bank and transfered the cash into the sellers account and drove it home. I (and, perhaps more importantly, my wife) am more partial to the red. Wish it was a red/tan but like the black interior almost as much.

it's too bad the yellow sold, but now your choice is easier. i think both were killer deals, considering NA1's still easily fetch around the 30K mark for ones that are well maintained and up-to-date service wise...

good luck on your purchase!