Would/when will you desert the U.S.A.??

I'm a natural born U.S. citizen and I...

  • ...would never, ever leave the U.S. permanently.

    Votes: 43 45.3%
  • ...might leave the U.S. if things got bad enough (but think that's unlikely)

    Votes: 28 29.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 10-20 years (taxes!)

    Votes: 9 9.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 1-10 years b/c the U.S. is crumbling

    Votes: 15 15.8%

  • Total voters
The only reason to desert the USA is to find better roads to drive your NSX on. Some pretty heavy stuff goin on here for a bunch of motorheads.
The only reason to desert the USA is to find better roads to drive your NSX on. Some pretty heavy stuff goin on here for a bunch of motorheads.

No doubt. Like.....


Look. I say take a page from my narcissistic personality inventory.

The reason the U.S.A. is going to hell in a hand basket is actually quite simple if you boil it down to the basics here:

Generation decline due to a lack of effective role models.

Let's start with cartoons. Now when I was growing up I had real icons to emulate like Richy Rich (wish I would have watched that one more), Duck Tails (love an adventure), Smurfet, Alvin and the Chipmunks and hell.. it took me like 5 years to figure out that the 3 hour loony tunes marathon with road runner, coyote, and Marvin the Martian was the same episode each week. It was so good I just didn't care!

Look at the music from my era. We even had great icons now that the gay glam bands were gone- Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Axle Rose, Metallica, and even Ozzy came back around to eat a few bats. The pop/disco revolution gave way to amazing artists and geo-political activists like Eminem.

Public figures anyone could relate to dominated my era- like Ronald Regan and Castro. Go Star Wars! All great leaders any kid could look up to. Hell, I wanted a strategic nuclear ballistic missle filled submarine as much as the next kid. I had the 9 foot GI Joe aircraft carrier set in my play room.

Now what do kids have? Power Rangers? A talking sponge at the bottom of the ocean? The classic hit Yo, I Ain't Dreamin' of No White Christmas??? Fake self serving leaders like Hillary Clinton?

... and people wonder why their kids are so frustrated they are upstairs practicing killing each other on xbox before bombing their school. :rolleyes:

Wake up America.. and while I have the podium how about some freakin' loony tunes on Comcast On Demand!!! :mad:

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The only reason to desert the USA is to find better roads to drive your NSX on. Some pretty heavy stuff goin on here for a bunch of motorheads.
The States isn’t in the running. Not even close. Laughable, I’d say.
It's possibly the worst Western County in the world to drive a sports car.

That Kool Aid you guys drank sure is potent, I’ll say that…:rolleyes:
The States isn’t in the running. Not even close. Laughable, I’d say.
It's possibly the worst Western County in the world to drive a sports car.

That Kool Aid you guys drank sure is potent, I’ll say that…:rolleyes:

I dunno about that. Yeah, we can't speed like most 3rd world countries like Benelux but we have lots of smooth roads and wide open spaces. :tongue:
Need to add a choice for just plain leave the USA. :smile: I dont see myself as deserting the US, but I just don't plan on retiring here. I'd rather retire someplace where my money will go further. :biggrin:
You say "wow" as if johnny010's attitude were unusual. It is not.

He's from Texas, where the Republican Party's platform says that they want back their law making gay sex illegal (the law that Bush, as governor, had promised to veto any attempt to repeal).

37% of Americans polled in 2008 say gay sex should be illegal.

johnny010's attitudes are mainstream in much of the USA.
You say "wow" as if johnny010's attitude were unusual. It is not.

He's from Texas, where the Republican Party's platform says that they want back their law making gay sex illegal (the law that Bush, as governor, had promised to veto any attempt to repeal).

37% of Americans polled in 2008 say gay sex should be illegal.

johnny010's attitudes are mainstream in much of the USA.

Thats a lot of hate.
You need to remember that its not "hate" to them (the hater Americans, not all, but certainly many in the Red States) - its puritanical "values" that the USA was founded on - so it has become "patriotism"

You Punish people for being whatever you don't want them to be - and you reward people for being what you do want them to be. All the while assuming your type of hypocrisy is OK as long as you have the right label.

This is why we've had the meltdown, people have over-revered the Rich - let them do whatever they want since they're the successful winners - and the rich have robbed to poor and enforced class "warfare" (Blacks more likely to have gotten sub-prime mortgages even if they had higher incomes than whites) but we let them because to be rich is to be right - puritanical (now)

You can't have intolerance and a "just society"

The Middle Class in the USA was built after WWII by the government, but somehow everyone forgot and thinks they did it themselves! (GI Bill, Roads, everything that happened in the 50's - huge social spending)

Then they turn around and punish the people who didn't get helped - with Billions of week going to Iraq, don't you think a few hundred million dollars could be poured into the 9th Ward in the USA? (Not Yet!)
You say "wow" as if johnny010's attitude were unusual. It is not.

He's from Texas, where the Republican Party's platform says that they want back their law making gay sex illegal (the law that Bush, as governor, had promised to veto any attempt to repeal).

37% of Americans polled in 2008 say gay sex should be illegal.

johnny010's attitudes are mainstream in much of the USA.

Wow think the poll would be different if it included two hot chicks:biggrin:

I guess what's funny is that Republicans keep getting caught in the "closet" while continuing to call Dems "heathens and adulterers" whenever they get caught cheating on their wife:rolleyes:
You can't have intolerance and a "just society"

Man that is so true. An intolerant society creates people who have a sense of entiltilment.

The Middle Class in the USA was built after WWII by the government, but somehow everyone forgot and thinks they did it themselves! (GI Bill, Roads, everything that happened in the 50's - huge social spending)

This is what I am counting on. After every war the economy has done very well. When the Iraq war is over this economy will surge forward.

Then they turn around and punish the people who didn't get helped - with Billions of week going to Iraq, don't you think a few hundred million dollars could be poured into the 9th Ward in the USA? (Not Yet!)

That will be the day this country invest money in itself before helping other countries. I not saying don't help, just simply put the oxygen mask on yourself first. To be quite honest I could not careless what happens outside this country until every friggen problem in this country is fixed. I am sure some of the problems outside this country are linked to problems inside the country so fix those problems second. Then lastly fix problems outside the country. PICK THE EASY FRUIT FIRST!
Wow think the poll would be different if it included two hot chicks:biggrin:

I guess what's funny is that Republicans keep getting caught in the "closet" while continuing to call Dems "heathens and adulterers" whenever they get caught cheating on their wife:rolleyes:

lol, very true.
it just amazes me to see some of the things that people really believe.
oh well..... the people who condemn so much are destined to misery their whole lives, cause when they find out they like something they're supposed to be against :eek:
lol, very true.
it just amazes me to see some of the things that people really believe.
oh well..... the people who condemn so much are destined to misery their whole lives, cause when they find out they like something they're supposed to be against :eek:

Or they may have thought they were going to like it and they thought they could force themselves into a state of mind and not like it. Fact is you are who you are and once you accept it and live as you see fit happiness soon follows.

It's funny how the thread "if you could be anybody" went. Most people answered Hugh Hefner but in everyday life his lifestyle is not accepted. Why? It seems to be what a lot of people would secretly want to be but wouldn't verbalize out loud? :confused:
"I hate to think that Rome fell, but it did.........."

I guess if I was a banker things might look grim right now as well.

But what I think is odd, as we are 1st generation to be able to communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world we choose to piss and moan about our personal problems........ Or point fingers at others.......
Who'd a thunk it?

This just blows my mind............
Ahhh the internet , conspiracy never had a better ally!!!
"I hate to think that Rome fell, but it did.........."

I guess if I was a banker things might look grim right now as well.

But what I think is odd, as we are 1st generation to be able to communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world we choose to piss and moan about our personal problems........ Or point fingers at others.......
Who'd a thunk it?

This just blows my mind............

What in the world are you talking about?

Anyway, 1/4 of the numerous poll respondents are probably leaving the U.S. at some point and taking their incomes and tax dollars with them. Who'd a thunk it? :rolleyes: Oh, wait. Me. That's why I started this thread.
What in the world are you talking about?

Anyway, 1/4 of the numerous poll respondents are probably leaving the U.S. at some point and taking their incomes and tax dollars with them. Who'd a thunk it? :rolleyes: Oh, wait. Me. That's why I started this thread.

Don't come back either, why do you post on some EU nsx board this one is in the US.
:rolleyes: Why don't you post on some Evo board? -- this one is for NSX owners. :rolleyes:


I had one 1st ;) So are you going to come back when things are better? I guess you used to be a bankers or a investor and got screwed and now hate america? Seem that's when people hate it the most due to being dumbasses in the market.
Need to add a choice for just plain leave the USA. :smile: I dont see myself as deserting the US, but I just don't plan on retiring here. I'd rather retire someplace where my money will go further. :biggrin:

This is more along the lines of my view on the subject... I don't think desert is the proper term for me. I'm sure I'd come back to visit b/c lots of my friends and family are here and I wouldn't expect them to follow me. :tongue:
I'm from another country, became a US citizen, and I love the U.S.A.
But, for all of you who say you are leaving...what's the wait? Get the F-out! Make some room for people who want to be here. :wink:

Now, you know what's great about this country?

You can feel comfortable saying that you are ok deserting it and I can feel comfortable saying get the F-out and we can still co-exist peacefully. Hopefully, for those of you who are planning on leaving, you find what you are looking for. :smile: