Would Love a NSX!!!!!!!!

14 February 2012
Melbourne, Aus
Gday all!

For the past couple of weeks, I've started to seriously think about getting a NSX..........it would be my realistic dream car. I would not mod a standard NSX apart from tasteful wheels......

However, it seems to be very hard to find good ones out there, especially manual ones!? After reading a number of threads, I may need to really test my patience.....which is not a virtue I've known to have.

Gee I wished there was a reason for me to be in Japan for a year.......very good examples over there for decent money.

As mentioned in another thread, one has just popped up overnight for $88K but has high kms....and to be honest, more money than I want to spend or the CFO has approved.

A few questions:

1) Apart from carsales and the for sale section in this forum, are there other sites or physical car yards I should be scoping?

2) Is it tough to drive the earlier non power steering versions?

3) Is it just a matter of supply and demand that increases the prices of the NSXs against say redbook.com.au?

4) What should I be budgeting for a manual, less than 100,000kms? Does the budgeting expectation differ greatly between let's say 91-93 vs 94-96?

5) Should I be even restricing to under 100,000kms? Are NSXs known for reliability especially after reading about the price for parts.........

Thanks heaps in advance!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to one day be a proud owner of one of these babies.
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Gday all!

A few questions:

1) Apart from carsales and the for sale section in this forum, are there other sites or physical car yards I should be scoping?

2) Is it tough to drive the earlier non power steering versions?

3) Is it just a matter of supply and demand that increases the prices of the NSXs against say redbook.com.au?

4) What should I be budgeting for a manual, less than 100,000kms? Does the budgeting expectation differ greatly between let's say 91-93 vs 94-96?

5) Should I be even restricing to under 100,000kms? Are NSXs known for reliability especially after reading about the price for parts.........

Thanks heaps in advance!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to one day be a proud owner of one of these babies.

Ok I can answer some of this....

1) not that i know of, other than askign around here if people know of someone else considering selling there NSX.

2) Well I had the pleasure of driving a fellow prime user's NSX when i was thinking about buying one which was equipped with power steering, im a bit sketchy cause im used to mine now, but in comparison the non p/s NSX's arent that bad due to the engine in the rear its not as heavy as other front engine cars, and once your on the move you dont notice it much at all, look at it this way, if senna didn't say anything about no power steering then im sure its fine ;)

3)I'd say so, e.g. manuel's are hard to find, and people to wait for them, due to that the seller can jack up the price.

4) This is very rough but i would say high 50's to high 60's depending on the year, I think 97 has the biggest jump in price because it recieved the 3.2L and 6 spd trans, and god knows what an 02+ is worth, never seen one for sale.

5) The only reason i would stick to bellow 100,000km's is for resale purposes, reliability wise I recon you will be fine as long has the car has a good service History. Mine has 160,000km's and mechanically its perfect since I have had it, tappets need to be adjusted but that's just something that happens over time and isnt really a hard fix.
Thanks Brendan for your reply!

I'm a big Senna fan and look at his Suzuka drive often.

Appreciate your thoughts and comments. I guess I'm just going to keep on scoping.

In a weird way, not looking forward to the day when I need to REALLY decide to part with hard earned cash.................................................................

It's GT5's Acura '91 NSX for the time being...haha.
When it comes too power steering some people prefer the non power steering and some even convert their ps to non ps.
I like the power steering but it can be a little vague at times.
May need new bushes.
If you buy a 91/92 you may want to change the small rims to aftermarket rims and then with wider tyers the steering will stiffen even more.
I'm very happy with my 94.
Also if you ever need to replace the eps rack honda sell them for $8000 plus last time i looked.
Thats one other benefit with a 91/92 manuals.
I would wait for a 93/94 manual. 95/96 are all targas and would probably be more expensive and if your tall forget about the targas.
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When it comes too power steering some people prefer the non power steering
If you buy a 91/92 you may want to change the small rims to aftermarket rims
I'm very happy with my 94.
Also if you ever need to replace the eps rack
Thats one other benefit with a 91/92 manuals.
I would wait for a 93/94 manual.

Thanks funky for your thoughts!!!

I'm surprised to hear some people prefer non ps but then again, the car is light and the engine is in the rear.

Definitely will get some rims.

Gotta find out more about this eps rack.

Why do you say go the 93/94?

I've read some people wait 2 yrs to find theirs. I may be in for the long haul.

Do you guys think the new nsx release in a few years will help with pricing?
I think with non ps you would get a more genuine feel of the road but i would still prefer ps.
Even with ps and no engine in the front the steering is'nt as light as you would think.
I definently noticed it when i changed to larger rims.
I said 93/94 manual cos i think their both ps(for sure the 94 is) and i dont think there would be alot of price difference between them and 91/92.
Anyway these models will be your cheapest option most likely.
It depends on how much you want to spend.
When i bought mine i wanted a cheaper model and did'nt care about the km's because i'm modifing the whole car to bring it up to modern day super car specs.
Hope that helps.
thanks funky...deinitely helps.

How far along are you with the modding?

I see you're in melb too. I don't get to see too many nsx's around..........which makes me want them more.
I've had Science of speed in the US build me a stage 1 forced induction engine with supercharger and intercooler. it should put down 420-430rwhp.
This engine is being installed in march along with intake mods,AEM EMS,Headers,High flow cats,titanium exhaust,SOS sports clutch.

After that i will be adding a stoptech Big brake kit,KW V coilovers and sway bar and suspension mods.
Hopefully the car will be finished mid year and then i will get it out on a track and have a bit of fun.
Welcome Noisuf,
I have a 92 man fitted with 97 model wheels and personally I think non ps is the way to go, i never find the steering too heavy and think one of the most important aspects of a sports car is steering feel. As for high Ks I think that most of the issues with nsx,s are age related and I also think that not regularly driving a car is the worst thing you can do. I have owned quite a few sports cars but think that the NSX is amazing, if you are ever looking at a local car and want someone else to look at it I would be happy to help (ex aircraft mechanic). It;s just a pity that there are so few to choose from in Australia,
Hey Funkynsx I would love to have a ride in your car when you have fitted KW V coilovers, they soud like they would be the go but I drive on some rough roads and do like the STD shocks compliance.
Kind Regards Owen
Hey Funkynsx I would love to have a ride in your car when you have fitted KW V coilovers, they soud like they would be the go but I drive on some rough roads and do like the STD shocks compliance.
Kind Regards Owen

No problem Owen. We can swap. I would like to feel your steering.
From what i've read it seems the KW v will offer a comfortable ride.
I'm not going to have it too low.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
funky, you will definitely be in modern supercar territory! I'll be just happy with a standard and some aftermarket rims.

Thanks owen for the info and offer. Which state are you in?
Hi Noisuf,
I'm in Melbourne,
Funky I wish I could go low but my driveway won't allow! + I drive on some average roads, Just packed my NSX to go to Phillip Island Racetrack tomorrow, unfortunately the NSX won't get on the track (Bike Track Day) but looking forward to going home via the back way via Healsville.(I live in St Andrews) We should meet up sometime so you can try manual steering and so I can admire your motor!
Cheers Owen.
Hi Noisuf,
I'm in Melbourne,
Cheers Owen.

Haha...just noticed your info to the left on the laptop........didn't see it on the mobile when I replied earlier. Enjoy tomorrow...hope the rain holds out!

I can't wait to take my future NSX around Reefton, Blackspur, Kinglake................
Hi Noisuf,
I'm in Melbourne,
Funky I wish I could go low but my driveway won't allow! + I drive on some average roads, Just packed my NSX to go to Phillip Island Racetrack tomorrow, unfortunately the NSX won't get on the track (Bike Track Day) but looking forward to going home via the back way via Healsville.(I live in St Andrews) We should meet up sometime so you can try manual steering and so I can admire your motor!
Cheers Owen.
I'm in the eastern suburbs. i would be keen to catch up once my car is back on the road. cheers
My car is too low now.
It's a serious pain.
I will be raising it when i get the Kw's.
SOS are developing a lift kit to work with kw's.
That would solve your problem. Every driveway you approach all you have to do is press a button and your car lifts 2-3 inches.
When it's ready i will get one asap.
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<!--*[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--> Hi Noisuf,

I am not sure where in Melbourne you live, but if you haven’t driven an NSX and you wanted the experience let me know - I'm in Carnegie? I should add, you do need to be over 25 and on a full licence, as this is an insurance requirement.

The car is a 93 manual with power steering, which might not be exactly what you're after; nevertheless, I thought I would make the offer and leave it in your court.

All the best,


<!--*[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--> Hi Noisuf,

I am not sure where in Melbourne you live, but if you haven’t driven an NSX and you wanted the experience let me know - I'm in Carnegie? I should add, you do need to be over 25 and on a full licence, as this is an insurance requirement.

The car is a 93 manual with power steering, which might not be exactly what you're after; nevertheless, I thought I would make the offer and leave it in your court.

All the best,


David, PM coming your way for sure! :)

Your car is:

1) A NSX. :)
2) A manual
3) Did I say it's a NSX.........haha...
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<!--*[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--> Hi Noisuf,

I am not sure where in Melbourne you live, but if you haven’t driven an NSX and you wanted the experience let me know - I'm in Carnegie? I should add, you do need to be over 25 and on a full licence, as this is an insurance requirement.

The car is a 93 manual with power steering, which might not be exactly what you're after; nevertheless, I thought I would make the offer and leave it in your court.

All the best,

Wow, can i get in on this offer?? :biggrin: Mini Melbourne meet? I'll give back too and offer a drive in my EK9 before i sell... but that's like a toy in comparison. LOL.

I've been tossing up hard between auto and manual... with my budget, i might have to go auto for a few years. But would love to take either for a test drive! Anyway, i won't hijack :)
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Hi Diesel.

I'm happy to extend the same offer to you, please pm me you contact number and I'll give you a call.



Wow, can i get in on this offer?? :biggrin: Mini Melbourne meet? I'll give back too and offer a drive in my EK9 before i sell... but that's like a toy in comparison. LOL.

I've been tossing up hard between auto and manual... with my budget, i might have to go auto for a few years. But would love to take either for a test drive! Anyway, i won't hijack :)
haha...go for a strap?

Sounds like a modded nsx would be an experince. :)

what I drove was already perfect........now for the not so fun part...the waiting game... :|