Wiki ... Please

18 November 2011
Falcon Heights, MN - no Falcons - no Heights
Sorry if I have not kept up on the details - but is there any way the Wiki updates could be revived?

Was just looking at the SS brake line entry - old - wish there were more updates..
Along with registry and other relevant long term info.

It could be a great resource if there way a way to revive.

Thanks for all of the ongoing support keeping this forum alive.

Maybe it's time to have a frank discussion about the Wiki. It has had its troubles ever since Lud tried to morph the old FAQ into a Wiki format. I think the basic problem is that people are USERs of Wiki's all the time and generally think they're great .. but don't really ever participate in creating/updating a Wiki and they don't really know how to. So, I took on the task of re-organizing it to make things easier to find and trying to be a catalyst for getting people on board. I think people generally liked the re-org and the increased promotion of the Wiki along with the addition of the Registry .. but after some initial activity, we were never able to get many people on-board as anything other than just 'users' of the Wiki. At its core, a Wiki is an open collaborative resource that anyone can contribute to .. but if we look back at the NSX Wiki, very few people actually contributed content or worked to keep it 'current'. It needs to have more than one or two people actively engaged in enhancing it.

Initially, I thought that it was because it's much easier to just blast in a post on a forum thread than it is to organize your thoughts and write up a project that you might want to share with others.... and the Wiki does have it's own unique structure and editing tools which may have also scared a few people away. There are also a group of people who think that a good search engine is good enough .. they don't need a Wiki. But I can't count the number of times on two hands that people have posted that they can't find some post that they read that has the information they need. Or they post that the thread they found has 5 pages of posts with redundant and/or conflicting information. In my mind, that's where a Wiki beats a good search engine .. but it needs people to wade through the posts on a topic of general interest and net it out. Now that's not always possible depending on how volatile the topic is ... but most of the case it is. I remember consolidating many multi-page threads on the topic of replacing coolant hoses into a single Wiki page. Now, I'm no expert on the topic .. but it wasn't that hard to do assuming you have basic computer editing skills. But someone (me) had to invest the time in doing that for the betterment of everyone and that's the part that seems to be lacking.

As a result, I believe that Lud considered the overall NSX Wiki project to be a bit of a failure and he started looking for other ways to provide more benefits. At the time, one of my side projects was to take the contents of the ForSale Forum (back to the early days) and import the info into the Registry .. but this was taking forever and barely keeping ahead of new listings. So, with the new site, Lud added the capability to auto-import eBay NSX listings into the site. They don't go into the Registry part of the Wiki .. but the benefit is that if you Google the Vin, you'll get some of what the Registry project was trying to do. I think through other new site software functions, he was also hoping to be able to link new topic threads into a Wiki-like structure .. but I don't think that really fixes the problem of consolidating the content of multi-page threads.

I believe it to be true that when Lud moved and upgraded the website to a new web software platform awhile ago, he ran into some technical implementation details with the Wiki .. but what I'm also trying to suggest is that he isn't particularly motivated to re-invigorate something he felt wasn't really working.

So, to summarize, if collectively we think the Wiki is worthwhile to save and re-vitalize, we have to be prepared to solve the issue of how to get more people committed to its upkeep.
Look forward to your thoughts.
Thanks for the background. I like the Wiki format. The collaborative nature of it produces higher quality content. I've prepared two write-ups for the Wiki and willing to contribute more. Just need to know how. I vote open it back up and let us explore
I agree that the Wiki should be open and continue to be updated with any factual information and how to's such as some members already share in great step by step already in threads; IMO I believe that some of us might just not be willing/courageous enough to do it as a Wiki, due to the formality and level of accuracy that we feel a Wiki should contain.
(I also posted this to join the party and increase the # of reply's for this tread):smile:
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Some observations:
1. If you look at the stats at the bottom of the Wiki home page, it says the home page "has been accessed 325,277 times", so it appears to be well used. So I think we can conclude that people are aware of it and make good use of it in it's current form
2. In the forums, people are normally anxious to quickly reply to almost any question .. whether from a new or 'seasoned' poster .. sometimes even going to great efforts to track down information or links to old posts.
So, I was going to ask "why doesn't this same spirit of voluntary helpfulness apply to the Wiki?" .. but the Wiki doesn't have that same kind of interactivity about it .. and you don't get immediate props and recognition for your help. And if you did put something in the Wiki, people might never know unless you posted in the Forums that you had (which would be legit). Maybe people don't know how they could contribute to the Wiki (assuming Lud gets the editing function working again).. and maybe that's my fault. I personally have saved over 150 links to threads that people have created that I thought might be useful in the Wiki ..either in addition to current information or as new items. But I ran out of time/energy. At one time, I thought it might help if we had a volunteer designated to be the co-ordinator for a Wiki area (one example that comes to mind is the whole topic of what tire/wheel combinations work so I made Angus the unofficial expert and pointed to his thread) .. but Lud seems to have difficulty getting enough volunteers to be moderators so I didn't want to conflict with that. I never did ask for volunteers although from the start, the Wiki home page had a link to a list of topics if people were interested in contributing .. but nobody did.
I'm rambling so I'll stop .. just trying to prompt some conversation/debate on the topic. Criticisms are ok too.
The problem is that there are always people to criticize, there is 5 years old, I put on the site a complete tutorial with photos and complete description of the equipment required to settle once and for all the problem of the water in the rear lights (tools, sealing, removal or reinstallation of product taillights), I was so criticized and attacked by some members, I erased everything, however, for 6 years, I don 'have more water in my lights, so I was right but after this bad experience, I will never again share my work on the NSX, however, since that time, I did a lot of things very interesting
Well - Now I am embarrassed - Make a post and not follow the thread.
Was not seeing it pop up in the "new posts" until today

1. Thanks "Wiki Champ" for the time you took to provide a good history.
2. mcrider - the key word you used was "collaborative" - that is the nature of a wiki - I am a newbie - but if I crawl under my car and do some work I would like to share my
experience - document it and - if it lacks accuracy or detail - I would welcome edit / elaboration on the topic.
3. racer9x - again thanks for the feedback - again "collaborative" does not mean you have to do it yourself - we can all help - work together to keep these marvels afloat.
4. Thunder ... bummer ... to lose input from any member who makes an effort ... we all lose - whether we agree on the content - or have our own ideas how to solve problems - no reason plan "B"s could not also be listed.

The tire wheel setup would be a great addition - I don't know how many posts I have read and read between the lines on my new selection - gee - hope they work out.

As for the Wiki - I guess we wait and see what comes of this discussion.

Now - at last - we finally have a response from the member who started this topic :rolleyes:
My thanks as well to the few people who posted thoughtful responses and for the two who PM'd me. I feel badly that Thunder had such a bad experience with the Forums after showing the initiative to share what he had experienced. I know that threads can get testy at times but I don't recall things getting that 'unhelpful' before .. but it does also raise the question of how to 'police' Wiki content when that content can be edited/changed by anyone. However, I suspect that if the Wiki was revived, we could probably implement the equivalent of a 'moderator' to watch over contributions, or maybe to act as a gateway editor. As I've said before, the Wiki structure and editing tools isn't rocket science but can be intimidating and may be an inhibitor so having designated editors may help. We could still debate potential Wiki changes via the Forums so that would allow for an open and fair resolution mechanism.

From the start, I have always said that the mission of the Wiki was to 'distill' the best nuggets from the Forums (not to duplicate it) .. and also to try to make information more easy to find. Ironically, with the new search engine after the site move, finding information has become even more elusive (at least for me) so more people may end up using the Wiki, at least for existing content. Initially, I tried to refrain from putting Forum links in Wiki pages because that defeated the purpose .. but as I became more overloaded, I compromised in the name of expediency. But, I'm also still against having some kind of software aggregator approach to Forum 'reduction' based on keywords .. because that's really no better than what you get from a search .. and you still have to waste time trying to extract value from what can be multiple pages per thread and multiple threads per topic .. and that's if you're lucky enough to use the right search keywords.
.rant off

Still waiting for Lud to weigh in .. either on this thread or via PM. In the meantime, maybe I should just consider 325k page views of the main Wiki page to be a success and let sleeping dogs lie.
Probably like many of you, I've subscribed to dozens of discussion threads containing gems of reference info, binning them into around 20 different folders as my own personal wiki. So the thought occured to me: how about giving limited access to the wiki (moderators, essentially) who start repopulating and reviving things by adding links to certain Prime posts/threads that have pretty much turned into defacto wiki entries?

Seems prime is the type of site where people like to discuss technical items rather than retreat to a wiki so why not use that to everyone's advantage. Could avoid having to edit & retype already-existing text and could offer links to more than 1 thread or post for a given wiki topic rather than spend time editing down from multiple threads. Provides the option to restart discussion in a given thread and retains traceability of who stated/contributed what in past discussions -- avoiding any wiki submission "politics" or policing.

The wiki already points to external sites/links like so why not point to Prime discussions?

As far as taking the time to identify the gem discussion threads: I'd assume that most prime members would be willing to suggest discussions/threads they consider to be "bibles," and not always ones they've authored...

Anyway...just an idea/spaghetti to throw on the wall to anyone reading. The older I get the more efficient I try to be (or the lazier I get?), with much more desire to reuse existing resources than reinvent the wheel. I also realized that I even attempted to do something like this by organizing links that I referenced repeatedly while shopping for my NSX: LINK

Thanks for your effort!
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So the thought occured to me: how about giving limited access to the wiki (moderators, essentially) who start repopulating and reviving things by adding links to certain Prime posts/threads that have pretty much turned into defacto wiki entries?


Just used the wiki to look something up...first time in a while...and see that quite a few entries are links to existing Prime threads.

What a genius idea!! Back to under a rock.
Anyway...just an idea/spaghetti to throw on the wall to anyone reading. The older I get the more efficient I try to be (or the lazier I get?), with much more desire to reuse existing resources than reinvent the wheel. I also realized that I even attempted to do something like this by organizing links that I referenced repeatedly while shopping for my NSX: LINK
Potentially a good idea Yinzer .. but I've recently had an interchange with Lud and there may be some progress in the near future, although the end result may not be in the form of the Wiki as we know it today. Keep your fingers crossed.
well I would like to add salvage VIN numbers to the salvage list but cant, tons of them, and I also noticed someone edited one of MY personal NSX's VINs and its doesn't have all the facts someone deleted the last line with the info needed for the next Victim that buys it.

atleast let me add but cant delete
Shawn, why don't you start a new thread titled "More salvage VINs" or something like that .. and just list the VINs? That way they'll show up in a Google search and you can include any individual comments you want with each one. If we ever get the Registry Salvage VIN list running again, we can just search for 'salvage VINs' and include them at that point. It seems someone is starting a thread about a salvage VIN about once a week so you'd just be doing a 'bulk' thread.
Now that docjohn is taking over as administrator, any chance we can re-ignite the Wiki?
needs lots of hands on......once things settle down we'll take a hard look at it.
needs lots of hands on......once things settle down we'll take a hard look at it.

C'mon Doc, time to get your hands dirty, dive on in. Enough of this passive "ownership", take charge!!!