Why We Should Drive By Rear-view Mirror

2 October 2001
Just felt led to share this story as a reminder... I was driving home the other night and pulled up at an intersection at the last moment. Fortunately i checked my rear-vision mirror as the woman behind me almost drove into the back of my car. She was talking on a mobile (cell phone) while driving. This happened again four times; i couldn't get out of that lane quick enough.

If i had not seen her talking on the phone, i wouldn't have been able to creep forward a bit further at the lights and hence prevent an accident. The fact that she almost ran into me again numerous times proved she wasn't paying full attention.

I share this story to serve as a reminder that when driving you almost have to drive looking behind as much as you do in front of the car.

hope this increases your awareness. :D
I have this happen to me all the time at stop lights, and like you, I'm looking in my rear view to make sure these idiots stop in time. I'm sure I've avoided some accidents by doing this. Definitely ticks me off tho :mad:
I always look in the rear-view mirror. I've been rear ended in a brand new car twice because morons who don't pay attention.

The 4th day I had my NSX, I was driving to work and there was an accident in the opposite lane. I payed attention to what was happening in my lane (they were slowing down and stopping)... but the idiot behind me did not. She was busy staring at the accident. I knew she wouldn't be able to stop, so I moved over to the other lane while she screeched to a stop just where I was sitting a few seconds ago. It could have been a bad wreck with my 4 day old NSX. :mad:
I have been rear-ended several times and sometimes looking back does not help.
The last time was when some kid was speeding down the road, skidded, rear-ended another car that rear-ended my Accord. All of this happened, while I was watching in it happen in my rear view mirror :mad: :mad: ! BTW - The person in the middle car was slowly rolling forward after skidding to a stop. However, I still check my mirrors when I'm slowing and watch the traffic in back of my car when stopped at red lights.

Watch your a$$, cuz the person behind you sure isn't!!
I use the mirrors all the time... and further, I almost always turn to look over my shoulder... the X has a pretty good field of vision over both shoulders to see exactally what may be missed my mirrors;)
Well, my dad was rear ended by an 18 wheeler and saw it coming in his rearview mirror. He only had time to brace himself for impact. He walked away from the accident, but his Camry was completely crushed, front and rear. Simpley amazing how the cabin wasn't crushed. The door almost opened and closed properly. He was the first one rear ended and then pushed into the car in front of him and so on. I think there were 8 cars total that got hit.
Me, well I always keep an eye on the rear view mirror. Mostly watching out for the po po patrol!!! :D
driving with a cell phone (talking obviously) is illeagal in australia too, then again so is murder but people keep doing it ;)

Then again ive seen people do their make-up while driving, eating lunch etc

Here in Japan, ive had friends on their keitai's (mobile phones) writing text messages whilst driving! At this point i tell them to stop it or let me out. Man i miss driving :(