why is NSXPrime so Slow?!?! We need to do something!

This old fart was at the track yesterday from 8:00AM to 5:45PM and quite frankly I'm beat:D:D

ahhh understood, you can only take so much in your golden age :D

j/k it's all fun and good :)
New guy posting, do not own a NSX, always loved the car, came close twice to get one but went the other way both times.

Anyway, I personally know Thonda and NSX01. By saying "slow and not active", he meant there is not enough events going on. We are not talking about events on big scale such as NSXPO or track day, we are talking about casual get together by local owners, meet up for a drive, to have dinner, hang out a bit, know each other better, binding a bit ... Which did happen this afternoon, there were 4 NSX's at Paliside Mall, we met and hang a bit, had dinner. That's the type of "activities" in subject.

Thonda and I went back a long time, we had several similar cars and were on different car forum, they always had lots of stuff going on, that's why he felt it is quiet when he got the NSX, just venting, not to upset anyone. Btw, I got my F355 shortly before Thonda got his NSX, this is the 4th weekend I have owned it, and EACH WEEKEND I have gone out to hang with the local Ferrarichat.com owners, we do runs every week, plus dinner, movie, clubing and etc. Every weekend has events planed, ppl meet each other on weekdays just to do a short drive and dinner... That's the activities I think Thonda is referring to, to form a group and do things NSX related.
NYC01 said:
i will be attending nsxpo, not as an OWNER but as a
fan of the nsx and its history.

jon c.

are you really? i am very interested too, but not too hot on the idea of being the only one there without a nsx. if you are really doing it, let me know, i am gonna book it too. kinda like a weekend getaway, should be fun.
woodear, i will let you know.

t, looked at the pics, BEAUTIFUL!
all i have to say is this: WD-40
looking real good man.
are you going to lower it a bit more?... i know you have
a driveway issue, but i think you can use a little bit more lowering.
otherwise, looking real HOT!
THonda said:
but i've only had my nsx for 2 weeks and the 1 week the car was under construction.

That is why you perceive many of our comments as defensive. Considering you have only had the car on the road for 2 weeks (during which we had Kids Day with 16 NSXs) it is a little disingenuous to complain about a "lack of activities".

You mention that you would not have started this thread if there were events organized by others that you can go to and yet you overlook the fact that all of the events already mentioned were open to all. I guess it all depends upon what efforts you are willing to make to get involved in club activities.

There is nothing wrong with just getting together to "hang out" but with work and family commitments of most NSX owners the good old days of getting together every week to go hang around the mall just is not possible. That is why most events take a lot of time and planning for the organizers to put together something that would interest a lot of people and make the best use of everyone's limited free time.
RSO 34 said:
That is why you perceive many of our comments as defensive. Considering you have only had the car on the road for 2 weeks (during which we had Kids Day with 16 NSXs) it is a little disingenuous to complain about a "lack of activities".

You mention that you would not have started this thread if there were events organized by others that you can go to and yet you overlook the fact that all of the events already mentioned were open to all. I guess it all depends upon what efforts you are willing to make to get involved in club activities.

There is nothing wrong with just getting together to "hang out" but with work and family commitments of most NSX owners the good old days of getting together every week to go hang around the mall just is not possible. That is why most events take a lot of time and planning for the organizers to put together something that would interest a lot of people and make the best use of everyone's limited free time.

i don't wish to go back and forth on this, all of the events you noted requires more than an hour drive, it's great that we have these "big" events but i was looking for something local among the NY NJ "crew".

understood regarding free time, and that's why i stated i have no life :)
I don't understand this distinction between old and new owners that you refer to.

All the NSX events I have attended and organized have had attendees from all walks of life, ages ( from 19 - to some grand pa's) I am sure!

At each event there are always new owners attending their first event: NSXCA members and non members, from numerous states thoughout the NE region.

After all, at some point we all attended our FIRST event and were newbies. So, maybe I am mis-understanding something.

Also isn't driving the car the fun in ownership?

That said:

T, I look forward to meeting you and checking out your ride. May be at the Mt. Greylock event. I am sure many tri-State owners will be attending.

As RSO said every NSX owner is welcome. I am sure you will have a great time.

Cheers Rich
THonda said:
i don't wish to go back and forth on this, all of the events you noted requires more than an hour drive,

Then how about we make a deal. You promise to save up your energy to make the drive and time commitment to NSXPO this year and I promise to drive out to the Island and treat you to a burger at Johnny Rockets at the Roosevelt Field Mall.
I notice that there are also several "types" of NSX owners, and each type has a very different taste and preference regarding "types" of events.

Broadly defining, there are three types, and each type has their own merits.

1. One who prefers meeting regularly/weekly.

This usually happens at a big parking lot, or other places where it's easy to meet, hang out and "chill". Then, drive to various places such as a restaurant, in a big group (I will loosely define 5 or more to be a "big" group).

These types of events are usually popular over in BMW forums, Audi forums, Subaru forums, 350Z forums, and some Ferrari forums (usually in New York area, but not in New England area). As one can easily see, events are often organized through regional section of their own car forums. The attendees are active in web forums (i.e. post a lot of threads, pictures, and etc.). The locations of events are not too far from the residence of forum members.

Ex. Movie run this weekend, Let's have lunch at XYZ, Who's in for a quick run to ABC shop, and etc.

2. One who likes to endeavor thoroughly laid out events that are organized at more higher levels.
These events are usually notified via mails many months in advance to the members of the clubs. It usually takes a lot of time and effort to plan the event, so it does not happen frequently or week/bi-weekly basis. The
locations of the events tend to be far from the residence of the club members, and often require overnight stay.

These types of events are held by big national clubs such as NSXCA, Porsche Club of America, BMWCCA, and etc., rather than individual car "forums"/message board.

Ex. NSXPO, Ferrari Day at LRP, BMWCCA Concourse, and etc.

3. One who likes to be anonymous, and anti-social.

Respectfully, I believe that this group is self-explanatory.

Overall, the event type 1 is more of a recent phenomenon due to the popularity of web based forums and message boards. Before this popularity, most of events are organzied in type 2 fashion.

The main difference between people who prefer 1, and who prefer 2, at least in my futile observation, seems to be their life style or demographic background.

Majority, but not all, of folks who attend events type 1 tend to be in their 20-30s, single or have significant others (but not yet married), or married (but no kids yet).

Majority, but not all, of folks who attend events type 2 tend to be in their 40-70s, have family (often with their kids in college and etc.).

Often times, folks who attend majority of events type 1 feel out of place or "bored" when attending events type 2. Analogously, often times, folks who attend majority of events type 2 feel out of place or "bored" when attending events type 1.

In my humble opinion, the debate in this thread is due to the fact that there are both type 1 and 2 people in this forum. A lot of NSX owners tend to be type 2 and 3. Although there are quite a lot of type 1 owners here as well, due to the rarity of NSX, comparing the number of NSX owners in such events, or activity of this forum to other ones (such as BMW) is not an apple to apple comparison.

In any case, all types of events involving NSXs, whether there are only 2 NSXs or 200 NSXs, are fun and desirable.
Hi Tiger,

What you say has merit. I would have to disagree with your age groupings in type 2.

I have had a greater mix of age groups at the type two events.

There have been many attendees in there 20's and 30's. In fact, we have one member in his teens that has attended at least 3 type 2 events.

I am not sure it is purly age. I think personal taste and interest have more to do with what one does with their free time.

You also left out the track junkie events.

I break it into:

Social Events: (with planned activities, road trip, dinner...),

Track/ Driving events: (Driving at drivers school)

And hanging out (which could include lunch, car cleaning session, dyno day or another local activity).

A person of any age could be interested in all three or any combination.

I think the point is if anyone does not see the type of activities they like. They are totally free to organize 1 or many events and others will attend.

Good effort to explain this one. :) :) :)

Hope to see you at the MT Greylock Event.

Rich, I completely agree with you.
That is why I used such words "Broadly defining", "tend to", and "but not all".

There are always outliers or it is impossible to generalize into categories, but I just wanted to share what I observed.

I look forward to seeing you soon.
RSO 34 said:
Then how about we make a deal. You promise to save up your energy to make the drive and time commitment to NSXPO this year and I promise to drive out to the Island and treat you to a burger at Johnny Rockets at the Roosevelt Field Mall.

rooms book about 2 weeks ago! you don't think i would miss the biggest nsx event of the year would you :) I should be buying you the burger w/ your help to my questions before :)
NYC01 said:
i will let you know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard those words before and still waiting Jon.:D

i consider myself an alumni.
You have to finish at least one semester to be considered.:D


my fender bender put a damper on my mood,
Wait a second.......are you the guy the had the miss-hap with the Eagle Talon?? I didn't know that, so you know Tiger. We were all chatting about that incident at the New Hampshire car show.
jadkar said:
Wait a second.......are you the guy the had the miss-hap with the Eagle Talon?? I didn't know that, so you know Tiger. We were all chatting about that incident at the New Hampshire car show.

that's him, check out his avatar on the ferrari board :)

hi jadkar,
yup thats me.
and yeah i know tigernsx, a real cool dude with the
beautiful midnight blue.

NYC01 said:
hey miled,

nice meeting you at R.o.B.
my fender bender put a damper on my mood,
but it was fun. :)


Hi Jon,

Nice meeting you as well. Given what had taken place earlier that day, you handled yourself very professionally, and was admired by many, me included. I am pretty easy going but if that was my 360 in the same scenario, only Spiderman might have had a chance to stop me.:D

ps... last post on this thread as promised.

Promises were made to be broken!:D

La mia tribuna e la vostra tribuna. You own an F car, so you have to know Italian!;)

