Why I am selling my cherished NSX

Good luck with the sale Ken! But you will get another NSX in no time. It happened to me and I never knew how much I'd missed it.
Wow Ken, I'm shocked. I haven't owned an NSX for a few years now and really want to get another one, but that's another topic. I do have to say that I'm sure during your many many years and posts here on Prime that you don't remember everyone you helped, but I for one can say I learned a lot from your posts here on Prime over the years from before I became an owner as well as when I was an owner. Good luck with the sale.
Ken, Shocking News! :eek: You were there when Donna and I first joined the NSX community in 1999, welcomed us and we've had a ball every since. Sorry to here your stepping back a bit but hope to still see you at track evens and NSXPO's. Good luck to you my friend. Gil
Wow, what a shock!

I remember seeing your nsx in Toronto XPO2009 and thought "now here's a guy who's a lifer".

Good luck with your sale. Whoever ends up with your car will have a very special one in the annals of the nsx's history.

Incidentally I had sales pangs just this week myself. A fellow approached me with the proposition of a trade for his 2006 Lotus Exige and I must say I was VERY tempted. However, in the end the stories I read here of ex-owners and their regrets after selling their nsx's along with me taking a day off to give my baby a good wash and detail followed by a long drive made all such thoughts disappear :)

Godspeed keN SaX!

PS. Glad to hear you'll stick around to remind people what NA1 and NA2 means ;)
Wow, what a shock!

I remember seeing your nsx in Toronto XPO2009 and thought "now here's a guy who's a lifer".

Well said, I remember meeting Ken at NSXPO 2004. My first event, didnt really know anyone and was kind of uncomfortable but Ken introduced himself and kinda broke the ice. Im shocked as I read this but I understand. Its only a car, and Im sure we'll all be reading Mr. Sax's posts for years to come.
Hm. Not really sure if I could form my feelings into words here. Let's just say I surprised, but not shocked.

I wish I had the funds to purchase your car and put it into storage in order to return it to you when the time is right.

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Wow. Now Ive seen it all.

Best of luck in the sale, Ken.
I thought that you blew your engine and had it replaced with a junkyard engine?
Just like any mechanical repair (or body repair from a minor fender bender), an engine replacement doesn't constitute an issue, as long as it has been done properly by a competent professional. My harmonic balancer pulley failed four years ago. I replaced my engine with a used one with slightly less miles on it; at that time, I also replaced (with brand new parts) the timing belt, the harmonic balancer pulley, and all the cooling system hoses. The work was done by the top NSX mechanic in the Midwest. Since then I have driven 17,000 miles on the car, including its use by Car and Driver for an article in 2008. The car has been maintained and refurbished far better than most NSXs, and needs absolutely nothing to be done to it for the next owner to enjoy it.

If I were shopping for an NSX, I would have much more confidence in a car even if the engine were replaced, as long as all the preventive maintenance were up to date, and if the owner went out of his way to do everything possible to make the car trouble-free. These include things that virtually no one does, like having BrianK refurbish the electrical circuit boards for the climate control and sound system without waiting for them to fail, like replacing the brake lines even though there were no symptoms of problems, like replacing all the cooling system hoses, and like having a clutch that has been replaced only 3,000 miles ago. (Can you say that your own NSX has had all of these items replaced/refurbished within the past few years? I bet not.) Most used NSXs require repairs and maintenance of some items, often costing thousands of dollars. An NSX that doesn't require any repairs or maintenance is a "no issues" car. And there aren't many of them out there for sale, as anyone who has been searching have found.
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My harmonic balancer pulley failed four years ago. I replaced my engine with a used one with slightly less miles on it; at that time, I also replaced (with brand new parts) the timing belt, the harmonic balancer pulley, and all the cooling system hoses. Since then I have driven 17,000 miles on the car, including its use by Car and Driver for an article in 2008. The car has been maintained and refurbished far better than most NSXs, and needs absolutely nothing to be done to it for the next owner to enjoy it.

If I were shopping for an NSX, I would have much more confidence in a car even if the engine were replaced, as long as all the preventive maintenance were up to date, and if the owner went out of his way to do everything possible to make the car trouble-free. These include things that virtually no one does, like having BrianK refurbish the electrical circuit boards for the climate control and sound system without waiting for them to fail, like replacing the brake lines even though there were no symptoms of problems, like replacing all the cooling system hoses, and like having a clutch that has been replaced only 3,000 miles ago. (Can you say that your own NSX has had all of these items replaced/refurbished within the past few years? I bet not.) Most used NSXs require repairs and maintenance of some items, often costing thousands of dollars. An NSX that doesn't require any repairs or maintenance is a "no issues" car. And there aren't many of them out there for sale, as anyone who has been searching have found.

It is my personal view that many cars that are several plus years old have some level of deferred maintenance. It is what is deferred that counts for me and what the prior owners have done to take care of the car that is both documented and gives you a level of confidence in the car getting from A to B and back.

As the 3rd owner of a 96 with 25,000 miles, I bought with confidence that there is a high level of comfort that the car has been well taken care of most if not all its life. Not changed the coolant hoses nor window thingies yet, but will do in the next year or two. Scheduled maintenance I believe is "risk". That is the risk of not doing something. I'm a risk taker and my record has been very good with the several cars I've owned. Recently changed the TB/WP just because and the belt was fine. If only I could have pulled a cover to see the belt...I'd have waited longer before changing. Yeh I'm a risk taker but that TB/WP was bugging the crap out of me and I budgeted for it at purchase so spent the money. So in the end its back to what issues does the car have and what you are willing to pay to own the car and then pay for maintenance stuff.

But that's me, many buy, drive for a couple years, do just oil changes and then sell. In the end you do what is written many times on this site, get the car that is in great shape, well documented and has pride of ownership. That is what I did, got lucky but still spent $3,000 getting the car in tip top shape minus the window thingies and coolant hoses. So in the end, I'm just rambling or trying to write more in a post than Tim.:biggrin::biggrin::wink:
An NSX that doesn't require any repairs or maintenance is a "no issues" car. And there aren't many of them out there for sale, as anyone who has been searching have found.
...because owners who take care and do the preventative repairs keep the car usually. Well said. :)
WOW... I haven't been around all that long.

You will be missed and I suspect will miss the NSX. Then again, as other's have said, it is just a car... but I must say a pretty awesome car.

Honda did a wonderful job of engineering and planning to take the world by storm.

I've only owned mine a few years, and every once in a while I think about it sitting in the garage most of the time lookin pretty.

How I could sell it and use the money elsewhere... then I take another look and take it out for a spin... and then it is, nope, the car isn't going anywhere.

There isn't really anything else out there I would be interested in...

Hope to continue seeing your posts.. you have a plethera of NSX knowledge and expericence we can all learn from!

Good luck on whatever you decide. :cool:
Wow Ken, it's kinda like finding out there's no Santa Claus!!!!!!:frown:

But hopefully, you'll stick around the forum and continue to share your experience and wisdom.

Good luck my friend. Hope to see you at NSXPO 2010.
WOW...Sorry to hear about this Ken. I for one really enjoy meeting you at NSXPO 2009, and gain from your knowledge of the NSX within the numerous post you have on this Forum.

I'm glad that you will still stay involved with the Forum.

Ken, when I first joined this forum in 2007 looking to fulfill my childhood dream of owning an NSX (and spent the next year lurking and using the search button), it was many of your informative posts that really helped me through that process. So, it's sad to hear you're selling the car, but given the several "they always come back" threads out there, somehow I think we'll see you in one again someday...maybe an 02+? :) Anyway good luck and I hope to continue to see you here on the forums.


Best success in your selling your car (!) and thx for your efforts on behalf of the owner community.

Hey, Ken!

I am sorry to hear you are selling your car, but know how you feel. Once my car gets back from the shop I may be right behind you. Having a daughter that I like taking with me when I go places, I find myself very happy with driving our E63 AMG because she can ride with me in safety, and have room for all of her stuff too. Plus, having 507 hp doesn't hurt either. Too many times if I had wanted to go someplace she could not go with me in the NSX, or I had to take my wife's Evo IX that has almost no trunk space. Anyway, when the NSX gets back, I just do not know if I will drive it much anymore.

Best wishes, my friend. Think it through first. Maybe park the car at a friends house for a couple of weeks and see how you feel with it gone. If you are still okay with it, then do what is right for you. We have been here many, many, years, and I know that you will still be a big part of the NSX world.