Why are some owners so worried about re-sale value?

1 May 2008
San Antonio, TX
I been reading for a few months here and it seems as tho a LOT of people are always scared to drive the NSX (put miles on it), mod it, etc. because of what it might or might not do to re-sale value.

Do you buy the NSX knowing or thinking you're going to sell it one day? :frown: I plan to get mine and drive it as much as I can and mod it to my likings and not thinking about re-sale value of the car AT ALL. :biggrin: I dont plan on ever selling it once I get her!
If you look here in the classifieds you'll see many NSX owners selling due to financial concerns or for some other reason. Priorities change in peoples lives and sometimes the NSX is not the priority. But remember, for every NSX sold is an NSX purchased which means a possible new Prime member.:wink:
I think the average owner probably knows that when they buy an NSX they are buying a toy and figure eventually they will get bored with it and end up selling it. You will notice quite a big turnover in owners on this site. When I was younger I used to spend alot of money doing mods on cars, but over the years I have learned that it is a waste of money. If you have disposable income, then no big deal, but if you don't then you try to recoup as much money as possible on toys. The early cars are great, because the depreciation is almost nil. You can pick one up and drive it for a couple of years and sell it for just about the same amount...if you get the right one.

I am not. I drive mine to work every day. I do take good care of it, just like all of our other vehicles. We have a 17 plus year old SUV that is still almost as good as new.

I have other cars to drive and I enjoy driving my 4x4 during the snow storms, might as well put the car away in the winter. I also enjoy keeping it clean which limits me to fair weather driving only.

For some its not about money, its about preference.
I'm not worry about the re-sale value at all because I love driving mine :biggrin: And who care if other sale theirs:rolleyes:
I echo the sentiments of those who don't concern themselves with resale. This car is special and I bought it with the intention of keeping it indefinately. If anything, I'm likely to pick up an '02+ in the future, but I don't plan to sell the '95 when I do.

My attitude is to take care of the car, but drive it every chance I get and enjoy the ownership experience to the fullest. I do not view the NSX as an investment, although I am appreciative of the limited depreciation of an earlier model. For me, that's just icing on the cake, rather than an end-all.
A few exotic car enthusiasts here in Dubai have expressed interest in my NSX. I could definately sell it at a premium but then I wouldn't have the only Imola Orange/Onyx made for 2002 and one of eight cars ever made.

But if I were worried about re-sale value this is the place because cars like mine with no mileage will sell at a premium. For example I could probably get $30k over what I've got into it...tempting to say the least.

I don't see this happening in the U.S. so owners who are worried about re-sale shouldn't have bought the NSX. It is depreciating like alot of exotics so my suggestion is to drive it and enjoy it thus eliminating the feeling you'll have when its value drops.
Ive got 3 cars myself and the NSX will be the 4th. I agree on not driving in the winter, spilting mileages with all the cars when the weather is good etc. etc. But I just read so many topics with people talking about dont do this because of re-sale and dont do that becasue of re-sale, blah blah. I don't get that...drive the car, enjoy the car and worry about re-sale if you ever have to re-sale it. :frown:

But I guess I should change the topic title to "Post here if you dont car about resale value" lol
I'm not worried about it. I just drive her as much as I have time for her. I put 10K miles on mine in 1 year. It's not worth saving the miles for someone else to enjoy 2-5+ years when you sell it.
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I don't see this happening in the U.S. so owners who are worried about re-sale shouldn't have bought the NSX. It is depreciating like alot of exotics so my suggestion is to drive it and enjoy it thus eliminating the feeling you'll have when its value drops.

Thats the thing. I had a modded BMW 335i as a "toy" and only drove it when i had free time. I realized that it was pointless since it was sitting and was tanking in value.

So I wanted a car that if i didnt drive it that it would still hold value. That way i wouldnt feel bad if it was not being used. Early NSX hold their value pretty damn well and a blast to drive. It was a clear winner for me. Then again i have no plans to sell it so i guess its just for the peace of mind. :tongue:

Oh and i plan to mod the crap out of it. Not worried about resale in that way. :D
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personally i would prefer to buy a car that was driven (and well taken care of) than a garage queen.
drive mine daily:smile:
Thats the thing. I had a modded BMW 335i as a "toy" and only drove it when i had free time. I realized that it was pointless since it was sitting and was tanking in value.

So I wanted a car that if i didnt drive it that it would still hold value. That way i wouldnt feel bad if it was not being used. Early NSX hold their value pretty damn well and a blast to drive. It was a clear winner for me. Then again i have no plans to sell it so i guess its just for the peace of mind. :tongue:

Oh and i plan to mod the crap out of it. Not worried about resale in that way. :D

thats exactly what got me too!
I echo the sentiments of those who don't concern themselves with resale. This car is special and I bought it with the intention of keeping it indefinately. If anything, I'm likely to pick up an '02+ in the future, but I don't plan to sell the '95 when I do.

My attitude is to take care of the car, but drive it every chance I get and enjoy the ownership experience to the fullest. I do not view the NSX as an investment, although I am appreciative of the limited depreciation of an earlier model. For me, that's just icing on the cake, rather than an end-all.

+ 1 ..............bill
No worries here. I have no intention to sell my car anytime soon so resale value means nothing to me. But if someone offers me a pile of money of course I will take it.

I only drive it on weekends because its more practical in my mind. I have the Fit for my daily commute and the suv for random suv stuff. I also only drive it on weekends to lessen wear and tear. Not because of resale value but because less wear and tear means also less maintenance cost.
I bought the NSX because it's a car I've wanted for a long time and it certainly feels better knowing mine is a super rare example. This in part sometimes makes me think twice about going crazy on mods because rare mint cars "unmolested" are in high demand.

I already have enough toys to do my modding so I try to leave my NSX tasteful and untouched for the most part. However I understand cars are a bad investment and I bought this one for MY pure enjoyment.

I have 5 other cars to drive so the NSX gets driven at most perhaps twice a month on short trips <30 miles. Mileage is very low on my car and of course I'd like to keep it that way if one day I do get bored with it heaven forbid and need to sell.

So to answer your question, I think owners of older cars tend to mod more whereas you will find most late model 04/05 owners have less mods.

hope this helps
I been reading for a few months here and it seems as tho a LOT of people are always scared to drive the NSX (put miles on it), mod it, etc. because of what it might or might not do to re-sale value.

Do you buy the NSX knowing or thinking you're going to sell it one day? :frown: I plan to get mine and drive it as much as I can and mod it to my likings and not thinking about re-sale value of the car AT ALL. :biggrin: I dont plan on ever selling it once I get her!

Ah yes, everyone is different. Some track it, some daily drive it, and some just store it. Some own several, some own one, and many own none. Some drive it careful and some wreak it. But I'm with you, Erik... Buy it, drive it, mod it, keep it. Right now, I can't ever see selling mine.
Hi Steve.

i dont plan to keep mine forever :biggrin:

always something faster down the line. Us youngens (is youngen even a word?!), do not know the concept of contentment :frown: I am doomed to be forever discontent & unhappy :biggrin:

btw where have you been?
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Hi Steve.

i dont plan to keep mine forever :biggrin:

always something faster down the line. Us youngens (is youngen even a word?!), do not know the concept of contentment :frown: I am doomed to be forever discontent & unhappy :biggrin:


I will pray for you. :biggrin:
I'm glad there are some people out there that literally preserve there in NSX and pamper it in a Garage under a car cover!!!! If it was not for these individuals I would not be able to go out and shop AND FIND a literally brand new NSX at my leisure.
When I bought my NSX I had the mindframe that I was just buying a normal car that I would drive everyday and it would depreciate just like the average Joe down the street who was just bought a 35K C class or 3 series. Granted mine wouldn't depreciate nearly as fast and I would have the superior car. So after 2 yrs when his car is only worth 20K and mines is worth upper 20's I'm happy. When I go to sell my car I know I will not get what I paid for it but that is typically how it works in the car world.
People buy NSX's for different reasons and do things with their cars that some of us may not like. But NSX'rs are like a family, and so we should support each other, even though we think brother Bob is a little bit to the left of strange.:smile:

I bought my '96 in March 2000, plan to keep it forever, but still look at resale value. OK, I'm an anal engineer and hate to see the original design disturbed. I finally did some electrical mods this year (flash brake and turn-signal lights when operating the remote; sensor circuit to not dim the console displays if headlights are on and its not dark outside). It pained me to have to cut 2 wires in the wiring harness, and make 5 connections via 3M connectors.

I do admire clean mods - I've seen some real professional supercharger installs. But I cringed when I could smell wiring burning from a crude turbo install. I hate custom stero installs done by twisting wires together and covering them with electrical tape, for example.

I work from home and am near retirement, so I only put about 3k mi/year on the car. But the only time I don't drive it is in the snow or immediately afterwards when there is salt on the road. But a day without 8,000 rpm is like a day without sunshine!

And my final comment on re-sale value: even if I keep it 'til they bury me in my NSX, its an extra sense of pride to know my "previous century" car is still worth more than many new cars and looks and handles a lot better than most.:biggrin:

'96 NSX-T, red/tan