Why are some owners so worried about re-sale value?

I'm glad there are some people out there that literally preserve there in NSX and pamper it in a Garage under a car cover!!!! If it was not for these individuals I would not be able to go out and shop AND FIND a literally brand new NSX at my leisure.
When I bought my NSX I had the mindframe that I was just buying a normal car that I would drive everyday and it would depreciate just like the average Joe down the street who was just bought a 35K C class or 3 series. Granted mine wouldn't depreciate nearly as fast and I would have the superior car. So after 2 yrs when his car is only worth 20K and mines is worth upper 20's I'm happy. When I go to sell my car I know I will not get what I paid for it but that is typically how it works in the car world.

Well said Greg ! :biggrin:
I dont plan on ever selling it once I get her!

I'm over eight years in, still not bored (mine is mostly stock), still no plans to ever sell her. She's a keeper!

I bought mine to use believe it or not

I would believe you...if you had been driving your NSX when you stopped by to say "hi" on Friday. :p
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I been reading for a few months here and it seems as tho a LOT of people are always scared to drive the NSX (put miles on it), mod it, etc. because of what it might or might not do to re-sale value.

Do you buy the NSX knowing or thinking you're going to sell it one day?

People can be scared b/c:

B/C NSX's are not cheap unless you pay 17K on a 350K miles NSX (not cheap either).
B/C no one knows what can happen (and hopefully nothing goes wrong)
B/C nobody likes to have $ wasted like crazy
B/C people work hard for their money

... In reality NSX's are rare but still cars and they lose value no matter what .. but as i said above, nobody likes to lose 2 much $$$ that's why people get "scared"

People can be scared b/c:

B/C NSX's are not cheap unless you pay 17K on a 350K miles NSX (not cheap either).
B/C no one knows what can happen (and hopefully nothing goes wrong)
B/C nobody likes to have $ wasted like crazy
B/C people work hard for their money

... In reality NSX's are rare but still cars and they lose value no matter what .. but as i said above, nobody likes to lose 2 much $$$ that's why people get "scared"


Ur talkign about losing money? My point was why are people telling people not to do this and that to there NSX because of "resale" value. You're kinda off from what I was saying. Or maybe I just dont get ur post what so ever. lol
Ur talkign about losing money? My point was why are people telling people not to do this and that to there NSX because of "resale" value. You're kinda off from what I was saying. Or maybe I just dont get ur post what so ever. lol

yeah, sorry i should say, just put 25K miles a year but don't expect your nsx to hold it's value that well (i put 35K miles in 2 years on my s2k)... 20K per year (as an example) are a lot of miles and there's road damage etc etc etc .. I know you want to keep your nsx forever, me too, I swear :D specially since is such long time dream, but again, you never know what can happen, ,,, while shopping for an nsx i saw that the difference can be BIG between let's say a 11 y.o. nsx with 50K miles and another nsx same year with 110K ... on the price (even if the 110K miles looks better) ...

Me too I used to think i'd DD mine like i used to do with my S2k and believe me, it was a blast to drive top down everyday to work, but hey, each person has it's preferences, ... in the end we all enjoy good things and that's why we are into nsx's driving them everyday o not .... for now i'll keep mine garaged (with cover) during the week, maybe driving on fridays, but on the weekends my NSX is the king, lol (until an F430 drives by)

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A few exotic car enthusiasts here in Dubai have expressed interest in my NSX. I could definately sell it at a premium but then I wouldn't have the only Imola Orange/Onyx made for 2002 and one of eight cars ever made.

But if I were worried about re-sale value this is the place because cars like mine with no mileage will sell at a premium. For example I could probably get $30k over what I've got into it...tempting to say the least.

I don't see this happening in the U.S. so owners who are worried about re-sale shouldn't have bought the NSX. It is depreciating like alot of exotics so my suggestion is to drive it and enjoy it thus eliminating the feeling you'll have when its value drops.

Well said:
Prices of collector anything are in direct relation to the economy. Presently the majority of people do not have "extra cash" for toys. So prices are dropping.
I have owned classic Mustangs for over 15 years. Prices go up and down as the local economy. I got twice what I paid for a '66 Mustang. Only because I purchased when the economy sucked and sold when it was booming. People are very short sighted. Once the economy improves, so will the value of your NSX.
Smart people buy low and sell high. Most of us get too emotial about our money and our cars and are not patient to wait for the future.
I don't think these cars are "classics" yet. Once they are 20 years old, then the "classic" title can start to be used for these cars. Mustangs increased in value by a large amout the day they became 40 years old.
By the way, the classic cars with the most value are always the 100% original, non-modified cars.
Plan for the future, but enjoy your NSX today.

100% of all cars are sold or written off in a collision. Very few people are burried in their cars.