Who's on MySpace?

Is it me, or is Myspace very buggy? It always seems like something's funky on it when I'm surfing, from pages loading at a turtle's pace to getting error msgs when trying to do something as simple as a friend request. Is it just me?
ChopsJazz said:
I got a phone call from a very disturbed former student of mine telling me that I had a myspace acct. I've seen it. It's there with my picture.

But I didn't do it!!! :confused:
stop ken - you're creepin' me out ;) (saw your post on the other thread and like this one better :)
queenlives said:
stop ken - you're creepin' me out ;) (saw your post on the other thread and like this one better :)

True story. I'm still creeped out about it.

I also saw where someone posted a pic of my NSX in the faculty lot at school. Why? :confused:
MySpace-2-MyPlace_baby! lol...

scorp965, there's some irony in that image you attached... Tom of MySpace is actually gay himself! He resides in the Burbank/N.H'Wood area of Greater LA... my cousin's neighbor. :biggrin:
Sorry to reply to this old thread but, add me on please.
