Who here plays an instrument?

6 December 2008
on the run
Rock band / GH don't count :biggrin:
However, vocal chords and high school/middle school instruments DO count.

I'll start it off. I play the violin and used to sing in Choir. Yes, I just graduated from high school. Flame me :rolleyes:
Tuba in HS, Alto horn with Blue Devils Drum and Bugle corps, and now lead trumpet.
Me- viola
Wife- viola, violin, piano

We keep our chops up by playing in a local community orchestra.
Proficient drummer.

Was 1st trombone in jazz band in middle school. :biggrin:
Piano/Bass/Tuba. Playing professionaly for 35 years...Jazzer
Violin. G-D-A-E -- get it? Actually, when I play, it sounds like the gut is still inside the cat.:biggrin:
I'm more of a violin maker than player, but then it is essential to know how a properly set up instrument feels, so I play a little, too.
Violin. G-D-A-E -- get it? Actually, when I play, it sounds like the gut is still inside the cat.:biggrin:
I'm more of a violin maker than player, but then it is essential to know how a properly set up instrument feels, so I play a little, too.
hahahaha, multiple funnies in this post :)

a couple of years back i began teaching myself to play guitar... nothing fancy, just basic rock and roll chords. it's been a great experience and, overall, i no longer sound like i'm playing with my feet (although i've seen / heard some excellent musicians who used their feet in lieu of hands).

both of our boys played wind instruments through school, the younger one playing oboe in multiple well-regarded orchestras.

i love fresh music.

and chopsjazz, where's his post? (or did i miss it?)
Play a few

Flute, guitar, bass, mandolin, violin, and some piano.
Only know how to play the skin flute :tongue:.

Plus drums, keys, triangle... oh, and I have an epic voice. but i don't prefer singing.
Guitar. It paid the bills through engineering school back when MTV was good. That education in turn has provided me a nice living. So - it pays to learn how to play an instrument.:smile:
Hammond B3 organ. Used to play for my church as a teenager...now merely home player - classical & blues.
I am the lead singer and rhythm guitar player in a band. We play out in various bars a few times per month. I also play piano, but since I am not lugging a big keyboard around, I don't play it on stage.
Lead/rhythm Guitarist. Used to be in the unknown Chicago bar band called Sintax. :rolleyes:

The best thing about being in a band was the free booze, food, and well...you know! :cool:
I played drums in Jr High and High School bands. I don't know if I really call myself a drummer any more.

I do have an electronic drum set but it is in storage waiting for me to get a house. :frown:
Guitarist for many years....I was in a band that actually got some local radio play . Now, I don't even touch my electrics.....I only play Flamenco style .....It's a great passion of mine---I'm still trying to figure out how to balance it w/ my other passion----Karate.
Hey do Turn Tables count? :biggrin:

Back in school, I played the drum.
I also "use" to play this:


Google "Qeej" if anyone is bored and curious.