White NSX vs Redhead Wife (Not Safe For Work)

Such thin skins around here. A guy posts pics of his wife half naked in a bikini and god forbid somebody makes a comment about it? Lighten up. Props to the poster's response tho. You're okay.
chabanais said:
Nice pics. Which has more miles?

Any purpose to your comment or you just feel like being an ..................(fill in the blank)
MiamieNeSeX said:
I was going to guess "ASSHOLE" but there are to many ........


Im calling your BOSS:biggrin:
MiamieNeSeX said:
He's an "ASSHOLE" too.........................


I think he's jealous he doesn't have what our 'fellow Fla. Nsx'r's got. A beautiful woman, children, car, home, and *Happiness*... Rock on FeetFx'r and his Mrs' .... :smile: p.s. We all KNOW REDHEADZ ROCK! ;)
MiamieNeSeX said:
He's an "ASSHOLE" too.........................


Who's Boss? Mine or yours?:wink:

One day you might get as lucky as Feetfixer, who I know PERSONALLY and his WIFE who is BETTER LOOKING than anyone YOU will ever see or EVER KNOW. NOT only that, BOTH of them are VERY NICE and DOWN to EARTH. If you have any other negative comments SAVE it for people you actually KNOW.


I agree, your sexual preference is not anyone's business. However, your ignorant comments are not welcome. In fact, they are highly offensive.

PS--PACEMAKER...Why did you read (and post) to a thread this old? It's been a few months, has it not???

(the half-naked red-headed wife)
MiamiMermaid said:
I think he's jealous he doesn't have what our 'fellow Fla. Nsx'r's got. A beautiful woman, children, car, home, and *Happiness*... Rock on FeetFx'r and his Mrs' .... :smile: p.s. We all KNOW REDHEADZ ROCK! ;)
Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah !!! ..........Just kidding Mermaid !!!:biggrin:
FeetFxr said:
Both have very low miles although I drive one much more and harder than the other.:biggrin: ...and I know my wife looks awesome for having 3 children ages 5 and under!!!!
3 kids under 5 ? She deserved that vacation !!! ( She's very hot by the way !!!)
I'm certainly not going to parade the woman in my life on the Internet in half naked pictures of her as a way to 'honor' her. If this were a site about Trans-Ams I wouldn't be surprised but why any husband would want to parade his wife and the mother of his children around like a piece of meat is beyond me. Someone might 'get' what I'm saying... I'm waiting for that.

Did somebody say Christine?? :biggrin:

Where is the King again? Anybody knows what I am talking about? :smile:

Some comments on this thread is out of line and some are just fun. Lets keep it fun okey.

Christine you look really nice and the NSX is not that bad either :)

PS! I am actually a red head myself..well what is left of it anyway. I do not look that good in a bikini though :)

FeetFxr said:
PS--PACEMAKER...Why did you read (and post) to a thread this old? It's been a few months, has it not???

You are right on that, but what I ment is, why did he bring it back to life again with a comment like that?

Get it?

I doubt anyone on this forum is going to "get" what you are saying because it is just plain stupid!!!I'm sorry, but I have to respond to yet another of your ignorant comments.
Just for your information...my husband asked me if he could post my picture because he is very proud of me as his wife and the mother of his children. Maybe if you had someone you could be proud of, you could relate.
chabanais said:
I'm certainly not going to parade the woman in my life on the Internet in half naked pictures of her as a way to 'honor' her. If this were a site about Trans-Ams I wouldn't be surprised but why any husband would want to parade his wife and the mother of his children around like a piece of meat is beyond me. Someone might 'get' what I'm saying... I'm waiting for that.
Lighten up !!! She knew and agreed that her pictures were going to get posted. He's proud of her, she's proud of her body, nobody gets hurt. What's the big deal ??? Besides, it's nice to see a fellow NSX owner livin' large !!!
The thread was 'new to me.'

If your homelife includes posting those types of photos on the Internet and that's what you're into... congrads. I find it declasse but no reason to beat a dead horse so thanks for the responses.

Hope everyone had a good wank.

chabanais said:
Hope everyone had a good wank.

Im glad you included this last comment:rolleyes: The nerve of some people:frown:
chabanais said:
Hope everyone had a good wank.

Narrow minded, or brought up by the Amish.
Ban this guy from this site.

I dont see what is wrong with these pics, they are tastefull.
Beautifull wife, beautifull car, beautifull surroundings.
Think he's jeaulous.