Which wire do i cut?

8 October 2004
London, UK
Red or Green?:confused:


Can't believe how much wiring and ECUs are in this car, it must weigh as much as a small person! :biggrin:

More stripped pics:
lol the simpsons movie came to mind for some reason. Too bad I cant find a clip.
Yeah i lost some money down the back of the seat and it kind of snowballed from there.... :wink:

We're going to have just the one loom for the engine, it's just all getting taken out to save weight/complication.
I've been working through the same mess.

It just really depends on what you are keeping and what you are ditching if you want to try for top down or go bottom up.

If you can afford the down-time, for the most part it is easiest to just ditch everything and re-wire from scratch ground-up, especially if you are NA1 or are going with a different ECU and cluster. Just grab a generic harness, switch panel, supplies, etc... and DIY. Engine, lights, signals, etc... isn't too bad and it will be lighter.

For my application I wanted to retain Honda ECU, ABS, PS, TBW, letc... I also came to realize all the things you don't think about like wipers, lamps, signals, lateral sensor, etc.... although... trust me when you go top down... it can get really complicated to work on. Many of the stock wires are spliced half way into the loom and serve multiple functions. The wiring is also more involved on the NA2's. You will literally be backing out pin by pin on the connectors.

Their are pluses and minuses to both approches in terms of weight, servicability, reliability, etc... just really depends on what your goals are- minimum class weight, etc...
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I bet I'm not the only one here who, when reading the title of this topic, thought of a whole bunch of movies and television shows where the timer on the bomb is ticking down the seconds... 5... 4... 3... :biggrin:

Reminds me of my trip to McLaren to check out the F1. One the 5 original LM's was in for 'cleaning' after a 3000 mile driving tour of Europe, and the car was APART - the wiring harness was out of it, every nut and bolt separated, and it was being cleaned. I've never cleaned my beloved NSX like that I can tell you. Makes me king of yearn for the "Refresh Program" though...