Where to HOST MPEG video files??

30 October 2000
Houston, TX
Hey everyone,
I'm having a hard time hosting some small MPEG video files that I want to share. I've emailed some to Lud to host, but I really want to learn to do this myself and use them in my own lil project "NSX FoYoAss" website :D.
So, does anyone know where I can host these MPEG files? I've tried ImageStation, Yahoo, and MSN so far. No luck. I emailed ImageStation to see if it's me not posting it properly, or if they just don't allow me to share these types of files.
Anyways, if someone knows where I can host them and share, please let me know...... :p
Best Regards

ps - Thanks for the help as usual LUD!! :)
Try one of the free web hosting sites, and drop the file(s) in there. Or, better yet, go register nsxfoyoass.com and fork out a few beans fo yo own "NSX-ass" web. Let's see, what could we find in there besides pic's of NSX's. :p
Hey thanks for the reply KGP. Do you have any recommendations where I can host the MPEG's?
btw, yes, lots of NSX pics that I've accumulated through my years of loving the NSX. I'm going to try keeping it classy!! :p

KGP said:
Try one of the free web hosting sites, and drop the file(s) in there. Or, better yet, go register nsxfoyoass.com and fork out a few beans fo yo own "NSX-ass" web. Let's see, what could we find in there besides pic's of NSX's. :p
NSX FoYoAss, if it's just some small video clips you want to temporarily share on prime, send me a PM or email... i can help.

if you are after something longterm, i've heard (but no personal experience) that http://www.freeservers.com/ is okay. just beware of the filesize limit before registering for a free site. You can also register www,nsxfoyoass,com as KGP suggested which would be really kool. :cool:
NSX FoYoAss said:
Do you have any recommendations where I can host the MPEG's?
No, I really don't. You might try what NEO recommended, or simply do a search for free web hosting. As far as pay hosts, I'm not up to speed with the who's who of hosting.
Acura NsX Pilot said:
If the clips are 40 megs or less you can host them on imagestation.com

Acura NsX Pilot,
I tried ImageStation, but they won't allow me to share them? :confused:

NeoNSX said:
NSX FoYoAss, if it's just some small video clips you want to temporarily share on prime, send me a PM or email... i can help.

if you are after something longterm, i've heard (but no personal experience) that http://www.freeservers.com/ is okay. just beware of the filesize limit before registering for a free site. You can also register www,nsxfoyoass,com as KGP suggested which would be really kool. :cool:

Thanks for the tip, I'm going to try freeservers.com. How would I register NSXFoYoAss.com? I'm not very good with computers, but I would like to make my own website as a project in my free time. :D
Z, I forgot to ask, but who is your ISP? Do they not provide you with some sort of free web server space? Most do. Like Neo, I'd be willing to temporarily host small files, but I only have 10MB and that's pretty much maxed out. :(
NSX FoYoAss said:
How would I register NSXFoYoAss.com?
You don't have to be good with computers to register it. Simply go to one of the internet domain registrar services and register the name. I happen to use Domainsnext for my domains, but any will do. You will have to open an account, then simply "Register New Domains."

As far as creating a web, that sounds like it might be a bit of a challenge for you, but certainly doable. There are HTML editors you can buy that make the creation of a web about as simple as using a word processor. Dreamweaver and FrontPage come to mind. A person with limited computer knowledge can learn how to create a basic web in a few hours. It has provided me with some great therapy in the past few years.
First off, thanks everyone for your replys. Lud has already host some of my MPEG files so everyone can hear my custom Flowmaster exhaust. I really just want to be able to do it myself, host it, learn how to post it, etc, myself. I'm determined to LEARN how to do this dangit!!!
My ISP?? That would be with Yahoo?? Since I have Yahoo DSL correct?
NSX FoYoAss said:
My ISP?? That would be with Yahoo?? Since I have Yahoo DSL correct?
Yes, but not really. Make sense? Yahoo slaps their name on SBC's DSL service, providing an effective marketing channel (nice move IMO). Most likely, you have SBC Yahoo, where the actual DSL line is provided by SBC.

SBC does provide you with some file storage space. Something like 110MB. But, if you want nsxfoyoass.com on the web, you will need to turn to a web host.
KGP said:
SBC does provide you with some file storage space. Something like 110MB.
Z, I would try to use your SBC provided web space prior to creating your own domain -- especially since you're not that familiar with computers/web hosting yet. You don't even have to know how to create web pages. All you have to do is upload your files to your web site, then give people the URL to those files.

Here are instructions for setting up personal web pages for SBC DSL customers. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Good luck!