Where can i find the NSX tailpiece

27 January 2002
Yea, you know on the taillights where it says ACURA, where can you get one that just says NSX on it, not the JDM with the H badge but another one that says NSX, SoS got anything for me?


http://www.NSXClassifieds.com - free NSX classifieds site!
for those NOT wanting the DIY, the JDM part (with an "H") on it is a tad DARKER than the US one... the few US cars I've seen have had to replace the whole taillight to get the full look ($$$)

SoS can get you the full setup too...
I did it myslf w/ the help of a post I think I saw here.Yes you need a print shop to do the font but it sticks to the "inside" of the center section of the tail lights.So it looks kinda' reversed until you stick it in there.You will need to put the lens in hot water so it will make the "glue gun glue" plyable enough to slowly pry the case apart "very carefully".Its a little bit tedious and nerve-racking wordering if the prying will crack an edge etc."but"it can be done.PS...Dont over heat it the plastic lens will spider crack.
Then after its all done w/ the new NSX sticker inside re-assemble and I used a clear auto quality clear silicone to seal it back up to make it water-tight.
The hardest part is removing the old glue thats in the channels which you will be using to place your new silicone.
Good Luck.
