Ok, we get it, the Gen 1 has a firm place in history, and that's well deserved. The Gen 2 is too expensive/complicated/over-designed/unproven for many faithful Gen 1 owners, also understandable. Honda decided to make a tech-rich R&D platform that actually made it to market at a really good price point for a mid-engine hybrid supercar. $160k for what this car offers is really quite amazing.
If you judge cars by tenths of a second on performance charts, then this car sucks and you've said your peace. Move on already. This car was built to test a unique set of tech to produce an interesting driving experience. In many ways the Gen 1 was the same philosophy in the 90's. The 348, 964 Turbo and Diablo all made more power, but the NSX was unique and interesting. I for one think the same today and Honda still did a better job of keeping the price down than the big 3 and McLaren have.
This is supposed to be an NSX enthusiast site and specifically the Gen 2 section. I chose to buy this car over a slew of great cars on the market because it's something different and I respect what it is, a test platform with new ideas and early production flaws. I know many, if not most, of the Gen 2 owners bought for the same reasons.
After 18 months of ownership I still smile when I hit the go pedal, and that's the true test of a car's worth in my opinion. Sports cars are rarely an investment. They are toys and should be evaluated on whether they bring driving joy.
I could rattle off plenty of things I don't like about the Gen 1, but it's still a wonderful car. Same for the Gen 2.
Kind of, but not really...Honda didn't produce brand new tech. They leap frogged off of others. The car is no way compareable to what Honda did in the early 90's.
That being said, I agree that we all sound quite repedative in our rants. But try to understand, we stuck by the brand and waited years for this. Yes, this is an Nsx enthusiast site. Therefore, the things we dislike get brutally beaten into oblivion while good things might go unseen by the masses...:biggrin: